ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • dbkraemer

    @nacho18 – Yes! I raced against you as well this morning :) I thought I had you, but you kept hanging in. I think it must have been a photo finish, because it said I was first also . Maybe a tie :) Either way, it made it more fun for me to race against you :)


    Hi: every one : First . We are know on Page 28 and 676 Reply + 1 this one .

    and @abgofast ; and @alcusto…!!! I try to Descrive the Race that we @@dbkraemer and I did it this morning .
    Race. Stunt two drivers same Kart me and dbkraemer. Kart Shoemerang L6.
    Know my CC. Speed +5. -8. ; Accelaration +7. -7. Handling +3. -7 ; and Stregth +8. -5.

    + : it’s with Yellow lighted Horizontal Bars . The real Upgrade to date.

    If you Note my is very lighted Kart. Has maybe has an Accelaration and Strength Balanced and very low Speed and Handling …!!! So . So I am following most of the ” Rules of many Drivers ” ” Do not Upgrade to Max. Yours Karts ” ..!!!! It’s what I am doing!!!

    – Minus means the Horizontal Bars are Emty which means .!!! Not FULLY UPGRADED.

    I would like to here from you your 2 Cents about it …!!! For future Daily Events. Which seems Really MultyPlayer Mode. That until know it’s interesting for me..!!! Yes because all of us Want …!!! Know the MultyPlayer …!!! Rigth
    By the Way what happens if ROVIO are Monitoring Us.!!!!!

    Fortunately Our Topic it’s growing up !!! Maybe we are know over 24 Drivers on Racetrack it’s two Dozens : the Audience is Short ; but the Pure Materia on 28 pages and 676 Reply ; Enrich this Great Topic as very good treand .

    The Race was so great. Because dbkraemer from the beggining take Lead : the racetrack was that the one has Water on mid before going up the big left turn like curved uphill to the left side. So from here I was very close to him and top him using Hal Tornado Special power : just Rigth before last jump; or before enter to the Tunnel. And I arrived First: behind me were dbkraemer and an others Racers really closed to me I sow that Clearly ..!!! Ooh my God !!! What a Race Buddy!!!!


    @wazemank . Found an other Great racer on Android .!!! Is @cholewap add him to your list. Please then help him to date about what happens : Facebook account BETWEEN . Racers. On this mode
    IOS-ANDROID : because he can’t see me. Yet…!!!


    @angryde @nacho18 I did it also twice (give my best in the challenge using all power ups) and it’s very hard now to beat your own score, unless you spend (again) the boost power up (once and maybe twice or…) :(

    @abgofast I have also run a race today and some known image (perhaps @alcusto, don’t remember) has appeared. It’s been strange.

    Thanks @nacho for the info about the new Android driver; I’ll send him a request. Looks like we are the weirdos of ABNest :)



    , @abgofast, @angryde, @platium, @dbkraemer, @alcusto, @mvnla2

    Thank you for the answers.
    I think actually that #34 of the track 3 of Air is a TIC. There is not enough ice to make a success.

    I passed â Stunt and I block “Knock down an opponent”. I may fall them above to the launch of the race as in the other worlds but that has no same effect : they resist.

    A technique ?


    Hi @nacho18 I am not guy but woman, 40something old lady. So, you guys, be nice to an old lady.


    @cosmo2503!!!! Do some one of us make anything bad to you. !!!! I just found out , that you are kind of upset.!!! What happen can we know.!!


    @cosmo2503 – 40 something is NOT old. It can’t be. Says the just turned 49 not old man… :)


    @cosmos2503. Certainly 40 something is not old. Pls don’t be upset. This is supposed to be a friendly forum.


    @cosmo2503 @dbkraemer @nacho18. Age is just a number!! We all know this, yeah!? @abgoria is correct… nacho18 is a lovely man and I’m certain no offence was intended. @cosmo2503 If anyone, ever and for any reason is NOT nice to you on this forum… you let me and the rest of the ‘boys’ in the ABGo posse know and we’ll sort them out!! =) Though – based on your awesome gameplay – I’m quite sure you don’t need our help!! =) *** No ageism or sexism is tolerated here *** @dbkraemer ROLF re: 40 (or 49) N.O.T. ‘being old.’ IT CAN’T BE!! =))) @platium LOL s.n.a.g.’s is right, mate!! =)


    i think @cosmo2503 is not angry. all the guys here are sensitive?? SNAG!!! :)

    haha… anyway my gem count now FIFTEEN!!! yes 15!!!

    330 232 207 182 107.

    one word of advise:” NEVER NEVER TRY TO DO YOUR BEST, unless is the BEAT YOUR OWN SCORE!!!

    Try to bang the wall, come in second… Hence, I’m maintaining a low score.


    Hello @angryde. Thank you very much for such lovely Words about me.
    I am really confuse about this Matter to cosmo2503 ; I don’t understand where was any wrong doing or who did it !!

    I did check out Right know the last 5 Recent Forums : reviewing at least 3 pages on each Forum ..!!! Looking for a some kinda wrong doing ..!!! And I couldn’t found out any wrong doing for any buddy or for me.

