ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • MVNLA2

    @nacho18 — I finally opened all challenges.
    Does anyone know how many challenges there are?
    This is the nomenclature I use:
    Challenge round = one set of 3 challenges that must be passed to get to next challenge round.

    @Les-Toreadors @DH-Kim


    @MVNLA2. There are at least 900, mate, probably far more in increasingly difficult permutations. Some guys have completed 840-870 challenges across all five tracks.


    @mvnla2 . I thing you are driving know on iPad ..!!! Rigth ; okay if you already check up your standing Progress on ” Game Center ” you see it that there are 68/68 Achievements : about Challenges ; there are so Far : these
    – 10
    – 50
    – 100
    – 360 and;
    – 720 …..!! Once you complete ; 3 Missions for each challenge you go next, an next and ..!! So .
    Rigth know @abgofast . Go ahead with over 870 or more.

    I am Reay wonder about This” if ROVIO will keep 999 Challenges to quest for !!! Then ..!!
    What after “. 1000. ” challenges Done for any one…!!!


    @nacho18, @angryde — Thanks for the replies.
    Another question — There are a lot of challenges that are “beat your score” how do you know what the score is you need to beat? Also, which score do they mean? There is the score in the upper right immediately after you finish a race, e.g. 100,000, then when you click on the checkmark in the green box, more points are added; giving for example 114,867, which appears in gold under the gold stars.


    @mvnla2 . ” Beat your own Score ” ..!!! Means break which ever you are playing for ..!! Example ; if you are on Stunt track1 ; Challenge #9 your score is 142 940. You need to score know 143 800 ; just to say something : I thing you understand this example ..! !

    Tip : about this particular Ch. To pass . Sometimes it’s Really hard to Pass . So ..!!! Better if you use Chuck on driver and a Fastest Kart like 1350 cc. Then if you fail . Use Chuck +Target Kart ..!!! Sometimes you don’t spect to do a big score . After that they ask you beat your own score sometimes the score it’s to High and Hard to pass ; but achievable .

    From know : you better Upgrade yours Karts Very ; Very Wisely : please do not over upgrade to Max. cc.
    Specifically on Air Episode and Stunt episode …!!! Because you need at least ..!!

    Two or 3 Types of Karts.
    – Very Low cc. To Drift smother
    – 3/4 upgraded or 75 to 80 % Upgraded for some ch.
    – Full Upgraded Karts or 100% upgraded..!!

    You will Spent a lot coins to upgrade your Karts ” Don’t go Like crazy upgrading fast all of them. That was our Mistake…!! So you coming on time to Learn about us and our Mistakes.

    A big TIP .. For you : if you need to Collect a lot Coins the only track you can do that it’s :
    – Track1 Stunt : ” Race Mode. ” : you will get from : 200 to 280 Per Race… So play and re-play this Track as much you need Coins For…!!


    @alcusto. Ala Top Gun …. Iceman to Mavrick. ABgofast to Arus73 … you can be my wing man anytime!

    Nice flying! Im at 178 now. I beat the track #1 time boom 17 – destory 10 ice while drifting last night! 18 was easy. 19 is time consuming with ask to closely miss 100 obstacles. I ran out of birds to finish but hope to catch u to your 180!


    @nacho18 — Thanks for the advice, but I have probably already made some of the same mistakes. I’ve been skipping from track to track and didn’t originally realize there were challenges for Time Boom and Fruit Splat. I ended up with some pretty-close to maxed out carts to open all the challenges. I don’t think I will ever have enough gems to buy carts. But I guess I do have 2 for each track, one of which is not maxed out.
    Was going to list number of challenges I’ve completed, but the only thing it will accomplish is to give all of you a good chuckle.
    Probably won’t be too long before I am stuck on all challenge levels due to lack of gems, mostly, and maybe a smidge of lack of talent.


    Yeah @abgofast !!
    Can you please explain turn by turn the strategy you followed to pass track 1 time boom 17?
    For example: 1st ice obstacle drift to the left and obtained 2 points, 2nd ice obstacle drift to the right and obtained 1 point, etc.
    Also what kart and what bird did you use?



