ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • Arus73

    @janmej – Good grief, you are a hell of a racer. Congratulations! I enjoy racing shoulder to shoulder with you and abgofast and knock out the competition with 1/2/3 combos. Can I dare asking how on earth could you win over 7000 trophies when even our champion abgofast has less than 800?? Anyway, weird thing for me this trophies count as I noted that anytime you win a cup in multiplayer mode you get 1 trophy, but my overall counter decreased last night from previous 1000 to 966. WTF??

    @platium – enjoying so much the race to 3rd spot with you guys. So fun! Abgofast is right, I can see many times our team dominating the Air tracks although sometimes one of the AngryRiders will take the no.1 spot by way of power-ups usage.

    @janmej – I’m with you with the no power-up rule. I’ve not used any power-ups and any 2nd special power in any of my multiplayer races so far. I simply don’t think it’s necessary since our team is so much stronger than the competitors for most of the times. This cheaters problem is indeed a very sad thing for the ABGo! game. It’s like doping in the sport. It’s no mistery that our team is the best of the clean racers out there. Without cheaters the whole game would be so much better, but then again it gives much more joy to beat them without power-ups or alike.

    – man, you were constantly with me and abgofast in my races yesterday and we dominated SubZero and Air circuits. I hope you will quickly solve your problems and come back stronger than ever. We need your strength and skill.

    – same for you my amigo. So sad to read all your crash problems.

    users – IMPORTANT NOTICE – this game is apparently not yet compatible with the latest OS update 5.0 Lollipop. I got confirmation about it from Rovio as I took the precaution to ask them before installing the update which I was prompted yesterday. They are apparently working on an update to solve the incompatibility issue. In the meantime, do NOT install Lollipop should you receive any prompt in your devices.


    @alcusto haha thank you so much. You’re not too bad yourself :-) (It’s quite a compliment in the northern parts of Europe :-)). Well, if you have noticed I don’t even come near you guys when it comes to challenges. I’ve been doing trophyhunt in the old multiplayer mode. I like gems! (Sounds a bit girlish, hmm). That’s also why I’m not displayed as having completed that many races compared to hours spend on the game as a whole. @ABGoFast pointed out to me that the counter does not work in multiplayer mode.

    I’ve have noticed your variety in using birds. I tend mainly to use the birds from the top of the tree, especially our two green friends. The sergeant is my fave, and stunt my favourite tracks. Do I dare guessing, @platium your favourite bird is Chuck?

    And also I just opened the app before and saw that you did well last night while we were sleeping in Europe. Congrats!


    hi @janmej

    only when playing team challenge i’ll use chuck… i do use his special power x2, at max x3!!!

    he is extremely strong in air… 2 prevent the kart from flying higher… i’ll use his power just after launch to keep as low as possible, so as to get to the track faster… i notice that using leaf blower in air, makes you fly higher but do not really increase your speed…

    most of my trophies, i got +800 coins!!! what would i still need that when i’ve 700k coins!!!


    @platium … you have 700 thousand coins? Ive got 8,281,489 so imagine how happy I am to get a lucky box of coins. I curse every time! I wont be surprised if you say you meant 7 million coins. I like gems and power ups from the lucky boxes. I sometimes get free use of special power. That’s good too. Omly a few times I got free kart upgrade for speed, acceleration, handling, strength. No more ‘skip next challenge’ ones. I really miss those ones.


    @abgofast 9m coins??? And cannot use to buy power up is a sad case!!! Yes 700k and I am bored… Those kart free upgrade is still with me… Stop upgrading kart stats since long time ago, when I find it foes not make a different…

    How does anyone drift in stunt?


    @platium …. I literally cant do anything with my coins. All karts are 100% upgraded. Early on I bought the coin doubler because every advice said it was the way to go. Guess no one expected a guy to log the hours on the game that I have put in (blush). My only way to use coins is if Rovio ever allows us to sell them for gems or I decide to add a new kart (not likely as I have 5 of each type). Hope next update gives a new course and series of karts. Someone said a water theme with boat or jet skis would be cool. I like that idea a lot.

    Also….anyone else notice the daily event tracks are practically covered with coins? I’m thinking ‘impossible to complete’ without collect a bunch!


    I love it when these hacker fools come at us with the leaf blower and king sling in the same race and me, @alcusto (alghosto) and @abgofast (abghostfast) send them crying to momma with our 1, 2, 3 domination (and a couple good smack downs with the swirling ball on a chain thing!)


