ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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    @nacho18 @wazemank @platium @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @oldschool @jorge-freeman-1 and @stevep

    Our new temporary teammate is “LUIS” with 20,695 eggs earned over 1,829 races. His driver license seems legit. I don’t remember this name and if he came from one of our primary competitors. If you do recognize it, please remind me.

    If “LUIS” is on this forum, please introduce yourself to us


    Hi team!

    My primary concern, that my issue would not affect your gameplay, seems to be granted now. Furthermore, it seems a good temporary replacement was already met. So apart our individual issues with the app everything is normal. The captain is at the lead and the wind blows favourly. The ship must go on!

    Me, I’ll have to wait for the descrambling of my Golden Eggs but that’s not a problem. I played a lot to reach 10k GEs on mp and felt somewhat fed up at the end. This rest should renew my will to play. Besides I know there’s a cabin for me at the ship. I hope to get abroad on the next port!

    Meanwhile, Go for it, AB!


    @nacho18 @wazemank @platium @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @abgofast @jorge-freeman-1 and @stevep

    I can only play solo multiplayer, pretty much. Rovio removed a couple of cheater teams, but they remain as “invalid” teams, which prevents me from playing since whenever such a team is loaded, the app crashes if you try to race them.

    Even solo multiplayer is really buggy. From time to time, my kart is destroyed, even though I am over a plane and nothing hit me. Other times, the enemy players change IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RACE! And once I lost a race due to an opponent teleporting way ahead of everyone else. Really, this game is barely playable right now.


    @nacho18 @wazemank @platium @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @oldschool @jorge-freeman-1 and @stevep

    I’ve uncovered something that might help all of you … especially @oldschool with the invalid teams issue …

    So I was getting the nasty hourglass this morning…to load multiplayer team page then the even more nasty searching for opponents never ending spin until message “connection failed” (despite having 130 mbps wifi !!!).

    Naturally, the waiting was becoming unbearable to get to my next palindrome score of 115,511. I decided to go to the team leaderboard and individual leaderboard pages.

    They “hourglassed” too. But then they updated. The invalid teams were gone and the standings changed around a bit … yes … still some cheat team remained … talking about you J BIZZLE …. but when I returned to try and select my next team opponent, the spinning was quick and I was able to play fast again … raced mostly J BIZZLE and the nudists for next 20-30 minutes

    So in short, it might be worthwhile for each of you to attempt to update the leaderboard pages before trying to get to your opponent. Have patience for them to update … it could take 2 to 5 minutes….but since I did this, I made it to 115,511 from my last night’s score of 115,000 in pretty good time.


    Thanks @abgofast, but I’ve just lost all my golden eggs, so I’m out of the tracks. The game is so glitched I’ve been beyond 39k the whole week, but still unable to get past 40k.


    @oldschool … oh no! :( I hope your device survived this chaos. In frustration, I would likely have tossed it across the room! When I lost progress due to Rovio glitches before Christmas, Rovio support was able to restore from a backup off their servers. Maybe you will get same chance or can use the cloud device to solve your conflict? Hope that comes up for you as an option.

    I just checked my device and your GE score is gone on it too so I can’t give you a photo evidence of your progress. Maybe the GEs will restore on their own? That seems to be a iOS thing not an Android thing. I assume you have written Rovio support now.

    I’ve been backing up this game for my progress after every time I play it using “App Backup & Restore version 3.2.5” app I found in Google Play store. Too little too late for you but you might want to look into adding this to your device.

    I hope you’re not off the track too long. I fear we’ll continue to risk losing more teammates everyday compared to “good news” stories we’d all prefer reading on this forum. It’s getting depressing :(


    @abgofast You are right: I’ve already opened a request with Rovio. Now today is Sunday, so I don’t expect any attention before tomorrow. All in all, when it comes to getting more golden eggs so as to get us back to 500k, even doing what you suggested (team rank sync) would make me spend hours just to race a few dozen times. Downtime is too big compared to race time at the moment, since the usual procedure was to
    1) race in team multiplayer once
    2) try again and fail
    3) wait the huge hourglass time before getting back to the team screen
    3) try solo multiplayer
    4) try team multiplayer again.
    But I will be back, rest assured!


    like @alcusto said… and now i keep bugging him!!!

    Rovio Support Team Today at 17:18

    According to our donation policy, we are not able to donate you more gems. If there is another case that you need assistance with, please get back to us.

    Kind regards,

    Rovio Support Team

    Platium Today at 18:25
    Hi Nadir

    I do not care about the gems. I want my karts restored. How can Rovio, when there is a major update took away our karts, and implied it’s not Rovio fault and needs the end user to buy again?

