ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • nacho18

    @philhayler : maybe it will take a while . Some hours . Restart your iPad . Or just bias wi-fi. Turn totally off the iPad fir about 12 minutes ; then opened Bias App. Store App.

    Hope this help.


    @philhayler : me again. I forgot to tell you this , know try to follow this orden.

    – do multitasking . No App. On it. Just clear .
    – turn off your iPad for about 10 minutes , if you can wait longer. Do it
    – open your iPad . Go to App. Store App.
    – click open : ABGO . It wil go to the Game.!!!

    Hope this works .


    Finnaly my Facebook is working in ABGo!
    Thank you @alcusto for posting a detailed step by step to solv the problem.
    Thank you @nacho18 and Abe for adding me in your facebook list as friend.
    Now, how can I send gifts for you?













    I thing I found out a bug. I was driving on Stunt Racetrack 3 : mode Race it was Challenge 21. With this 3 Missions

    – get 5 coins on the Air.

    – In 15 seconds go from last to First.

    Sorry I can remember the middle one ; I am #1 on this specific Challenge 21. it was 115 could pass to 116 …!!! Didn’t do it …!!! Why !!! What’s wrong on my counting!!!


    @aftarquino. To send gifts ” Lucky Boxes ” to any one just after you found out a Box” after you Tap on the gift immediately they ask you share: click on share : then come in out a big list : 3 by 3 until the list end : okay the first like a dozen or more are your friends that Play ABGO the other with Zero are not playing ABGO ; do not send them.
    That it very easy . You only need to found out Lucky Boxes.


    I found a few days ago another bug. The first route Stunt – at the first fork turn left. When you turn the bird falls into the slot and can not get out of it. The only way to pass the time before King Pig.


    @platium,@abgofast, @wazemank and @alcusto. I can’t pass on Stunt Challenge 16. Race Mode this mission..!!
    – Overtake 2 racers in 1 Boost ..!!! I am doing for long time : I just can’t found out the Boost !!!! Where it’s that boost.

    I am sure I did it before maybe a couple times : but I forgot where.

    Can you guys help me to I D the Boost pad . Make me crazy this Challenge

    Ohh my Progress goes up : 561=99-149-116-115-82.


    @nacho18 Stunt, Race 16… but which track?


    @wazemank. And all of you I skip the track the track was 3 ..!! So stunt ; Race: track3 Challenge 16. I am sorry.


    Hello fellow AB Go! racers:)

    I just earned my Challenge Master achievement in Game Center by completing #720 :)

    Seedway – 141
    Rocky Road – 161
    Air – 140
    Stunt – 121
    Sub Zero – 157

    Please update me on the list @nacho18

    Congratulations may be sent c/o Abe Goracer in the form of Lucky Boxes! Hahahaha! ;)

    Leo Peixoto

    Hey guys,
    I was out fir a while because my second son was born last month, but I’ve been reading the news from you every week…
    As busy as I’ve been lately, I try to play ABGo every night…
    Here is my progress:

    Seedway – 157
    Rocky Road – 184
    Air – 173
    Stunt – 161
    Sub Zero – 24

    I promise that I’ll try to come here more often…
    And again, sorry for my poor English…


    @leonardo-peixot : happy New Born For you and your Family . You are really welcome.

    Your total Progress it’s: 599 which it’s good .!! I am 561 closer on you..!!! So You have To GO!!!Very Fast or I Catch you..!!! It’s a joking .Ja JA ..!!! Well we are happy that you come Back. Keep going fast and Happy Driving.


    congrats @dbkraemer!!!


    for ROCKY ROAD TRACK 2, “use boost pack 50 times”.
    to maximise all 4 boost instead of 3, try CLIMBING up the slope to get the 4th BOOST!!!

    @nancho try to send your email, I add to yours!!!
    which stunt track are u stuck? you did said stunt but no track number. i’ll help.


    hi @alcusto

    hope they are good to their words!!! my gem count is now 400+!!! clearing all the “use all power up in x3 races” now!!!


