ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • platium

    hi @nacho18 @abgofast

    i will send the lucky box later 2 @abgofast

    i think i send to him alot too… hahaha

    lately playing angry bird epic!!!

    time to drive!!!


    Hi: @all of you Drivers.

    So I have A long weekend 3 days I a row off. After my breakfast . I am going to My Favorite Caffe to : Relax
    – Make a renovated Standing on our Progress es .!! And after that play play and play.

    – My Progress : 608=102-155-127-127-97. So I already cruise 600. I am going for my 620…!!!

    After that I am facing : the Great 720…!!! So I go For..!!!


    Hello @all : I just finished to wrote by hand on a piece of paper your standing on Progress …!!! So I have some changes on Presentation I hope you Guys Like it…!!

    CHAMPIONS : Master – Racers. From 901 – 1000+ 0000
    1 * @abgofast 1169=259-256-245-243-166
    2** @platium. 1153=348-232-247–189-117
    3***@philhayler. 1115=278-235-250-180-172

    4. @grimmjow 936=198-225-231-208-073

    SENIORS : Master – Racers. .!!! NOTE: This group start from 720 – to 900 . Ch.
    6. @pba2014 843=191-229-142-253-028
    5. @alcusto. 1030=206-215–230-215–164
    7. @dbkraemer 901=205-201-150-143-202
    8. @wazemank. 885=221-153-173-203-175
    9. @angryde. 838=148-187-192-178-133
    10. @kamenev-spbgma. 902=231-207-118-200-146

    JUNIORS – RACERS. NOTE : This Group Goes from 400 – To 719 . Ch.
    11. @leonardo-peixot. 713=157-186-173-165-032
    12. Me: nacho18. 622=106-161-128-127-100
    13. @cholewap. 570=182-224-147-017-000
    14. @aftarquino. 499=126-156-95-67-55

    Apprentice-Beginners This Group goes From 101 – to 399. Ch.
    15. @cosmo2503. 258=057-084-024-081-012

    16. @mvnla2. 000=
    17. @abgoria. 000=
    18. @max2. 000=

    Well : Until here we have …!!! For me a Big Group of Racers.

    What I like the most: it’s our Diversity . Yes we are from all over the World…!!!
    From Europe ; Far East ; Autralia And America…!!! So our Big Group it’s Really Great On : Ventures ; Records ;Tip’s ; Guidance; Support on TIC’s; Very Emotive on Bad Experinces , over Bugs and personal Mistakes : But we Are Very Reach ” Racing Fast ”

    Our Milestone 720+ Reply’s ..!! Give us A vast Extencive : Pure Materia on Racetrack as well on Racing…!!! For That Reason …!!! I would like to ….


    ***** RACERS ” ABGo! FAST ” *****

    If you : Yes you want to add more RACERS to our Club !!!! Just ” Invite more Begginers or juniors or Even Master Challenges : To This Great Forum!!! Every one Are Welcome to Join us on Our Great Racetrack…!!!
    ” SI SEÑOR ” ….!!!!


    Hi: @all . I may Forgot some ideas and more info. On above : new Progress on our advances . Please don’t hesitate to tell me : even you: yes you every one can Add any more info. Or ideas we are Missing for!!







    . You are 000 on . SubZero Episode . I am wonder about it. Can you tell us : what’s going on…!!

    No buddy are talking about SubZero : Slalom …!!! Do you already Pass : last Track3 ..!!! Are you guys are Update to date on the last ; update 1.3.1 ..!!! If yes did you pass this very difficult Slalom Track3.!!
    Because I didn’t pass yet..!!! I am almost over but …!!! It resist!!!! Of course. I’ll try and retry until pass over: when I don’t know: we can help each other with Tips . On this : like Type of Kart ; who’s driving : Character …!!! Etcetera etcetera.
    Are you Guys : are. 54/54 ; or you are like me. 53/54 …!!!!