    I used Red with fully upgraded Green Baron L6 (1020CC) on track 1 time boom 17 … this is definitely HToP … I got pretty frustrated when I was getting 7, 8 and 9 … one slight over or under steer and you’re toast.

    1st obstacle drift to the left and obtain 2 pt … I was able to get credit for two if turning the drift you hit at least two of three pillars…not easy cause sometimes only get credit for 1 pt

    2nd obstacle drift to the right and obtain 1 pt

    3rd obstacle missed completely…couldn’t land kart in time

    4th/5th obstacle drift to the left and obtain 2 pt … gotta land quickly

    6th/7th obstacle drift right for another 2 pt

    8th/9th obstacle drift right for 1 pt (ignored obstacle on left)

    10th/11th obstacle drift left for 1 pt (ignored the one on right)…get kart down is key

    12th drift right for last point and then fist pump with a hell yeah!

    I’m at 180 now on Air. Track #2 time boom #20 required avoiding 750 obstacles so easy but takes time. On to #21 requiring you to avoid all stone obstacles, finish with two seconds left and closely miss 20 obstacles. All achievable. May need to use Red or Chuck’s special power an extra time to ensure I have two seconds left but will try a few times without it.

    Update: Air = 181. Finished #21 as my boy Hal got me there in time without more than one hurriance. #22 has two HToP – score 145,000 pts and use king sling 7 times in a row


    @nacho18 @alcusto @platium @pba2014 @grimmjow @angryde

    Yup…I’m a bit of a geek with this game…clearly I’ve got an addiction issue…not at point where it’s a cry for help or maybe my post is one? lol.

    I uploaded a picture to my profile of my tracking sheet for this game that shows my progress by course, track, race type and challenge current stuck at or working on:


    I also estimate the cost to conquer all the challenges I face…$110 Canadian dollars. I’ll never spend that much but it helps remind me why I tolerant the “gem harvesting” and welcome the daily 20 gems event … welcome all ideas on how to make this game “cheaper” but it’s clearly documented how great a temptation Rovio has made it to an avid gamer to make a ton of IAPs or purchase their telepod toys!

    Home screen shot: 886 challenges completed …thought 800 was enough but now want 900!



    Emptied my gems to conquer the “stay 1st entire race” and some of the “king sling 7x in a row” to get to 900 completed challenges. For 901, Stunt track #1 – race challenge #21 is an easy to complete

    Seedway 240, Rocky 200, Air 191, Stunt 218, Sub Zero 51

    Home screen shot proof:

    Current progress by track and race type:

    The link will show I’m mostly stuck on “expensive gem challenges” which would take just over 2,600 gems. I also need another kart in Rocky (have 4) and Stunt (have 3) as I upgraded too fast before getting to the challenges “win or get 3 stars with 5 karts” … didn’t know these were coming! As previously documented on the forum here by many, it doesn’t pay to upgrade karts 100% …. oh well, hope others learn from it so they don’t have earn (or buy) gems to add more karts.

    Have two HToP challenges remaining that require driver skill and not gems:

    Rocky Road Track #2 – Time Boom – Closely miss 15 obstacles in a race. I feel my kart has too much speed/acceleration. If I decided to get my 5th Rocky kart, I’m upgrading handling/strength keeping speed/acceleration low to overcome this challenge

    Air Track #1 – Race – Collect 25 coins drifting in a race. Feel this is almost a TIC but technically there are enough coins to achieve it. Best so far is 20 with Hal and his hurricane help. Maybe a slower kart will low handling will help but not sure it would make enough of a difference.



    Dude, you are a living god, seriously… and IMHO anyone who is obsessed enough to post on a dedicated gaming forum (i.e. ‘us’) is in dire need of help… :-P

    I’m gem-harvesting… and labouring on 580 challenges completed. How on earth did you ever accumulate enough gems to purchase additional karts? It’s taken me what feels like an eternity to save up enough for a 3rd ‘Air’ kart…

    The idea of having to go through that same process 2 or 3 more times… sweet Jebus, I’m not sure I’d survive and/or be entirely human at the end of it…

    Anyway, congrats, mate! Stunning achievement! 901… damn.



