ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • dbkraemer

    @angryde -Congratulations on 720! Here’s to 720 more :)


    I would like to see “VS.” challenges in the next update. What do you all think? There could be challenges like “Beat opponent by 2 seconds” then “by 5 seconds” or “by 10 seconds”. There could be some tougher ones like “Completely trash an opponent” which to me is always more difficult when there is only one opponent. Maybe “Ram an opponent 3 times in a race” or “Win 5 ‘Hard’ races in a row”.

    Anyway, it was just a thought… If you like the idea, what other “VS.” challenges would you like to see?


    @dbkraemer. Good ideas on ” VS ” . How about this one: – Respawns 3 times and win to your opponent . – be Second to Lauch ; Respawns 3 tines and win over your opponent .!!!

    Let me thing about it and ; I ‘ ll comeback with more ideas.


    Hi, everyone! I finally came out of the shadow to join you all mighty racers, that is if you dont mind me tugging along. Didnt think for once i would be addicted as i am no gamer.
    By the way i use ipad and am sure there must be more ABGo fans reading this forum like me.
    My scores are really low compared to yours. Have been using gems to pass but now it is getting very expensive and harvesting the gems is hard for me. Even if i befriend here i am not sure i will be able to beat anyone’s score at all. Anyway will wait and see.
    Am glad and thank you @nacho18 that you created this topic. Also thank you everyone for your tips in passing the difficult challenges.


    Hello : @abgoria . I am very happy to know you are interesting on our Topic and on our team.

    You don’t have to beat Higher scores there are Drivers with very low scores : check pages 19,20,21,22,,23,24,25,26 and you wil found out drivers like @cholewap; and @cosmo2503 with low score. Be friend of them : And Continue Ejoying this WONDERFULL RACETRACK . You can drive with us as many times you want ..!!! You are Realy welcome..! Just put your driver Character on a Kart . Go! Fast and enjoy with us ” this wonderfull Game …!!! Ops you don’t have to be a Gamer we all train in you to achieve . What you want..!!! Again you are Really welcome. And be part of our Team . Every Driver on this Topic will Accept you . Period.


    @dbkraemer. Thanks mate! Damn, it’s been a struggle… but hella fun! Your numbers are looking really impressive at the moment, bro! Hey, I’m now hoarding 1,226 gems. Does anyone else have the ABGo induced mental illness… where you gem-farm like crazy because you need the gems to purchase power-ups and clear challenges… but… then… when it comes down to it… you can’t bear to see them spent… so you just end up sitting on the damn things?!! What’s wrong with me!?! =)


    @nacho18. Your so kind. Thanks. Will check out the pages again and see.

    . Ha ha I can totally relate. I have been sitting on my hard earned gems and not wanting to spend because it is too expensive and gets depleted in a second what i have earned in ages.
    Come on Rovio be more generous on us poor racers.


    hi @angryde

    i was like you… my high was 2000+ gems!!! now going to be 200+!!!


    @nacho18 Thanks for the info regarding 720 challenges in iOS

    2000+ gems??? Lucky you, I have 46 now…

    I would give the chance to downgrade the kart. Some challenges are easier with a low CC.

    Nice battle in the weekly… again.

    @all I’m stuck in 4 challenges number 24, splat 35% of fruit in a race: Rocky Road tracks 1&2&3 and Stunt track 2. Any tip?

    @all If you want to report your scores of the weekly tournament, you can do here:

    ABGo Weekly Tournaments. SCORES



    no more… soon to be below 100gems!!!


    Hello : all of you guys. I see that you guys are keeping Hot wheel ‘s on road . Go ahead !!! Faster ; faster : I can’t see you.

    . Congrats on your New. Topic : looks interesting . Y do not Drive too much on Weekly Tournament ; because ” I befriend a lot good Faster Drivers ” not Complaint also” but it’s to hard for me !!! Like ” beat your Friends Score ” ; or even my ” Beat your own Score ”
    Even you or me don’t need to be First on your friends Weekly . They Prize you : with Karts also.

    ,@abgofast, @alcusto, @angryde, @dbkraemer..!!! Just to mention some : again this silly situation for me : Before start to Befriend all my Dozen New Friends : I was on tap Being First , Second Or Third …!!!! JA JA JA …!! I am 7 , 8 , 9 and even 10 or 11. But on some races I still on good position .