    I recommend to every one that if you can go Back and read again our Reply From Page #18 to date #30 ..!! Will help you on many Matters. I did review page by page to write Above the Progress .!!

    It was kinda Analytical and very hard for me to date our Progress : it take me more than an Hour to complete. The Info. Above . So for a While this Page 30 is going to be Our Progress to date!!! Okay

    Any change on yours Tell me I will fix it!!!


    @Nacho18 — Thought I would see how I stacked up against your list. I am below Cosmo, and don’t really see the point in being listed as last. I am again in the mode of not playing, since I don’t have facebook friends who play, and can’t get past the “beat your friends score” challenges. And no, I don’t want to bother setting up a fake facebook account.
    Looks like you are all having fun. Enjoy!


    Ciao @nacho18, our great and real LEADER!
    It seems like your list needs being updated as my current progress is 1,002=178-215-230-215-164
    For SubZero slalom I used Foreman Pig and just concentrated not to miss any gate. It’s not easy, but it’s a matter of remembering the gates’ positions and retry not to miss them the next round.


    @mvnla2 I am so sorry : it was really hard to have a decision to me how Reflect the real Numbers over our Progress…!!! My personal wishes. It’s not to lose you . Again take a big Break and later if you want come back.
    I do Understand you . This Game it’s extremely Hard for many Racers…! There are all kind racers .!!! But..!!!
    Bad Piggies Game it’s hard too !! But not like this one on BP: we can handle .!! Over here take longer and for many like me Real money. But.!! For the love of the game . I do take the Challenges..!!! It will take a While but my big Goal a main challenge it’s to get 720 Ch. After that I’ll take a Break …!!!

    Ciao : @alcusto : yes I already fix your advance on Progress . I put on it ; the before was because it was the most Recently : but know you are Dated . Please take a look when very one give me all Progress to date : I’ll go by numbers of position like From Leader or number 1 to 18 ..!!! Okay have good wonderful Weekend ..!! Hasta la Vista : how do you say this in Italian. Just I want to learn little bet Italian.!!!


    Gran trabajo @nacho18, well done, your enthusiasm is admirable. Hope you get soon these 720 challenges!

    I’m stuck on:

    -11 challenges “Beat your own score twice”. Although I really beat my score twice, the application does not consider the callenge done beacuse I have 2 FB friends with better score than me and and if I cannot beat their score, the callenge cannot be done. This is a reported bug and hope Rovio will fix it in the next update.

    -12 challenges type “win with 3 or 5 karts” – hope i get one kart in this weekly tournament.

    -Rocky Road, track 2, time boom, challenge 11 – closely miss 15 obstacles in a race – impossible for me with a fully upgraded kart, 156 gems to skip the callenge and only 5 gems in my account.

    -Rocky Road, tracks 1-2-3, ftuit splat, challenge 24 – splat 35% of fruit in a race. Maximum I got 31%.

    -Air, tracks 1-2-3, race, challenge 17, stay in 1st place for an entire race – maybe with power ups, but don’t have enough gems.

    -Air, track 1, time boom, challenge 12, get 135,000 points – impossible?

    -Air, tracks 2-3, time boom, challenge 19, destroy 10 ice obstacles while drifting in a race. Maximum 8

    -Stunt, track 1-2, race, challenge 23, “don’t collect any coins in a race” and “use all PUs in a race”

    -Stunt, track 3, time boom, challenge 9, avoid first 40 obstacles. Fully upgraded, too fast…


    @wazemank. Gracias Por tus palabras.. Thank you fit that such lovely words wazemank .
    Sems you Remain with same Progress .!! Not changes Yet!!

    I have one idea : maybe really Big !!

    I thing you : @abgofast and @grimmjow : can Make an Analitical list on: TIC ‘s and HToP : … Why. Every time I see these : list from wazemank ; abgofast and grimmjow they. Are very Detailed : and very Reach on Info.