    @leonardo-peixot Congratulations on your newest Little Racer :)


    @platium. I did send you again a message Bias this site ABN. And my Ch. Stuck it this .
    Stunt : race , racetrack 3 Challenge16. Last mission on the bottom .
    – overtake 2 racers in one Boost Pad.!!


    @nacho18 – If I understand your problem correctly, the boost pads are right before the wooden loop ramp. To beat this, you need to stay close behind the other racer until you get to that point. I like to use Chuck so that you can use his “boost” power just as you hit the boost pads to make him accelerate past the other racer. It took me a while to get the timing right on this one, but it is doable. And I don’t think you have to pass both racers in one try. I’m pretty sure it will count one, and then let you race again with the one still counted and only one more needed. If we are talking about the same challenge, that is. Good luck. I hope this helps :)


    @nacho18, for track 3 stunt race, u must memorize where are the boost pads, there are about 4 sets .

    1st is after the long way down…

    2nd is at split, go to RIGHT side.

    3ed is before you go to the LOOP..

    4th is after the waterfall to the WOODEN bridge…

    hope this help

    NEVER BE THE FIRST TO LAUNCH!!! Always last!!! Chuck will be useful here.. he can add BOOST to BOOST PAD!!!


    Sorry not corresponding much I’ve been rather preoccupied playing the many challenges I’ve been able to play now thanks to you guys!!! Nearly at the 1000 challenges tally! :)


    @philhayler . Do you see me on your Facebook list ..!! Most drivers can see all theirs : IOS/android players : we wonder about you ; over your Facebook account. It’s working okay or So So ..!! Tell us your experience .!!


    Hey fellas. I’m not sure if any other iOS7 users have noticed this little idiosyncrasy… of even if it will manifest (itself) for users of other platforms. (and I apologise if someone’s already mentioned it) =)

    I created a dummy Facebook account – inspired by ABGoFast – during the ‘beat a friend’s score’ fiasco upon the latest Sub Zero update/release.

    I’ve observed – the VERY beneficial reality – that if you immediately share a recently collected lucky box with a Facebook user whose status is locked on perpetual ‘invite’ then the Rovio bot will immediately send you back another lucky box (via in-app email)… as a kind of ‘you’ve got no friends… nobody is accepting your Facebook invites’ boo-hoo gesture. =)

    Essentially, this idiosyncrasy means that if you always share your lucky boxes with this dummy invitation-refuser then you’re always doubling-up on your ordinary rewards… make sense!? Obviously, people with lots of REAL Facebook buddies will probably farm more free stuff via legitimate gifting, etc. But for anyone in my position – crippled by the Facebook bug – this could be a productive alternative..? I just wanted to let ya’ll know.

    Finally, finally, reached 1,000 gems today! Damn, that’s a good looking number!

    132-165-102-167-112 *678*


    I soon spoke. The game crashed then had to sign in again and EVERYTHING IS GONE!!!!


    Hello every one : I am 572 =99-149-116-115-93 Challenges done.!!

    I am driving in SubZero. I like it .

    Very soon : I am going to be really Stuck. I have many open Challenges to play..!! But they are ; a lot 5 in row or 3x . My harvesting Gems star shortening again : I am 982 Gems..!! Ohh My!!!
    Well ..!! Point of no return ..!!!

    I’ll try ti go ahead!! Happy driving all of you.



    Congrats on the arrival of your little fella, mate! Welcome back! I bet you’re playing ABGo every night… what with your new addition and all. Racing equals productive use of forced sleep deprivation, yeah? Lolz. =)


    All of my content is done – nearly 990 challenges gone :( not sure what happened. Any advice on how to get it all back? Have tried signing in and out, turning phone off, turning off Facebook settings , and…. NOTHING! Do I really have to start all over again from beginning???

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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