    (OK, no more caffeine for me tonight!)


    Hi: I just Got an other crash. It was on Seedway :but!!! This time I did not lost any GE’s . I am Racing only on one Device!!!

    @platium @dbkraemer @alcusto @janmej @grimmjow and @cholewap . I would like to ask if you see this number on my progress of GE’s 1639!!! It’s what I did for tonight .!!! I still afraid to lose Even my whole Progress.
    I am sorry @abgofast for being to slow and with very modest contribution on our General Progress . Trust me I would like to Go! More fast . But my Game still Crashing:!! That situation make Angry and anxious .!!!
    I still waiting for Rovio ; update or Cleanig this horrible Crashing.!!!

    All you guys keep Go! In fast!!!!!

    I’ll comeback tomorrow to a Race again.



    i see your score now at 1639


    Guys, miserable evening yesterday. For unknown reasons it seemed that Rovio picked up the worst performances of our ghosts as I couldn’t remember having seen so many 5th/6th places for members of our team (good members like abgofast and platium!). Especially bad the Rocky Road races and Air track #1.
    It also seems that abgofast and myself follow exactly the same lanes as we smashed each other out several times lol. Sorry for that man!
    Maybe Rovio is trying to slow down our progress to the top ;))
    Also found too many bird coin lucky boxes which is useless having almost 4 millions in my bank. I share abgofast’s and platium’s feelings on this.

    abgofast and janmej thank you very much for your advice on Matilda’s weekly challenge. The fuse blew up on me twice when I was just passing the finish line, so I was so pissed off that I decided to use the special power twice (I had one free additional special power) and I managed to pass. Phew!!

    Guys how annoying is that racer called “pokemon”? So fun to smash him to the wall when possible!


    @nacho18 – I confirm as well that your score is 1639 GE

    – man, I see your GE are stuck at 745 since a long time. What’s happening? You are not playing the multiplayer mode? You don’t like it?

    Same thing for the misterious whitepuffin who was contributing lots of GE at the beginning, but now his/her GE count seems stuck.


    Have you noticed the team called CCCP (russian team?)? They creep up on us on the leaderboard, but we don’t get to face them or at least I have not yet.


    Those Russkies are sneaky… :)


    @ABGoFast I just saw you take out all 3 opponents one by one on Rocky Road 1 with the corporal. What a beauty!

    drifting in stunt? I saw you switched karts from Point Breaker L4 to Hog Rod. Did that help? Otherwise it’s a matter of going fast and making sharp turns. Sorry, you can slap me, I’m not being condescending, but it’s all the advice I have.

    please try to lure them out. I’m getting a bit bored with Mix and Hockey not to mention Ace of Spades which consists of only one racer (with >5 mill. eggs) as far as I can tell.

    Have fun, Europe is off duty.


    @nacho18, @platium, @dbKraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @philhayler, @cholewap, @janmej,@angryde

    okay team. .. its time for whitepuffin to disappear and have someone else join us. result are not coming and we slip behind those Anger Riders while CCCP gains on us. Do you agree? Kick out and hope for an improvement (non cheat of course).

    — we need your nastiness on the track! Come back soon!

    — hoping to see more of you on the track soon…after all the effort to add you to the team, you’re falling laps down! We need to turbo charge your karts :)

    — hope all is well for you. you’re a challenge master but dont seem too excited about multi player. Are you having app and device problems too or just not as hardcore into the game as before? The team needs your skills and skillz on the track!



    i actually talking about those challenges which you need to drift more than 50% :) not easy to continuous drift in stunt!!

    haha… now i keep challenging my ex team mate @zach!!! he is a power user… special or up!!!


    @abgofast @platium @dbkraemer @alcusto @grimmjow @cholewap @janmej.

    I just finished my today’s ( nighttime ) ; “Racing time” I increased to 1716 GE’s …!!! I stop on my last Race ..!!! Was our team vs ANGRYRIDERS !!! But on ” SubZero ” ..!!! Again I’ll not Race on SubZero .!!! Because it’s where my Game Crash then after Freze the Screen ; Crash then lost my GE’s ..!!! So tonight …. I stoped on subzero .!!! I’ll race more when everything goes Normal . I do want to Race more tracks !!! But I don’t want get crashing Oftenly anymore .!!! Hope you understand me. Happy Driving !!!

    Hey you ABGOFAST RACERS KEEP Go!in Fast!!!


