10th Anniversary (Hat) Adventure

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  • AggieGuy

    Apple,  gems, pig, pay gems, pig, video, 1x hat, pig, quit.

    Twisted Lemon

    Got to floor 29 today with just 2 gem continues which is always nice, though I won’t be getting used to that. I used the video to get to floor 30 and left with most of the gem cost covered, a few random spells and a small, mostly negligible amount of feathers and apples plus the usual duplicate hats.

    I suppose the duplicate hats boosted my scores that little bit as I just barely beat round 4 (5 rooms) with the 3 birds as after countless attempts followed by restarting the app, I managed to get 2 Might Eagle cards which I used to insta-clear 2 of the rooms.

    I’ll give round 5 a try and see if I can get equally lucky though I won’t expect much.

    Twisted Lemon

    Well I somehow managed to scrape through round 5 and got the 2nd rainbow feathers reward. I really don’t think I’ll be getting any further as round 6 has 6 rooms now. I’d say getting 75% of the rewards with mainly just 3 pigs isn’t too bad.


    @angrrrrrry, yes, sorry, there are 7 levels.  It is level 6 that was fairly easy, even with 4 birds, as long a bomb is one of them.

    I’m still unable to beat level 7 with 5 birds, even with a mighty eagle. I can usually reach the last room but without another bird or a video option, I’m not going to crack this one. And I’m not about to spend hundreds of gems on tof to get that bird.



    Well I don’t know what Level 7 is even like but I’d hope at least 5 are needed. I have no idea what in specific you are calling BS on, filth pig, but after making it to room 6 on Level 6 (still just Red, Blues, Chuck) it seems that the first 3 hat event birds are not enough for Level 6. I still wouldn’t call it impossible because it seems there’s a maybe a minuscule window of opportunity for Chuck to get a strike in room 1 by activating on his way down barely missing edge of stone and grazing balloon of top left structure. I do believe there are other tiny areas open for improvement as well. But if you just cause a little structural damage and earn your Chuck back from destroying both small platforms held up by balloons then you can use Red only about a third of the way up to clear most of the stone and get a spell on top of getting him back. I’ve gotten Mighty Eagles a lot of the time, actually. I got through Levels 1-4 with just Red & Blues and 5 only adding Chuck. I can get a screen capture that shows that I only have three at my disposal and am on Level 6. I don’t know why you seem to be so full of pride but maybe open up your perspective a bit and you’ll see that there’s pretty much always room(s) to improve. I don’t want to cause offense, just saying that if you put your mind to it you can usually get pretty far with few birds on most events. I usually get to ~3 with only Red & Blues but this time was through the roof and results probably couldn’t be replicated without pure anguish brought on by countless fruitless attempts to repeat Level 5 clear with R/Bl/C. Nothing really ever surprises me with this game anymore but my jaw was on the floor. And Red’s is like 82 but at time of clear I think it was 79 or 80. I definitely don’t have problems finding first event hat 5/6 times so it’s been a couple finds since then. Should’ve had Bomb’s but making it to his floor apparently wasn’t enough, lol. And I kind of regret not pressing on when I found the 4th pig on 36. But I guess next two levels could’ve been pigs and the stress would’ve been real on 39 since I could only pay off 5 and watch video for 6th. Also: cheers, Twisted Lemon! I didn’t try constantly but hit a god run to also clear Level 5 with the first 3.


