The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2069
  • No WAY. 5th or 6th pagechanger in a row. Wish I could transfer that luck to #10 and #19
  • Thanks @Kathy. @Kelani and I were actually tossing around a different theory -- that his crazy score on 17 wasn't actually double-counted birds but something entirely different. So I wanted to inquire within community to see if anyone encountered what we think *may* have happened on 17.
  • @fenikus @kelani you Don't think it was double bird count?
    what else could it be? I'll check the forum.
  • @fenikus Wow I really did sleep well, because I don't recall any alternate theory :P Unless you mean the possibility DCB turns your existing high score into your current score.
  • Sorry, I've been out in 90F/90% humidity building a deck all day. I can barely remember my name.
  • @Kelani, @Kathy -- I mean the fact that kelani's crazy score was 163,480 and his previous highscore was 143,480, exactly 20K below. So I wouldn't call that double count, I was thinking maybe game got confused, lost track of the score before bonus, and simply added 20K bonus to whatever was the previous highscore.
  • Sorry, I didn't resist & got sucked back in to ABSW momentarily. I am definitely out of shape! Hi @fenikus nice to meet you too!
  • Hi @kelani I can't remember if we've met before or not. It's been a while since I've posted, though I have been lurking as I can.
  • No worries @kathy I got sucked into the Force for a bit.
  • Gotta go feed the critters. BBL
  • @kelani that's what @danno said happen to him also but he thought double count
  • @kelani @Rat -- Posting scores from 2 different devices is OK, although you do lose the cross-check with the episode total. I did this when I switched from iPhone to iPad, because some of my older iPhone scores were higher. After a year or more, I decided to bring all my iPad scores up so the episode total would make sense. I don't think the admins ask for episode total, just screenshot of individual levels. There are a lot of opportunities for cheating on the leaderboards, including posting scores with PUs, which I think a lot of people do.
    @fenikus, @kathy -- You do not need a facebook account to play AB Go, but if you don't have one, what you can do is limited and/or very expensive. I have a facebook account, and do use it to play AB Go. In the past, I could always beat the challenge "beat a friend's score" because none of my friends played AB Go. You can pass a challenge by paying in gems, which are exceedingly hard to come by in the game, and outrageously expensive to buy with real money. Right now the facebook connection on the regular tracks doesn't work; not sure how it will work when they fix it. Being signed into facebook does still give you double rewards for the daily challenge, but they cut the reward in half.
    I do have a facebook account. Interestingly enough, I started it to play the first AB Facebook. I didn't like the game action, so stopped playing. Recently I've found that the facebook games are much improved. In the meantime, I decided that as long as I had a facebook account, I might as well have some real facebook friends. I don't use it much, but it does contain some personal info, including my real name and those of friends.
  • @Kelani Dag nab it! Ended up futzin' with the doggone cable company pert near all afternoon.

    Let's see how easy this is for @Estar to translate.
  • @mvnla2 -- I don't have a Facebook account, nor twitter for that matter. Even though they can be put to great use, there is something about how most people use them that turns me off from them. I did create a Facebook account for one of the dogs I fostered a while back -- he had 6 brothers and sisters and all the fosters were communicating through Facebook, exchanging stories and advice. It was great for that purpose.
  • @fenikus -- I think you can probably use your dog's facebook page for AB Go. Just be sure none of those doggies can beat you. : D
  • lol @Pa that's not nice. .poor @e-star will be googling dagnabit all day long!!
    @mvnla2 I also have a FB account I don't really use it very much because i can't figure it out mostly and to many people connect to you even when you don't know them. it confuses me lol
    but anyway if you want a new FB friend feel free to request me; ) mostly I play words with friends that also you Dont need an account for but is better if you do so everyone isnt 'zngywaf' haha
  • @Rat -- Old McDonald: "Cow. C-O-W-E-I-E-I-O…(buzzer sounds)…dagnabit!"
  • OB a Marmoset Killer please
    *hangs sign * 'GoNe FLinGiN'
  • @fenikus -- Oh yes, I do have a twitter account, which was created for and is used solely for AB related tweets. I tweet periodically to Peter Vesterbacka, Mighty Eagle of Rovio, and to Angry Birds. Usually they do answer.
  • ok @fenikus I Need help in level #7 following your video but something not going right?
  • ok then I'll be back gotta get a showa!
  • Just to stop the confusion, here's all the BR "conflict scores".

    #3 Danno820 - 110,150. Claimed 90k after 2 birds.He looked away during tally, then had 110k. He provided a post-reset screenshot, which suspiciously showed his power-up selector open. (What no-powerup player keeps that open?) As for 90k w/2 birds. That's impossible without power-ups. Even using them it'd be difficult. Rat's #2 score had 73k and all the top ten scores got 70-73k.

    -There isn't 20k worth of debris left anywhere.
    -Most of what IS left is out of play on the river bottom, or spread out.
    -Even if 20k of debris existed and was in a single pile, It's mostly chain and stone. One YB wouldn't put a dent in it.

    This is either a brand new super-rare glitch where scores magically jump 20k pre-tally, or just a powerup score.

    #17 Kelani 163,480 Who knows? :) Score isn't posted. Inspector @fenikus will get to the bottom of it, I'm sure.