    The funny thing I need to use many times ” PU’s. ” like Boost pads king sling ; together or even combined with Target Kart to Top you” I have some New good records
    By the way : I don’t see often ” beat your Friends Score ” : they be Gone or will come more ahead!!!

    Either I can’t see ” use Five Karts . ” actually I never see it : That Kind of Challenge!!! Hella funny !!!

    Well my Progress it’s : 584 =101-149-125-115-94 : maybe when I jump to 620 or something like that will face those Challenges again …!!! I have by Episode at least 3 to 5 Open Challenges ..!!! Not played : because. Gems Harvesting I have 673 Gems : but need more maybe 2000 to pass all my : 7x and 3x …!!! I am doing these Ch. Little by Little one at time…!!! So my progress Slow down.!!!

    About These New Drivers : @cholewap and @abgoria and actually @cosmo2503 …!! Need to befriend on Facebook : Drivers with very low Scores . So please Try to help them : founding out the kinda Matching drivers for …!!

    I am stating to thing about new ideas for our improvement on our Progresses. I’ll tell you later when I’ll dated our progress. Okay .

    Keep running fast : faster it’s better for every one…!!!


    @abgoria – Welcome! I’m fairly new here myself, but it’s a great place for meeting fellow AB Go! fanatics and for getting good tips on some of the more difficult challenges. When I first saw AB Go! I thought I wasn’t going to like it at all. Now, I can barely put it down :) Anyway, glad to see you here. If you want a Facebook friend, my user name on FB is Abe Goracer.

    – Challenge status update (all nice, round numbers):

    Seedway – 170
    Rocky Road – 180
    Air – 140
    Stunt – 130
    Sub Zero – 160 (really need those telepods – stuck on all of the 5 kart challenges :)

    Total – 780

    Seems like me and @angryde are having a good competition for 48th place, waaaaaaay behind the 1,000 challenge club :) But keep looking over your shoulder guys, cause we’re gaining, right my German friend?


    @nacho18. Thanks. Really appreciate your calling out on my behalf.

    . Aww so very sweet of you to offer me as FB friend. It may take a while for me to add you as I am still finding my way around the FB thing slowly. Oh, now that you menion, my hubby thinks I’ve gone mad rolling here and there playing ABGo, lol.



    , @abgofast, @angryde, @platium, @dbkraemer, @alcusto, @mvnla2

    I have a question concerning the track 3 of Air, for Time # 34: destroy 10 obstacles of ice while drifting.
    It is one TIC or a HToP ?

    If it is one TIC, is going to need me a new free pass xD (thanks to Veronica for recently, I thought that it would be my last one necessary free pass. But not).

    If it is a HToP, I am willing a little of help to succeed how.

    Thank you


    Hi @grimmjow

    Veronica will be my wife but she is not play. I am.. I have not try this challenge yet.. But I think is possible… Need to slow my kart down a lot.. Some ice if hit can be counted as 2


    Hi @grimmjow
    Your challenge #34 in Air Track 3 is my #31.
    I’m also stuck with it. If it is not TIC it is HHHToP for the following reasons:

    1. as we know well it’s sooo hard to make decent drifting in Air tracks compared with all other tracks where it is so easy.

    2. The hittable ice obstacles on this track are only 8 and the last one is right after the long jump before the finish line and it is almost impossible to land quickly enough to perform a drift in front of it. This makes 7 the only available obstacles to pass this challenge. Out of these 7, only 3 can give a 2 hit score, but to obtain 2 hits on all 3 in the same race is frustratingly hard if not impossible. I don’t understand why, when doing exactly the same movement and hittimg the obstacle in the same way gives 2 hits in a race and in the subsequent one only 1 hit or none. So frustrating!

    I’m aware that in exactly the same challenge but in Air track 1 Rovio added 2 ice obstacles making the challenge easier than it was. I guess that it is the result of people asking for help. I wrote to Rovio for Air Track 3 and asked them to insert a few more ice obstacles.
    I suggest you do the same. The more we are the better!