    I always get a golden pig on Level 6, room 2. It could correlate to me attempting to trigger “pity mode” for the bullshit expectations of the late-streak Arena by going into career Level 4 and throwing all birds away, watching video for extra birb (if available), throwing that away, continuing until I’m out of lives, watching all 3 or 4 videos for extra lives, and repeating that every few hours. I do feel somewhat shameful for corrupting the integrity of my AB2 experience but Rovio seems to have moved in a general direction of “let’s screw over our fan base by making Matilda activation gimp near structures, room transitions/Terrence disappearances laughably premature, obvious damage not accounted for if it doesn’t happen directly during transition, Golden Ducks suddenly don’t work? oh no! we must pull all spells from chests, let’s make that holiday season adventure disproportionately hard, the whole late-season #extrabirdchallenge bullshit from last season, feats not tracking beyond their milestone if left unclaimed by player, etc., etc, etc. I just learned today that your next run in ToF cancels out the milestone hit if you leave it unclaimed for BPP/FF/RR capitalization but I’ve also had issues with like a full month of days logged in not being accounted for and ~20k pigs popped between start of Bring the Anger charity drive and so on until the first BPP in a month happened and 50k popped feat could FINALLY be claimed. And one week in the Arena seemed like a clear-cut simulation. Rovio needs to be more transparent. And the fact that they aren’t and that Piggy Mail tells us next to nothing as far as what’s going on behind the scenes and I’ve submitted tickets for days only to get 1 response from Lina that cherry-picked my rare issues with Ducks not working and did not address obvious flaw that feats fail at unclaimed tracking/post-milestone tracking. I’m sorry but I had to get that off my chest and “pity mode” only segued into Rovio’s general shadiness/lack of ‘tegrity.


    I made it to level 7 with 2 birds. I added Chuck yesterday.

    Then I made it to room 7 on level 7 with one bird left, but you need two. I’ve done this twice out of countless tries.

    Everything has to fall into place with 3 birds. If one micro pic survives on the first room, I know I’m done.


    No hats at all for me. Today was apple, pig, video, pig, quit. No doubt floor 4 would have been another pig, and floor 5 a 1x hat.

    Twisted Lemon

    I like when I can at least get something like a few gems or spells but nope, today I got apple, feather, pig. Didn’t even bother with the video.


    Made level 7 with Red, chuck, blues, bomb, duck and pistol spell. First room is doable only with bomb (which gave me duck and pistol card). Last room cleared with only red.


    3 hours to go. Maybe that’s why I had gold pigs in 2 rooms. This may be beatable with 3 birds.


    Sweet Jesus, SteelCityB (hey, I’ve lived in Greensburg all my life!), I’d drool over a video of you completing 5 and 6 with just Red/Blues. R/Bl/C for 5 pushed me to my limits as far as skill AND luck was concerned. You’re a monster!

    PS, I like your choice of icon with Mr. Black&yellow Bomb.


    Here’s a video clearing levels 1-5 with only red and blues. He nearly finished 6. Tis kid’s pretty good.



    I don’t know if you were trolling in the first sentence or forgot the “almost” but that was a great montage! Whoever he is he got to the same exact point I did without Chuck at his disposal 😲. I never thought to activate Blues on room 2, level 6 like that. Always just activated close to the stone/bubbles grouping, hoped to get a card before golden pig went down, and then prayed that the structure would fall like Rome and all pigs would pop. A real shame he didn’t use ME on room 6, level 6.


    Thanks for catching that. I meant to say he cleared 1-5. Now corrected.

    This guy is good to watch when he does MEBC. He takes some shots I would not have thought of. My scores have improved.



    Yeah, I’ve been out you’re way. Greensburg isn’t far at all.

    i didn’t take any screenshots of 1-6 with Red/Blue, but this is as far as I got once I added Chuck…I needed just one or two more birds

    Great video, Buster. I’ll check that guy out


    That’s awesome, SteelCityB! I’ve been out your way, too, but mostly when the Penguins go deeper in the playoffs and there’s a lot of opportunities to watch games on the big screen. Well, if you do live in the city. A lot of people around here will say they’re from Pittsburgh and unless they’re trying to avoid doxxing themselves then I don’t quite get why. Forgot about this post for a while. Didn’t mean to bump old posts but wanted to extent a friendly neighborhood Mr. Rogers hand, lol.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum 10th Anniversary (Hat) Adventure

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