    Congrats buddy! Could you please post your Stunt progress and the challenges you are stuck in there? I have made a big progress being over 200 ch. complete, but I think it’s plenty of TICs and bugs out there (I have counted at least 4 between avoid insufficient obstacles and splat impossible fruit %).



    I made the decision in the first release of the game to purchase the cheapest karts between $3 and $10 dollars plus the coin doubler for like $8. This was before the update of the game that requires you to buy karts with gems. I decided early to invest no more than $50 dollars on this game. Securing the karts early seems to have worked out as the updated release had them costing $20+ if you were to go the IAP route


    I tried to share a link to a picture of my progress on last post. Maybe it doesn’t work? I have 3 TICs identified. I might have skipped a 4th…I can’t recall. My stunt progress is:

    Track #1
    Race #22- use all power ups – 3 races
    Time #19- avoid 20 wooden obstacles (TIC – not enough)
    Fruit #27 – use all power ups – 3 races

    Track #2
    Race #23 – use all power ups – 3 races
    Time #25 – use all power ups – 3 races
    Fruit #24 – splat 35% of all fruit on track (TIC – fruit bar done at 28-30%)

    Track #3
    Race #41 – use all power ups – 3 races
    Time #19 – avoid 20 wooden obstacles (TIC – not enough)
    Fruit #27 – 3 stars achieved with 5 karts (fully upgraded my 3 karts too fast..have 4 of 5 for this challenge…need to secure 600 gems to acquire the kart)



    Interesting as I note again discrepancies between your challenge numbers and mine.
    My stunt progress is currently at 206:

    Track #1
    Race #27- use all power ups – 3 races
    Time #19- avoid 20 wooden obstacles (TIC – not enough)
    Fruit #26 – use all power ups – 3 races

    Track #2
    Race #27 – use all power ups – 3 races
    Time #22 – use king sling 7 times in a row
    Fruit #24 – splat 35% of all fruit on track (TIC – fruit bar apparently max out at 30%)

    Track #3
    Race #27 – use all power ups – 3 races
    Time #21 – avoid 15 stone obstacles (TIC – not enough)
    Fruit #22 – use king sling 7 times in a row


    @ABGoFast @Arus73 — FYI — On some of the challenges the number of objects destroyed is cumulative over many races. I assume the ones you say are TIC are “in a race.”


    @abgofast, @pba2014, @wazemank, @alcusto, @angryde, @grimmjow and @platium and @dbkraemer …!!!
    While doing a lot 7x and 3x ..!!! I have almost same question as @mvnla2 !!!

    I am 480 know : 98 Sedway ,147 Rocky Road, 110 Air, 106 Stunt and 19 Ice…!!!

    I am not Stuckt …!!! But I am doing many Challenges to Repetitive . Like Base Ball post Seasont ” A lot Series ” every 20 or more Challenges Again and again: …!!!! Is this happens to All Of You!!! I have rigth know 12 Open challenges ready to play …!!! Many of the 3 missions to drive for…!!! Are the same : 3x and 7x …!!!

    I am Gems Harvesting : I got 628 Know …!!! So that’s the way and Very Normal to GO FOR.!!!!

    It’s tedious tired and some times very Boring are you too…!!!


    Yes the TICs mentioned by ABGoFast and by me are all “in a race”. They require you to avoid a certain number of obstacles but the total number available in the track is less and it therefore turns out to be an impossible challenge. ABGo is full of these TICs and bugs which is unacceptable.


    Don’t give up man! Yes it’s tedious to repeat all over again the same tracks and challenges. The way I use to avoid being sucked into such tediouness is to continuously change track/challenge so that when I pass the repetitive ch. I pass many of them in 1 go.