    I fell really ” Guilty ” and Frustrated myself : I like to Respect every one ; because every one have to be respected. It’s about my Reputation . I don’t want to got , any conflict . Because I am not A Person like being offensive ; neither problem maker. !!

    So please all of you Drivers help me to understand this : bad moment really uncomfortable ; for me.
    I am really Worry. Because before this : Everything was Running Good.!! What’s wrong we did or What’s wrong I did.


    I have just become the newest member of the “800 Club”, thanks in large part to the great hints and tips right here on this thread. Please… give yourselves a round of applause :)

    Seedway – 170
    Rocky Road – 196
    Air – 144
    Stunt – 130
    Sub Zero – 160

    Total – 800

    I think I am going to take a challenge break until the Sub Zero Telepods arrive. Instead, I will be focusing on getting the Game Center badges for 500 and 1,000 VS. wins. Right now I am just over 100. So far, the VS. races seem fairly well stocked with Gems and Lucky Boxes, so be on the lookout for gifts from Abe Goracer :)


    @dbkraemer: congrats and Multyple applause to you for your Milestone 800 Challenges done.

    I am thinking to start the Gruelling 500vs and 1000vs too . Like you I am over 100 too . So ; but ..!!

    I am facing this two Personal Goals for Me.

    – Get 620 Challenges done. I am 587 =101-149-127-115-95 . Just 33 to Go! For.
    – Get 720 ” Master Challenge on Game Center. ” after that I’ll decide what to do about my personal Challenges Done.

    So not sure if start to do the ” vs ” or go for My two Goals above .!!!

    Happy Driving to all all of you.


    Hello everyboday,

    I am new here and I am looking for Facebook friends. I would be happy if some of you would befried me. My name on FB is Max Muntermacher.

    Great work of you on this site and many useful tips. Thank you very much for that.


    Hello: @max2 . Welcome to our forum. Yes you will found out Friends for your Facebook account . Our Topic it’s very reach on many ways to Drive for!!!

    I’ll recommend Youto befriend to ;@cholewap , @abgoria and @leonardo-peixot. They news to : so you can start with these Womderfull Drivers.

    We have very hard drivers to Beat : on the Challenges. – Beat your Friends Score ; so take any you want but…!! Better if you befriend drivers. With low Scores. Again up to you. And enjoy your Newest Venture on this Site and this Thread. Welcome to our Racetrack.


    @dbkraemer Accept me please as new member of the “800 Club”… :)

    Seedway – 182
    Rocky Road – 147
    Air – 162
    Stunt – 191
    SubZero – 118

    Stuck on many challenges, I need a new kart on Rocky Road, Stunt or SubZero… Hope I’ll get it in the weekly tournament.

    Thanks guys for all these tips around this thread.


    @max2 . Sorry I forgot to Mentioned on your real User Name see above all what I wrote for you; just 3 reply above .


    @wazemank – Way to go! Or should I say “waze” to go :) I think @angryde will be joining us soon, too. I’m not sure who preceded us, other than @platium, @abgofast and @philhayler. Sorry if I forgot anyone. Maybe @nacho18 will take a pit stop and publish a new list :) :) :)




    Congrats on hitting 800! I am with you in the second tier of drivers (obsessed, but mortals) behind @abgofast, @philhayler, and @platium. :)

    I am at 843 challenges. 191/229/142/253/28.

    I still have not passed “beat a friend” on subzero splat #3. Other than that and one other TIC, i am stuck on either huge gem challenges or ones that require another kart. Hoping like crazy that the weekly challenge will bring me a new kart on any track other than Seedway…


    @dbkraemer . I’ll do a new list this coming weekend it’s long for me 3 days in a row Off.

    By Monday you’ll see it. I am thinking to add something else ..!!! So wait for Monday okay.

    , @wazemank. @philhayler @abgofast. @platium : you guys forgot two more good drivers..!!!

    . Is very close too!! More than 700!!!

    . I thing. He is already 800!!!’

    Very soon we will know : about alcusto and angryde !!

    For know Relax and Have a Great Weekend!!!


    Hello Every one . NEXT TWO PAGES WE WILL BE ON ” 720 ” REPLY .!!!

    YES 720 REPLY . Like the Milestone ” Master Challenge ” by Game Center Prize!!!



    @pba2014 – I guess we’re chasing you :) Great job!

    And I looked back on page 18 and indeed @alcusto already had 833 back then and @grimmjow must be over 800 by now as well. I hope you all are having as much fun as I am with this game.

    On another note, is there anything more heartbreaking (gamewise, that is) than not seeing that Lucky Box until just after you have passed it? That happened twice to me today. Grrrr… But I am looking on the bright side. I am sure that those boxes only contained 200 coins. Hahahaha!


    @nacho18 – Whoever makes reply #720, everyone else should send him/her their next Lucky Box share :)


    @dbkraemer. Yes , @alcusto it’s over 800 ..!!

    So we need to Chase. And Track at least these Drivers !!




    I thing they are very Close to your Club of 800!!!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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