ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • GrimmJow


    , @abgofast, @angryde, @platium, @dbkraemer, @alcusto, @mvnla2

    Sorry for response times, but I have rush these last days.

    Here are the news :

    – Reception 3 télépods: all the successes freed without spending too much of gems (thanks to a technique via Cloud between IPhone and IPad).
    I have only “to Use 500 bonuses”.

    – Use of gems to success all the challenges with bonus except “All the bonuses in 3 races”. I approach 500 bonuses…
    I have not updated my list yet because now I have a great deal of challenges to make. I can just tell you that my current total is 783.

    – Additionally I had the Smash Maniac of ABO :D. More than 2 big achievements :
    – “10 000 attacks” (AB SW2)
    – “500 000 Blocks” (AB SP)
    As well as some scores addict and I shall have all the achievements.

    My reasonable objective : be up to date before the release of AB Epic.
    My objective “dreams” : be up to date before the update of AB Space.

    I know it is not necessarily the place to speak about that, but the whole is a part of the family Angry Birds : our enjoyments, our efforts, our ambitions, any confused games.

    : Congrats for 1 000 exceeded series of challenges. Indeed if we count correctly, you made more than 3 000 challenges !!!

    : I did not know that the contents of the lucky box become moldy shared was the same for that which receives it. If it’s true, for my part, I miss only 1 free pass to have no more any TIC.
    With the luck I shall find it alone.

    Good weekend.


    @grimmjow . Thank you very much for the Lucky Box you already shared with me…!! I just passed : on Seedway Track2, Challenge 22 , – Mission : Win 3 Races in Row Without using Bosst Pads!!!

    But I am a lttle confuse about your user name…!! The gift was sending : by Geegeks ,which Pic. I already ID , then , the pic: from Grimmjow it’s totally diferent : one is from :Facebook and the other from Game Center. Or I am wrong.!!!

    Are you the Same user Name person: or there are two different racers: like these
    – Grimmjow
    – Geegeks

    The other thing I don’t know if some one notice this:
    While I was driving this morning : weekly tournament . Was on Air always : grimmjow was first . But on the very end of the race ; I did pass grimmjow ; I was first but : grimmjow was arrived first to the Finish line!!! Estrange . And the Kart from Grimmjow has on tap his/her Pic. The pic it’s from Geegeks .. !!! What it’s these whole scenario ..!!!

    Can you every one Help me to understand Better. This situation !!!


    Hello: @platium ,@abgofast, @alcusto, @wazemank, @angryde, @dbkraemer, @philhayler, @pba2014, @grimmjow, @csmo2503, @kamenev-spbgma, and @afttarquino: I may need your help on this:

    Last Thursday I was Shoping at :Apple Store: I got a New iPad Air 128 GB. Then they Set-up for me. The setup was supost to be fine two days after I Went with my Phone provider : Verizon Wireless for activation : before ; that. On Friday I was Playing and Driving ABGO. Game …!!!

    Sadly I noticed after two or 3 passing Challenges : the episodes Counter didn’t work : the increase of numbers ; didn’t work: it was the Same numbers I have it before driving:

    So on Verizon Wireless they help me to make activation : but nothing about My Personal Progress. They where clear : we can do that …!!! Go Back to Apple store for assisting you…!!! I went this morning on Sunday , May 18.

    And they told me : this ” we don’t do that ” send a message your Manufacturer or Developer Provider : contact them: I did it …!! I did sena Message to ROVIO …!!! So I am waiting for it’s response…!!!
    Hope they help me : I don’t know ; Why this Happens to me …!!! I Spent $ 1,145.00 Dollars on that New iPad Air: why;;why …

    I thing there is inside of the Game Big ” Bug “…!!! Maybe I need to ” Reset ” and Star Over Again:…!!! O what..!!! I really fell Myself so Upset and angry…!!! I can’t go Fast..!!!

    You know what : ABGO is my favorite Game : and can not play on my New iPad Air…!!

    What you Guys recommend me to do it …!!! What should I do…!!!

    No Way to stop Going Fast!!!! Like @abgofast or @platium or @philhayler…!!!! I got the new iPad Air because my old iPad 3 it’s almost full…!! I have only 1.29 GB Room not enough .!!! This old iPad it’s 32GB; very low GB FOR MUSIC, VIDEOS ;PHOTOS AND APLICATIONS .

    Please Guys help me.!!!


    it should not be a problem… is tied to your account… i’m still using my ipad 2, ipad 4 and ipad air to play!!!


    Hi guys, a good news and a bad news to report. The good news is that Rovio donated me 1200 gems to cover my accidental loss of 1500 gems a few days ago.
    The bad news is that they initially promised me to give me back 1400 gems.
    I asked why they changed their mind and will see.
    Maybe I’m too greedy??


    Guys, Rovio reacted very quickly to my message and gave me the extra 200 gems!!! Fantastic! Thanks you Rovio!


    728 challenges (179 – 141 – 154 – 181 – 073).

    Rceiving some lucky boxes from @dbkraemer, @platium and @nacho18. Thanks guys! But I received another ones with no sender name – “Me sent you a lucky box” or “Sent you a lucky box”. So I don’t know who the sender is. I guess they come from @abgofast, @alcusto and @grimmjow, but not sure.

    You will recover your progress, I’m sure, don’t worry.

    Good for Rovio and those 1,400 gems! Can you see now see my scores?