    @nacho18 — you’re dedication and loyalty to this ABGOFAST racing team is 2nd to no one. You’re a champion! Thank you for efforts to bring such good results when I feel you’re stuck driving the “slowest kart” (game that crashes all the time). It shows you’re a really determined racer to overcome and win for us when anyone else in your situation would give up. Not our fearless leader! He never gives up and always finishes in 1st place!


    @abgofast: My Querido Amigo y Mejor Corredor de autos ( Best Racer of the Team ) . So Much Thank you for these lovely Words : sure My Team is ” ABGOFAST ” I’ll be here always with you Guys Racing hand to hand and Shoulder to Shoulder.!!!

    I just waiting for ROVIO : to Cure my Gane or New Update can come much Better !!

    I am Determined to stay on Race!!! Even with this bad Sircunstances: crashing Go!in slow . But pushing myself on every single Race.!!!

    Please all of you Go!in “Fast “


    @nacho18, @platium, @dbKraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @philhayler, @cholewap, @janmej,@angryde

    Hey team! some news….I’ve been wondering why I never get to race against “RafaelM” who has 50,017 golden eggs and I have been chasing thinking this driver is the highest “non cheat” to try and catch. I’ve now decided he is cheat too. He is part of the “BR TEAM”. In fact, he IS the BR Team as they have 50,435

    When I got matched up with the BR Team, it was “RafaelM, Reserve, Reserve” as opponent. Reserve is used as placeholder when you wait for team members to complete your team. Early on before you all joined me, I experienced this on a few races.

    So now I focus my attention the next racer “Mlizzard” who has just over 24,000 eggs to my 22,000 eggs

    With @janmej at 18,000 eggs, I am of belief our team has the 2 of 3 highest non cheaters in the game.

    It is frustrating as more cheaters are on the leaderboard than ever. The top 13 individual drivers are over 1 M eggs. It’s time Rovio erase them

    — any idea when they will address this in the reply they gave you? Mind asking them to give you an idea when they will be removed from the leaderboard … tell them our team name and that we’re loyal to their game with a large audience on the web forums…if they don’t take down the cheaters, we will boycott ABGO and start talking badly about Rovio’s lack of interest in promoting an honest game on this forum (haha…just kidding but still a “fun threat” to get action from them!)

    Yeah…okay so I’m frustrated and sick and tired of the rankings being a poor reflection of the truth! We rock and everyone else should be chasing us!


    @ABGoFast “In no time at all”, Rovio replied to my question about removing the cheaters. That was thursday.


    @nacho18, @platium, @dbKraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @philhayler, @cholewap, @janmej,@angryde


    Big congrats today to @platium for obtaining his driver license 25 … over 10,000 eggs added for our team now! You pulled away from the friendly three driver rivalry race to take over the third highest count on the team. Way to go!

    and @dbkraemer are in a virtual tie now. It’s a great battle between them. Let the man with the least amount of items on the “weekend honey do” list take the lead … haha

    My battle with Mlizzard is getting interesting as I’ve got a gap of 705 (25,315 to 24,610). Hoping that if I can put another 800 to 1,000 eggs on the board today, I should have the lead by end of day.

    I can’t wait for @grimmjow’s troubles to get resolved as I really look forward to the head to head races on Stunt tracks between him and @janmej. These two are epic Stunt drivers! @grimmjow on Track 3 and @janmej on Track 1 in particular. I hate 2nd place but I don’t mind it so much it when they’re my teammates on these tracks!

    Our overall team performance is just under 80,000 eggs which is unfortunately 32,000 eggs behind our hated rival Angry Riders.

    Some tough decisions might have to be made on whether we want to go after these guys. I am on record of discouraging power up usage but I hate losing to these guys!.

    The biggest help will be the “Rovio fix” I keep fingers crossed we can get @grimmjow and @nacho18 on the track problem free. I know they both are dying to contribute so we will hold the strategy and wait for this to happen

    I thought to kick out the mysterious white puffin after days of inactivity but they’ve jumped to over 3,000 eggs yesterday to today. So for now, he/she will stay with us.

    What do you think of us setting an individual weekly goal or team commitment? Each Sunday, we post our plans for the week … “I’m going after X eggs or a score of X”? I’ll add up everyone’s ideas and we’ll then set our team goal. Those that don’t contribute are on the “naughty list” and subject to team discipline :)

    Tis the season for a “naughty” or “nice” list. Santa ABGOFAST is watching you and trying to think of ways to motivate you all to go FAST ! :))))


    Hello: Team @abgofast. I thing your above idea it’s good over : on Individual goal or Goal Team commitment .