    I think this is rubbish!!!


    My eggs are back. I am collecting trophies again.


    @platium you may not want your karts back. You should read my post in a different thread. Good luck to you.


    @teddybud @platium I can’t believe it! What on earth is going on at Rovio? This can’t be good for business. Who would spend money on a broken app now and insufficient support. I’m glad I’m not Nadir who has to carry out policies: “Accuse all users of being cheaters and deny any services”.

    I do actually remember LUIS, but not his team. He seems to be doing fine while we wait for @jorge-freeman-1 and @phoenix


    @nacho18 @wazemank @platium @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @oldschool @jorge-freeman-1 and @stevep

    Hey everyone … in North America, we moved our clocks ahead 1 hr on Sunday so I guess I’m that much closer to all you European friends till you do the same … haha … time wise but still miles or kms apart!

    — great news about your egg count

    gave me similar “off forum” news that his problems are restored too

    So sorry to you “LUIS”, we hardly knew you. Appreciate your contribution over this weekend. I do get a kick out of him changing his avatar picture … a big rooster! He won’t be pleased to find himself looking for a new team


    Hi teammates!

    Not only is my GEs restored to normal as I already rejoined (with the help of the Captain…). I guess I was lucky because Rovio solved my issue really fast.

    P.S.: Me too, I’m sorry Luis had to be kicked. Pity that he didn’t appear to present himself.


    Team: Good news, we’re at 566K+ this morning. Bad news, I’m on the team in 3 different spots!!! Only one of my scores advances during play, but @oldschool and @Jorge-freeman-1 are gone! @abgofast, can you boot the two lower scored versions of me off the team so we can get our members back? Really strange little game that we’re addicted to…


    @stevep – I see what you describe but the two “new stevep” are flagged as facebook friends of mine. Both Jorges (@oldschool and @jorge-freeman-1) are setup this way with me. I wonder if this will self correct when they login to play? I need one of them to reach out before i kick out any driver name. Maybe they will see themselves on the team???

    This is crazy cross platform screw up / issue as you’re iOS and they’re both Android


    @abgofast Thanks captain. I’ll just keep racing and see what happens. It’s kind of strange racing against myself, and I’m starting to get mad when I get wrecked by me! I’m sure it unintentional. :)


    @stevep – having you on the team 3 times is my secret way of making up to you for giving you the boot a few weeks ago :) In the end, that was a good thing cause you found us. Glad you did too so we can enjoy your victories with you !

    If you get one. Please take a screenshot of a Stevep 1-2-3 finish :)


    @abgofast Thanks, will do! So far, there’s only been 2 of me on the same team.


    @stevep @jorge-freeman-1 @oldschool

    I kicked out the two fake stevep accounts. Both Jorges will need to rejoin the team. This event must be linked to thei recent ‘egg-tastrophy’ but who the heck knows fpr sure?!?! If the team gets filled by two other random people, drop me a private note. I will be home from my work day in 4 to 5 hours from this post time.



    I gave up talking to rovio… And I have fallen out of love with the game… If anybody wants to join… Please take my position… Will play it slowwwwwly now….

    Thanks for adding me into this fun filled team…


    @abgofast @stevep ~ I got an in-game message saying that I was removed from the team. As there were two open spots I just joined again. @oldschool need to do the same now.

    ~ I think I understand your frustration buddy but don’t give up so easily. With so many glitches there will come one that will give you your karts back. You’ll see!


    Hello: @platium .!!! I agree with Jorge Freeman. You should wait a while . Let’s see what’s in the future . Please don’t give up . You are very Valuable . You are part of this our Family . Again Please don’t go Away .!!! We need you very much.
    The Fearless Leader is losing to Big ones : @dbkraemer and @platium .!!! No way ! Jose !!
    ROVIO are seeing what you are doing us! Chaos over Chaos ! Please stop these Nefast NigthMare.!!!


    @nacho18 @wazemank @platium @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @oldschool 

     and @stevep

    Hey team!

    Another day and another first. Three SteveP event :)

    I didnt take photo evidence but I did see the 3 Stevep results on our team page. So I removed two. As I expected….both our Jorges were removed. @oldschool…spot is there for you again. I’m home for evening and will keep it open for you.

    … our fearless leader said it all … we cant lose you too. Keep the faith … we love racing with you.


    @platium As everyone else says, STAY! Hang in there, the worst has to be over (I hope). I mean, if it gets any worse, nobody will be able to play anyway. I’m really not helping here, am I? I’ll just shut up and say it again…STAY!!!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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