    Sorry I have mot the Same Skill than you Guys: abgofast and grimmjow already have an Spread shifts !! I don’t ..!!! I do have Higher Education ; but it’s already Sleepy . I am not Lazy . Just u gave not time to improve. Our very Reach Tarsk on this wonderful Forum ..!! Please. I need help !!! HELP HELP CAN SOME ONE CAN HELP ME!!!

    If you @abgofast and @grimmjow do something for our team : already Called:

    *****RACERS “ABGo! FAST ” *****

    We will appreciate always!!!

    TIC’s and HToP Need Special treatment : And you Both have the Tools to do it ..!! RIGTH Know it’s the time to do a list of most TIC’s are Really Repetitive. And about HToP to!!! But in this there are many that we chase and Handle Properly..!!! We don’t have to do A Big list : just : Some very Tipical or Classical ; that we often Face them !!! Okay

    Keep Driving FAST . Yourself !!!

    Come on !!! Guys we. Are working as. Team!!!


    Hi :@all.

    , @abgofast, and @platium
    I was driving on SubZero Track3 : Ch.13 – Mission – Tail your opponent for 15 s.
    Then after many many try’s doing 13 or 14 s ..!! Suddenly skip to a Ch. 14 ..!!! So I got a bonus. Or it’s Bug..!!! That’s for me it’s kinda Present or gift or Lucky box ..!!!
    Know the Ch.14 Says
    – Get 3 Stars Scire with 5 different Karts
    – spin 360 Degrees an get 3 star score
    – Get 3 star score 5 times

    I am very confuse what I Did it: some weeks behind there were something similar ..!!! I jus Don’t remember the happens…!!! You guys have been passed this Ch.
    Because many of you goes ahead of me ..!! I am # 12 over 18 : Drivers..!! So know I am 609. And very soon 620 my first Goal to Beat..!!!


    hi @wazemank

    is your version updated??

    If not disconnect from FB 1st and try again… The first time I did that.


    @mvnla2. As @nacho18 said we don’t want to lose you or anyone here at all. I have been using gems to pass the beat a friends score and have avoided joining FB till now. i am not a social media person and dislike taking photos of myself.

    . Nice job on the grouping. You nailed me down right, i am definitely the curios type, teehee.
    By the way i am 51/54 on sub zero. Hate the sub zero slalom, man! If ever i have to do another set on what is coming up, i’ll be dead.


    Thanks @nacho18, Hasta la Vista is ARRIVEDERCI in Italian.


    @platium Android v1.3.2 – I’ll follow your advice, thanks!



    Regarding your challenges:

    Use king pig to “closely miss” obstacles. Not sure why it works, but it does.

    Rocky road 35% of fruit is impossible on track 1 but possible on tracks 2 and 3. Get the fruit bar down to almost nothing, drive carefully into the middle do a group of fruit, and deploy the bomb.

    Air score 135,000 points: Rovio gave that one to me. I tried it a few times, failed, left, came back and the challenge had changed to an easier one. It happened to others as well, check back several pages.

    Collect zero coins: very hard but passable. Let the other karts complete the course so they won’t bump you into coins. Memorize the course and drive as slowly as you can. Hug the walls except where there are coins on that side of the course.

    Stunt track 3 avoid first 40 obstacles: also crazy hard but passable. Get through the first obstacle and get right. Slam the wall a few times to slow down and bypass around the first 15 obstacles. With your lower speed the next ten should be easy to miss. There is an abyss with an ice obstacle on the other side. Crash into the abyss. You will respawn and go through the ice obstacle, but because you are still respawning, it will not count. Keep your speed low and the last few obstacles are easier.

    Good luck!


    Hello: ***** RACERS “ABGo! FAST ” ***** . Yes if all you that don’t report yet on this Thread ..!! This is our official Name Know!!!

    ; @platium, @philhayler, @dbkraemer @aftarquino; @leonardo-peixot and @max2. You guys don’t Report Yet your Progress: I know you are busy ; but we are missing you!!! There are many goodies Know hope you Guys like it!!! I really Need you On Racetrack . Com’ n come back!!!