    Ready for another great battle in the weekly tournament? ;)


    Hi guys!
    Finished the tournament in 2nd place and received a Big Bang L6 Kart (Seedway) as reward.
    Thanks @philhayler for the gift boxes! I shared my Big Bang prize with you.

    Someone knows if the shared gift box has the same prize as the original or is random?



    Hi nacho18,

    About the Lucky Boxes, I do not play very often, so I have almost nothing to share.
    As I have just 5 or 6 facebook friends I send in order; one by one.

    Below my challenge stats:
    Very far from the experts… ;-)


    @wazemank – lots of fun … the reward was +20 gems for my prize this week. I sent some boxes this weekend and not sure if its me. It was documented earlier on the thread that these unknown boxes come from sending to friends you see as ‘invite’ status. I’ve not had one person say for sure they got a box from me. I am sure cause my facebook account is limited infomation that maybe it is the cause of ‘unknown’
    . FB works for me now so I don’t dare mess with it ;)

    Progress update:

    1,080: 240-247-232-240-121

    Android device forced upgrade to version 1.3.2 this morning to play. So far so good on it. Game works. Friend scorenstill visible etc.


    hi @alcusto

    d u manage 2 keep the kart as well??


    Hi @platium yes! Rovio gave me 100 gems less than what I lost but let me keep the kart! I guess it is a good deal even if I had the telepod as I can now keep permanently the kart.

    , no I cannot see neither your scores nor you in the share lucky boxes page (;_;) but I am reluctant to mess things with my app or FB account risking to lose everything.

    thank you for the +5 gems lucky box bro. I could understand it was you because there was your photo otherwise it was accompanied by a “me” not by your name. I sent you a king sling after that. Did you receive it?


    @alcusto : I do receive your gift boxes but dont recall the prize. I see your name and picture next to them. Im not convinced that what you win is also what gets shared because i dont remember getting +5 gems yesterday :) im glad rovio did the right thing for you on your gem loss issue. Its great news


    @grimmjow thank you for the lucky box you just sent me. It contained 300 bird coins. Was it what you also found?

    did you receive my lucky box yesterday containing the skip free challenge? If not, I guess that what @abgofast says it’s true that what you win is not necessarily also what gets shared

    I also upgraded the game version to 1.3.2 but I did not notice any change at all. The cost of power-ups and karts is the same as before, the graphical glitch on ice splats is still there, the 3 TICs I’m facing on Air and Stunt levels are still there…

    I don’t know you but recently I’ve been finding plenty of lucky boxes containing useless bird coins. Very very often, which is why you are not receiving many gifts from me sorry.


    Hi guys,

    I am stuck on Rocky Road Track #3 Time Boom #17 – Jump over 2 obstacles
    I did not figured out where are these 2 obstacles…
    Could anyone help me?

    Sent you a gift box containing free cupcakes… did you receive?


    Hello: @platium, @abgofast, @alcusto, @wazemank, @angryde, @philhayler. : ROVIO just give a prompt Response yesterday Night ; and they told me I must sign in on a new account ..!!
    The real situation I Guess it’s because : I am playing like Guest..!!!

    you were Right : everything is tied to my account. But I am very afraid to sign in and not get success : can you help me a send me a list about what to do : just step by step : to be very successful . Hope you understand me. Thank you.

    yes : I did received your ” Lucky Box ” thank you very much. Appreciated highly

    My progress : know 579=101-149-121-115-94 . Still not Stuck but : many Ch. 7x and all kind 3x. Takes longer to get it.


    @aftarquino Hi man, challenge “Jump over 2 obstacles” is very easy to accomplish with the King Pig character. Just fly with his boost power over any group of obstacles and you will be awarded the challenge.

    I’m not playing now but I’ll check later if I received your lucky box. Thank you man.


    Hi @nacho18 was the lucky box containing the free skip challenge gift?


    I probably gives up the game. After the update even though nothing has changed the game often hangs on and off by what I can not finish the race. Too bad nerves.

    ps. Beat at the scores friend on impossible to achieve.


    Hello: @alcusto . Positive : yes it was . The Free skip. I got I used on Stunt to pass a really Hard Ch. – get less than 5 coins . Thank you very much.


    Hi: all if you Drivers. If you Notice. We are on Page 25 with 620 Reply done..!!

    I am 579 . Ch. Done . The counting on Reply. Goes Faster than my Challenges!!

    Thank you all of you for your Hard Work.

    Keep driving fast .

    Leo Peixoto

    Hey guys,
    May I ask for help? What do I need to do to beat the score of a friend?
    My progress is 157-186-173-165-32 (713 total)… But at the Sub Zero, I’m stuck at that kind of challenge in all the races…
    I also wonder if I can help someone in something. If anyone needs any tips, let me know….


    Hi @leonardo-peixot,

    If you want, just add me at facebook (“Aft IB”). I have low scores in Sub Zero that becomes easy to beat.
    By the way, where are you from?


    Hello : @leonardo-peixot . You need an account on Facebook or on Game Center if you are Playing on IOS devices: you can Add friends on both:
    If you already have a Facebook account and you want to add me . Please send me by Private Messaging on this site your Email ; or if you want my . I’ll send you bias private message on this site !!! Ohh maybe we. Are not friends on angrybirdsnest . Just add me then we can deal on your account in Facebook . Okay.


    hi @leonardo-peixot, are you playing on an iOS device or android device?

    , man I received your lucky box, thanks. Unfortunately it did not contain three free cupcake but a useless 300 bird coins…
    Furthermore, I cannot see you at all in my friend list, damn!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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