    #19 Xanthippe 142,310 SImilar to my #17 glitch. She got 122,310 and 2 double-counted birds. For some reason I don't know, Slim let her keep 10k, instead of diallowing the score. That gave her a score 10 points under cfunkho's 1st.

    #20 gramlord 203,070 Claimed 1-birder after marmosets spontaneously committed suicide. Nobody can replicate it. He suspects old ios version is the cause. No screenshot, but did ask an admin for approval to post the score before doing so. I saw no reply, and score is now posted. He also posted in Bugs forum about it. I don't believe an ios version could ever cause this. The game code is identical. Without a screenshot, I'm a bit suspicious, but my guess 50/50 this was an honest fluke.

    If a screenshot appears for #20 I can live with that one. So I guess the only one I have a problem with is #3.
  • @Kathy, level 7 is tough. You must be wondering: "How did he do it in just one fling? It looks so easy!" It was more like a 100 flings and videos shows only one ;)

    Your 161K is not too shabby, I never repeated 165K -- the closest I got was 163K and anything over 160 is respectable. But to answer your cry for help, what's not going right? Can't get the metal beam to break or something else?
  • @Rat That wouldn't have been Charter Cable, would it? I have a deep, personal hatred for that company.
  • @Kathy @fenikus #7 video is just glorious. I watched it 10 times and got 4th place within 5 minutes :P
  • @ABCrazy hi back. I don't think we've met yet. I've only been on ABN for 4 months, and here in BP for one or so. Nice to meet ya :)
  • @Kelani, do you mind if I reference you and your level 17 conundrum in the post in bugs and glitches forum? I could make my question generic if you do.
  • @fenikus I don't mind at all. Actually, if you could also find a way to ask if anyone had ever experienced 1 of 2 birds being double-counted, that could resurrect my dying 153k dream :P
  • Hallelujah! Just got 126,210 one-birder on BR-19! Not the 130K+ score I was hoping for but at least I beat my 2-bird score and now I can hopefully let go of this stupid level...
  • @Kelani, did you see that Slim answered my question on only some DCBs in walkthrough? Still, will do, maybe someone encountered it.
  • Woohoo @fenikus Nice Flinging!
  • @kelani you forget to mention danno #3 screenshot where it looks like PU may have been used?
  • Hmmmmmm.... I guess I haven't completely lost my touch. Just gained over 2k points on DS2 level1 to take the #3 spot. *deep breath* ok! just a few more weeks till I can succumb.....
  • thanks @fenikus sorry I'm trying to catch up here lol
    Yes #7 is tough but i guess i got all im gonna get. I do break the metal beam but not getting enough Debris to fall. but oohh well on ward I go; )
  • ackk @kelani you HAD to say that dintcha!! back I go; ) lol
    maybe the penguin will bring me luck again
    OB drinks for all; )
  • @fenikus congrats on the #19! PLEASE say you learned some neat trick? :) I saw slim's reply from this morning. Haven't checked for any further ones.

    @Kathy I did mention danno's #3 screenshot had the power-up window open. :) As for #19 cfunkho got that score 3 weeks ago. He credited a RatStrat®™ so it could be legit. However he hasn't posted a screenshot, and as usual, since the score's so close to the pack. nobody asked for one. btw, I know you can get a great score on 7. That video makes it easy. The total collapse isn't always a sure thing, though.

    *returns to screaming creative obscenity combinations at Level 10*
  • lol @ABCrazy I'm going !!
  • @kelani @fenikus I've enjoyed your banter while lurking in the shadows. I'm normally a night owl, but this new job has me waking up well before the crack of dawn and has really killed my fling time. I'll NEVER be a morning bird, but I can do it when I have to.

    I'm sorry I've missed the latest celebrations. Happy Belated Birthday to e*! May this year bring you relief and a speedy return to good health! My pyro collection is anemic ATM so I'll have to make up for it somehow during a future BP celebration.
  • Hi @mvnla2 Good to see you too! Beware the defensive grackles! At least I think that's what was attacking in that vid. They are very common here and actually pretty smart birds.
  • @ABcrazy A bell just rung. Were you the guy who told me you were the resident BP pyrotechnic guy? If so, I did meet you awhile back. Posted some reply asking if you actually did know any pyrotechnics, or was it a virtual skill. I think i then rambled something about one of my homemade black powder recipes.
  • oh yeah, you should read the banter yesterday. All kinds of hilarious fake new reports.
  • Grr. I will trade either of my high scores to anyone for their Level 10 score. 3 1/2 days playing it and only 3 low-scoring 1 birders.
  • @Kelani yes @ABCrazy is our resident Pyrotechnic specialist:) She always comes up with Amazing Displays:)
  • @Kathy Oops. I just made her a man. Ack that sounded wrong.

    That's very cool. I also do amateur pyrotechnics. I'd do a lot more if NC's laws didn't ban almost everything.
  • @Kelani, yes I figured out level 19. It's on metric system. Unless you get a good score on your first close encounter, it will only happen on 10th, 20th, etc. subsequent near hits. For me it happened on 10th. Read my track history in the walkthrough and add few more close calls to the count. Yes, I'm sure this theory is valid.

    @ABcrazy, banter implies *friendly*…I wasn't being friendly to anyone!
  • ya Mass ha:)s a ban also But we just cross the border to NH and get then
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