    My updated stunt progress is 208:

    Track #1
    Race #27- use all power ups – 3 races
    Time #19- avoid 20 wooden obstacles (TIC – not enough)
    Fruit #26 – use all power ups – 3 races

    Track #2
    Race #27 – use all power ups – 3 races
    Time #23 – use all power ups – 3 races
    Fruit #24 – splat 35% of all fruit on track (TIC – fruit bar apparently max out at 30%)

    Track #3
    Race #27 – use all power ups – 3 races
    Time #21 – avoid 15 stone obstacles (TIC – not enough)
    Fruit #23 – use all power ups – 3 races

    I think I will wait for the next update before plunging into these gem wasting challenges.



    , @abgofast , @mvnla2

    Update of AB go.
    Integration of a weekly tournament.
    Fall of the gain of gems for the daily challenges (10 to 5, that is 10 by doubling via connection FB).
    Some TIC were modified.
    No change concerning the costs in gems of bonuses.

    If you find other things, make a sign.


    Hi @grimmjow

    No new version yet for Android users, only for iOs users…
    Following appears in the official itunes website:

    What’s New in Version 1.3.0
    NEW SUB-ZERO TRACKS! New tracks for the Sub-Zero Episode!

    NEW WEEKLY TOURNAMENTS! Race to the top of the podium in a weekly tournament against your friends!

    NEW ACTION SNAPSHOTS! Share some awesome photos of you in action on the racetrack!

    NEW LUCKY BOXES! Pick up lucky boxes from the track to win awesome prizes!

    NEW IN-GAME MAILBOX! Send lucky boxes to friends – then hope you receive some back!

    Too bad they decided to reduce the gain of gems for the daily challenges. It does not make sense when thinking about the extremely high gem cost of new karts.


    BEWARE! There is a new feature in the ABGo update that Rovio isn’t advertising! After you use all your special powers, the power icon changes from what used to be grayed-out, indicating that you had used all the special powers, to glowing with a “3 gems” box below. If you make the mistake of thinking you still have a special power to use, it will cost you 3 gems! This is a sneaky and fast way to deplete your even-harder to earn pile of gems!
    Before update you had to buy extra powers before you started the race, so at least you did it deliberately.



    , @abgofast , @mvnla2 , @alcusto

    After some races, it seems that:
    When you finish a serie of challenge, you win only 1 gems (3 before update…)

    – Rocky Road: the 35 % asked in fruits are always TIC
    – Air: TIC asking to avoid the stony and wooden obstacles in impossible quantity were changed.
    However impossible to say if challenges were aligned on the same serial number because I have not yet managed to avoid 10 obstacles by slipping over the circuit 1 (I shall try the technique of @abgofast once received Telepod).
    – Stunt :
    * Track 1 :
    –> Race : 1st all race : TIC always without bonus
    –> Time : Avoid 20 wood obstacle : Addition of wooden obstacle = TIC modified
    * Track 2 :
    –> Fruit : 35% : TIC always
    * Track 3 :
    –> Time : Avoid 15 stone obstacle : TIC always
    – Zub Zero : TIC of Splat Ice was changed.

    And to finish, I made 5 races of the weekly tournament and at the end of the last one I had the blue figure (as when we gain gems) which appeared. But it stayed in 0, thus is it a bug ? Or do we win gems at the end of the week?
    Is it necessary to redo a race at this moment there to validate ?

    So many questions.

    I wait for your returns.


    @GrimmJow, @nacho18 , @abgofast , @alcusto– I created a new forum for the AB Go Update.

    I completed 5 challenge races on the new track for Sub-Zero and I did get 3 coins.

    AB Go Update — Questions and Tips


    Hi: all if you. Are you driving the New update on Sub-Zero. Track1 , – Splat Ice Challenge #3. – Mission : Beat friend score . Can pass it : because the Facebook account it’s not working or working bad. The friends score. Still Running and running and running. Which means I am waiting for my friends score …! I just drive with 3 different racers and nothing don’t pass. Are you having that problem..


    @nacho18 I also can’t upload FB friends scores and therefore can’t complete “beat your friend’s score” challenges.

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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