    @abgoria Welcome to the nest =) You’re right on the money re: your sitting on gems/eggs =) obsession. I’m on 1,297 at the moment and I can’t bear to part with a single one! Don’t worry about your uncomprehending husband… my sister’s partner confronted her about her ‘mobile gaming addiction’ a couple of weeks ago… an intervention of sorts. Lolz. =) Let us know if he starts giving you too much trouble… and the ABNest boys will head-on over and sort him out!! Ain’t that right fellas!?! =P

    Mate, you’re totally right about us being peers =) We’re not in the same league as the big boys but we’re not completely pathetic! I feel like I’m in damn good company, bro! =) BTW I’m not actually German… I’m just a down-home Australian bloke living in Germany… but, give it time. Versuchen, seine Chance zu nutzen!! =P

    I have only just started running into ‘win with 5x kart’ challenges now… not fun! At least the weekly tournament prizes of 2x karts means that I now HAVE 5x karts on Speedway and Rocky Road. =)



    Hi @abgoria @angryde I had also to confront recently to my wife for my ABGo addiction and as a result I had to reduce drastically my gaming sessions :(
    I’ll have to slow down my friends. Damn..


    @alcusto @abgoria Dude, that’s so harsh!! Or, as we say in Deutsch – Das kann doch nicht sein!! I suppose it’s hard to explain the – ‘I’m not choosing a mobile device + associated gaming OVER you… it’s just… well… more FUN’ – thing to a time-starved partner. =(

    Seriously, though, I hope that whole conversation wasn’t too stressful, bro. I suppose we can add ‘marriage wrecker’ to Rovio’s steadily accumulating list of war crimes against diligent racers, yeah!? =)


    @grimmjow @alcusto @platium @nacho18

    I used a “free – skip next challenge” lucky box on Air Track #2 Time Boom #34 “hit 10 ice while drifting”. It’s technically possible but need a slow kart and ABGoFast doesn’t believe in these karts…lol!

    Progress is 1,108 completed challenges 240-253-237-240-138. I have only SubZero Track #2, Race Challenge #19 that doesn’t currently require gem investment in power-ups to pass. It’s easy to complete just haven’t done it yet…requires 750 coins, finish 1st 3 different racers and pick up 5 coins in the air.

    I now need 3,690 gems to move past all challenges I’m stuck at…anyone got about $100 dollars they want to gift to me? lol. Of our 42 available challenges….I have 25 “use all power-ups – 3 races”, 6 “use 3 power-ups – 1 race”, 1 “use boost powerup up 3 times” and 9 “king sling 7 times in a row”

    Thank goodness for the weekly tourney so I can still go fast … just peek @wazemank topic to see how fast :)


    @grimmjow @alcusto @platium @nacho18, @wazemank

    The other cool thing that happened this morning when completing the daily event. @alcusto was visible to me as what I thought was a racer in the event. Then I realize he was the same character and kart as me. It showed a “ghost” version of Hal on the Stunt track with his picture above the kart. He must have completed the challenge already (shhh! don’t tell his wife). It was like the game was showing me how he completed the challenge. I was not racing him though as I decided to follow him and purposely finished behind him to see if I got a “1st” or “2nd”. I got a 1st.

    This is kinda cool and if it’s progress towards multi-player racing, I like it.


    An advice for all drivers: When you race this kind of “Use all power ups in 3 races”, don’t try to do your best because later you have challenges type “Beat your own score”.


    @wazemank That’s really brilliant advice, mate. That task is such a trap. Newbs take heed! =P


    Hello every one : I have some notice to tell you.

    : this morning I did race on : Daily Event vs you …!!! The Race was on Stunt episode you were beside me on Rigth position you have on tap a squerted Sign ; up your head it says: Aft. After I released the slight shot I did noticed You were very fast on first position all the race . I passed you on the very end: maybe on 95% of the race but you remain on first and : I am very confused . If you were first or I was first. The results said I was; even that you arrived first!!!!
    Do some buddy notice this Happenstance …!!!

    Never mind @abgofast . Already did vs @alcusto …!!! With same Panorama us me two the same Karts and same kinda Race …!!! I love it too.!! @abgofast. I agree with you .!!! Kinda MultiPlayer vs Race. Just loved.

    . To late your Advice …!!! I already did twice . And it’s very hard to break your own Score ( our Scores )..!!! But appreciated . We do sometimes many mistakes …!!! But we are learning about it.

    , @cholewap and @cosmo2503..!!! I am thinking that you Guys ” Befriend ” yourself ..!Please try..!!! You guys will help each other…!!! Are you. considering that!!!!


    Hi. @wazemank . Maybe I found out an other Android Driver @cholewap . Can’t see me on friends score Facebook into the game: ABGO . He send me 5 Gems ; or I did send 5 gems I can remember ..!!!
    But ask him if he is playing on Android.!!!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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