    I did Racing you on Daily Event vs me on Racetrack I did miss your Avatar. !!! Are you considering use on it: there are many player that can help you to get it . Tip..!! @aftarquino has a very cute an original one : So ask him for that. Maybe he can help you.!!! It’s up to you!!! And please if you Can give us Your Progress : not intention to push you ..!!! But you no What we really are missing your Progress Looks like you are very Good Racer.

    . If you see above : the new official name of out team : maybe a little bet similar like yours !!!
    But we are Going : Fast as you. Please accept this on you , because your hard work and very valuable help , guidance and Mastering many TIC’s and HToP . Ch. Thank you.

    : please don’t be Jealous . I do appreciate your Hard work too : you are always on my mind as a very good Racer ..!! Part of these new Goodies is Because your very supportive ; tasks tools and help : without your Guidance and highly good Tips : we won’t get it on TIC’s and HToP as well ..!!! Please Accept My Recognition on you..!!!
    You both Are Genius and Master on ABGO. Game; without both of you This great Forum ; will be so poor . But it’s not it’s Very Reach Because Both of you.!!! Period.


    Hi: @all I did my first – Beat your own Score Twice.

    It was on SubZero : Fruit Splat track2 Challenge 12.
    I did use 3 times all 4 PU’s !!! Because they ask you to do it !! Rigth !!! I did try to make poor score even my score before was poor : then after that; I did tried with Bomb Bird my first Beat you own over twice I got it I wad 1/2 ; then I Use Blue Birds ; got it too I did use on Both try PU’s it wad really expencive but I Achieved this really Gruelling Challenge. Hope you understand my explanation and could be usefull….!!!! I am Learnig because all of you in this Thread and Wonderfull Forum. If the tip help you please use it.

    : I know you don’t have enough Gems but if you face this one . And can help my quest . Please us it.

    Oops I forgot this: I still on this track #7 there are above me a huge ; really good drivers :
    1 . Abe ; 2 . Grimmjow , 3 . Philhayler, 4 sir Kamenev , 5 . Chriss . 6. Platium and 7. nacho18.


    Hi guys me : again I am facing First time :
    – Get 3 star Score with 5 diferent Karts .!!
    And bad notice to you all: it’s en two tracks !!
    Ice splat Tracks 2 and 3 ..!!! I have only 2 karts !!’ Poor of me !!

    Question : in Weekly Tournament. : I didn’t get anything : then after long playing – Driving : I don’t see any Lucky Box ..!!! They are really Hiden or we start. To be A. Harvesting on Lucky Boxes!!

    What’s going on this Game Rigth Know : I just unlucky or what!!!!
    Your answer will be Hightly appreciated .

    @abgofast, @platium , @wazemank, @alcusto, @grimmjow , @dbkraemer, @angryde and all of you here is my Progress: 614=102-158-127-127-100. First time : One Hundred all 5 Episodes .!!! Then I am 6 Challenges Shy to Reach my first Personal Goal : 620.!!!

    Then Go! For. My 720 .!!! My Mastering day by Day ..!! Very Close ..!!! Si Señor !!!


    — very honored that the name of our team closely resembles my handle here! it is definitely our team effort to GO FAST! I’ll do what I can to help people through TIC / HToPs but they have to ask it from me. I won’t easily remember how I conquered some of them as it’s all in my head…and it goes FAST out of there :)
    — Very Big congrats on you 100 across the board results and very close to your goal of 620!


