Blast Off – New Event!

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  • datguygamer

    @elpapam But I can’t even buy those spark ranks with gems. I wish I could get your sparks amount.


    Here is my leaderboard from last day


    Mines are just normal players compared to the others that are shown in previous messages. 95/116k points with soundwaves are pretty normal points, when they had 3x bonus. Mine team bots are both 105% E Grimlock and Ratchet. Now I didn’t see Ratchet to show on the board, even if I played and finished with him current level. So interesting question is, now when we see all this Soundwaves gold crown players, are they going to be same in the next event. Due to my experience till now, and that I didn’t see Soundwaves gold crown players till now, or just see no more then 1 in the previous events, are they going to be like that with the same gold crown bots in future events? I would say – NO, but we will see.

    P.S. In my leaderboard I am seen as playing with Ratchet, as they are on same level with E Grimlock and when I finished with him, actually he is appeared in the board. Today day is bad again – first is already with 64k with Gold Crown Dead End. Interesiting is that only one of my board is with Soundwave and actually he is with first gold level, not with the Gold Crown. How today all Soundwaves disapeared? Or they already buy Blaster and lost interest in the game? Now in leaderboard are mostly Grimlock, twice gold crown Dead End ( First and second ), twice Nemesis and one Lockdown. Strange things is happening.


    Why are so many people complaining about the gold crown soundwaves? You didn’t see it coming? In previous events the three most used bots have been E Grimlock, Dead End and Soundwave. I chose to promote E Grimlock because it can destroy WMT, missiles, unicron, BP, flying pigs and is decent with blocks and Soundwave because it destroys every block. I also chose those two because their popularity makes them somewhat safer to nerfing. Before this event my Soundwave was promoted to level 12, when the event started I used all of my saved sparks (26,000) to promote him to gold crown, if the bonus squad had been different and had contained a bot worthy of promotion I would have used my sparks to start promoting a third bot. Right now I have two gold crown bots and 2,900 sparks, if you do the math you will see that it is perfectly possible and there is no cheating.



    If it were only Gold Crown Soundwaves, it would be tolerable except for the fact that in the first five days of this Event the designated targets have ALL been some sort of block, which is exactly what Soundwave is designed to destroy.

    Hasn’t been missiles, hasn’t been pigs of any sort, hasn’t been WMTs – all of which we’ve seen in the past.

    It would be like making the “Leaders” squad the bonus squad, and then setting the designated target for all six days of the Event as Missile Days. Anyone running a Gold Crown Grey Slam Grimlock would just destroy the leaderboard.

    So what’s obviously lacking here is any sort of balance. Whether this is deliberate or just laziness, who knows?


    A lot of us are running a grimlock and a soundwave and have them both promoted to gold crown or almost there. No one would have soundwave and not choose grimlock or someone similar because soundwave can’t get any points against unicron, shoot down missiles or defeat king pig. So bring on the missiles, Most of us will still get the bonus

    There have been events with just bricks before


    100 token level is 38,000 again today


    @optimuspig It all comes down to strategy and preference, some people have promoted several bots to a medium level and others have promoted two maybe three bots to a higher level. I know that after this event my gold crown Soundwave will be at a disadvantage to any bonus bot with anithing higher than a bronze crown, but he will be good enough for a 4-6 place finish and I’m ok with it. Regarding the blocks on this event, in my case it would not have made any (or very little) difference if it had been missiles every day, I still would have had 420% bonus.

    A problem that I’ve seen is that some people have tried to compete for first place against players they know have a bonus of at least 315% (gold crown Soundwave) with bots that are not bonus, it’s like bringing a knife to a gun fight. I’ve had to recharge on average three times every day, just because some crazy dude in second place recharges six or eight times even though he should know he is at a disadvantage. Anyway this is the direction Rovio/Exient gave the game and I hate it, I’m already tired of the sparks and I have only promoted two bots.



    Well guess what, there are plenty of people who went full Grimlock, and I guess we’ll see what happens when a Leaders bonus event comes up or one where it’s full-on missiles (not that a missile heavy event will ever happen, because we know Rovio hates Grimlock).

    Just because there have been all-block events before, doesn’t mean it’s not stupid. Unless you think stupid is a good thing for the health of the game?

    Edit: I would also add that the only reason you can make the argument that you proposed above, is because this particular event allows the use of a secondary TF. If this event only allowed one TF then Soundwave would be at a significant disadvantage.



    Recharging 6 or 8 times does seem excessive, but if the marginal cost of getting from 2nd place into 1st place is less than 250 gems, then it makes sense.