    — today, I have a secret…I might have a “man crush” on you today … I got a lucky box from you and it was a “free skip next challenge” which is like 200 gems to be able to remove yet another “use all power ups * 3 races” … talk about the best gift ever!!! All this happiness though doesn’t give me enough motivation to take it easy on you in the weekly tourney…haha…I know you wouldn’t want it this way


    — I just see a post that says you’re in the 1,000+ club. Welcome. I’ll teach you our secret handshake! Bad news though….something is going on…I don’t see your scores anymore on my app. I see waze’s but not yours. I’ve reboot my phone, disconnected from FB, logged in and out and it’s been this way for 2 days now. Please tell me your wife didn’t take away your phone and delete your app :) … I miss a key member of the C.A.T – Crazy Android Trio
    — UPDATE — don’t even see @alcusto for sharing lucky boxes and seeing all iOS friends….very strange :(

    ***** RACERS ” ABGo! FAST ” *****

    Your champ’s current progress is now 1,129 completed heading into tonight’s racing. Not counting the free skip just received and use of my 20 gems from weekly event, I think I can get to 1,150 this week. Maybe more if I get some more good fortune throw my way.

    So it’s 1,129 = 244-253-240-240-152 by episode.

    I’d like to thank all my sponsors (Terrance’s Tires, Red’s Auto Body, Chuck N’ Cheese Restaurant, Stella Artois Brewery, King Pig Motors, Bomb-bird-ier, Blues Jean Clothing, Master Corporal’s Gym, Matilda’s Maids, Moustache Barber Shop, Mr. Bubbles Bath Products and Hurricane Hal’s Disaster Relief Fund.

    Without their support, we’d never get to the front of the pack!


    @abgofast Hope you send me back the lucky box with the same content… Anyway, I’m waiting for you in the weekly – having been about to beat you twice, let’s go with the third round!
    BTW, apart from me, how many FB friends do you have who play ABGo-Android and which score you can see?

    Regarding @alcusto, I can see his score but he cannot see mine; you cannot see his score and can he see yours? What a mistery.


    @wazemank – here’s hoping I can return a good lucky box. I have the C.A.T right now as FB friends with you and @alcusto. I’ve put it out on this forum and the weekly challenge for others to add me through this site but haven’t had any new Android takers yet. Only the two of you are brave enough to come after me … haha. I do a bunch of iOS friends from this forum and part of the ***** RACERS ” ABGo! FAST ” ***** community but can only share boxes with them due to the incompatibilities between the two operating systems. I have another year on my Galaxy S3 mobile contract so I’m not jumping to iOS any time soon :)

    This FB stuff is quite puzzling indeed! Guess all is not reliably fixed with the epic FB bug


    @platium — Please be careful what you post. Everything on ABN can be seen by anyone in the world. This is in reference to your recent post elsewhere.


    Hello : @wazemank , @platium , @abgofast , @alcusto , dbkraemer , @angryde, @grimmjow, @philhayler – and @aftarquino : I do very Consernig the poorer miscommunication between IOS-ANDROID ..!!! This past Weekend my New iPad were Crashing two days I a Row . Friday and Saturday ; but something else : I send it to @wazemank a Lucky Box containing – Skip next Challenge . ..!! Received only 300 coins . And today some one send me 300 coins I was seeing the counter on top Left side and they didn’t add any 300 coin ..!!! What a weird thing.!!! Listening I am driving mostly on my new iPad Air 128 GB. This new Device supposed to be Powerfull ; Rigth !!! Something Happens on the Game !!! Or still Some Bugs on it!!! Please help me to Report to ROVIO this big Happens I’ll do it tonight ; but I need some support . Please Make a Complaint. about it ..!!! There are more poits to Comunicate to you But I Forfot what to tell you. Don’t be quiet ; Talk to ROVIO : we need their Help over us : We. Are. ***** RACERS ” ABGo! FAST ” *****. The best group – Club on this Game.


    Hello all: ***** RACERS ” ABGo ! FAST ” *****. If you see above. We are on page 30 Reply # 726 +1 next page # 31 will Reach the Big Club of. 800 Reply …!!! Com’n Guys Go! For …!!!


    hi @mvnla2

    no worry. i am very careful when adding FB friend. thanks for the warning. in this digital age, either you completely knock it off the digital, or have to experience some risk.

    hi @nacho18

    quite busy, will update some TIC later…

    336 232 214 182 116

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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