    Say it takes him 30 gems to go from the 200 token group to the 300 token group, then 100 gems to go from 300 tokens to 500 tokens, then 180 gems to go from 500 tokens to 1,000 tokens, it’s all worth it economically.

    The Dark Knight

    @optimuspig do the maths for this guy in 1st Place as we speak has 200.808 points!
    And we have 10 hours until the end i wonder where he/she will go his/her score!

    here scree-shoot

    And here i am giving my battle to enter the 10th place for 200 tokens bonus!

    With 0 spending gems and always with my mighty Ultimate Megatron


    Once you have blaster, the $49.99 bundle only gives you 5000 tokens, when he costs 7500.



    What time did you start playing?

    Anyway, assuming that he has an aggregate +420% bonus, then 200,808 points after bonus is 38,617 before bonus. You’re right that definitely require recharges, but I guess the real question is whether he continues to play throughout the day, or if that’s all they’re going to play for the day?

    I’m sure there are plenty of players who recharge early to build up a lead because they aren’t able to come back to play layer on.

    The Dark Knight

    @optimuspig as always UTC 02:00 AM (asap after the end of the previous day event)


    Well, 2am UTC is 10pm EDT, but the event starts at 8pm EDT, anyway:

    I’m averaging about 1,000 points / run before bonus.

    So if this guy’s had around 16 or 17 natural runs, then he’s recharged either 5 or 6 times, even less if he had a couple of good Unicron runs.

    Five recharges is only 210 gems, which is reasonable to do to build up a lead of that size, especially since he knows that he has three more gold crowned Soundwaves right on his tail.


    I never had one single Unicron run or a Boss Pig run. And even if I did have one now, it would be useless as I have what I wanted.



    I wonder why you have such horrible luck?

    Generally speaking, I get around 1 or 2 BP and 1 or 2 Unicron per day. I usually average around 20-30 runs a day.

    On occasion I won’t get either of them, but that’s rare – and never over the course of an entire event.


    @optimuspig Can’t say but I have noticed that I get an abundance of Unicron or Boss Pig runs after I use gems to recharge my batteries. The higher the gem count I spend. the more Unicron or BP runs I get. In the last event, I recharged once for 10 gems. I immediately got 2 back to back Unicron runs!


    At this event I have at least one or two BossPig without reload with Gems. After I used Gems I get Unicron. Once a day at this event. Yesterday wes first run after I spend 10 Gems. Today I alrady habe twice BossPig, but as @optimuspig mention, thre is better run on normal levels. Reat but gabe more points. Till now nothing can beat Unicron – 2400/3000 points before bonus, means at least 8000 points at the end.


    The Unicrons really depend on the node you get. I find that they’re impossible to complete in Cobalt Valley, due to all of the WMTs and Falling Monoliths. I usually end up running out of time.


    Here is my leaderboard for today.


    I’m about 20k below the first place, but I didn’t recharded yet. It will take about two recharges to surpass him, but I think he have already recharged at least once.
    The scores today (until now) are moderate. I think I can achieve a solid third position, but I’m willing to fight for the first place. I will wait until later, because I don’t want to force a rush to battle for the first place too early.


    I always use shieldor as my energonicon. This is the only way I could find to avoid turning into vehicle to prevent damage from the falling monoliths. I save the shieldor exclusively for the monoliths, or when I’m gonna get hit by a missile while shooting Unicron. If I have to change to vehicle at any time during Unicron, I can forget about killing it.


    I agree, Shieldor is a good Energonicon to use. It’s just that for the sake of one or maybe two Unicron runs per day, I can’t justify using Shieldor every time. I’m still very much relying on Glassor to clean up the targets that I can’t get myself.

    If there was any sort of predictability when Unicron shows up, then I’d use Shieldor for sure.


    Unicron? What is this mythical Unicron you all are talking about? Unicrons went extinct with the last hard update. 1 or 2 a day? Bah! More like 0 a day.


    What some of the other players have said – about Unicron showing up after a gem recharge – I don’t know how true that is since I haven’t been keeping detailed stats for a while now, but it’s possible – the thought’s certainly crossed my mind on occasion.

    The question though is whether Unicron is more likely to show up after a gem recharge because of the gem recharge, or if it’s because each gem recharge is another four runs so it’s just the odds finally catching up?


    Umm @sntrooper I got unicron yesterday twice (grey blocks day) and just now (red blocks day). And quite a few times Big Flying Boss.

    But i can tell you it’s not good news because if I can get Unicrons and Big Flying Boss, so can my competition and so their scores have been leapfrogging A LOT!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Blast Off – New Event!

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