    I am trying to help you : on this Convination for every track I Race …!!!

    I do very often with you and platium ; but with the other Racers too . I already Race with @janmej and she is great Racer. Not often with alcusto and dbkraemer and grimmjow .!!! But I wish if in the very near : “We Can Chose our Racers to Race on each track.!!!hope will be.!!!

    I usually use these 3 Characters : Chuck , Hal and Corporal Pig .
    Chuk on Stunt and Seedway ; Corporal pig on Rocky Road and Air , and Hal on Stunt and Rocky Road.

    My idea it’s to Go! Behind you or Platium to protect you from contenders . I usually try to Go! By the Rigth Side to Attack the Guys Behind you.!!! Sometimes works very well sometimes ; so and so.!! But I love to see Corporal Pig getting out our contenders . And I enjoy listening his Laughs .
    Let me Know what I shoul do for next Week . I am be able to use my modest time in pro of Team . Actually I want to start To Race kinda strategic Team.! So let’s go and indicate me your strategic for this Next Week. Same For @platium , @dbkraemer, @grimmjow ,@alcusto ,@janmej and all @team

    Hope you and @alltheteam understand me.!!!
    Come On @team ” ABGOFAST ” Go! Go! Go! FASTER!


    Hello: Team. @abgofast @platium @dbkaemer @alcusto @grimmjow @janmej @philhayler @cholewap @whitepuffin and our beloved and missing @angryde .

    I come back to talk to you this Points.

    + Coaching . – @abgofast Created the Team .!!! So he is the Coach and 1rst on spot; sure the director of this Orchestra ( our Team. ) . I thing you shoul start to Create a Plan into to Strategic on our every day Racing ;!! By Weekly ..!!! Ask all the Members for Ideas !! I already give you my Above . Okay

    + My Racing : slow and Apporting small numbers on our Record of GE’s ..!! Because of the Glitch or a Bug into my Game
    – today I start to Race on Regular Mode : with every day Daily Event / so I get my 10 Gems . It was on SubZero …!!! Didn’t Crash . Remember my Gane Crash mostly on SubZero. Then I Move to a ” Team Multiplayer ”
    After a few Races on Air ; my Game was Freze !!!! Didn’t crash !!! But was Freze.!!! So I get out and restart . Actually I did Multitasking to Crear and Clean the Game A Coupled hours late I opened an Re-Race again .!!! After 3 or 2 Races : I get Again The Hatred Subzero Race . Didn’t Race!!! Scary to get the Crash!!!
    I am Go! Slow ..!! But tring to be Safe !! And not to lose My Prescius GE’s
    So I am Racing only with one Device : My iPad Air2 ..!! That’s it ..so by this way : I don’t lost My GE’s…!!! Please be Patient with me . Hope Soon ROVIO will make a Fix.!!!

    Cheaters and Hackers I stiil seeing a lot f those .!!! And our Hatred Angry Riders , Have know 100’s k’s and we are only 85’s k’s …!!! The good thing it’s angofast and janmej with 25 and 19 K’s

    + Weekly Strategic Team : By Sunday or Saturday .!!! For next Week Races.!!!
    I love it : I just Want to see ” Ideas ” for you @team.!!!
    Spot or orden to initialize our Races Ready on track!!! This is the orden.

    1. First Spot for our Coach and Best Racer @abgofast.
    2. @platium: being the Best dupla : him and abgofast.
    3. @janmej best Rockie on Not-Cheater Racer.
    4. @dbkraemer; consistently Consistent Racer.
    5. @alcusto . Pushing Hard on Tracks.
    6. @grimmjow . Hope ROVIO will help him on cured Game.!!!
    7. @whitepuffin . Need to be more fast on GE’s apportion .
    8. @philhayler .!!! Stuck or What on GE’s
    9. @cholewap ..!!! Need more !!! Karts or time to Race!!! And Me !!
    10. nacho18 . I really don’t know what Number it’s my Spot to Go! On this list!!!

    Maybe # 8 after whitepuffin . But this is for your desicion @abgofast or @team desicion

    I’ll try to be more Consistent Apporting More GE’s . If I am lucky : Without Crashing ; This hatred activity on my Game Make me Upset and Angry.!! But I am here with my very slow and modest Numbers .!!! But Believe me if not Crasing at All I shoul be more Faster.!!!

    Come on Team ” ABGOFAST ” . Go! Go! Go! FASTER!


    @nacho18, @platium, @dbKraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @philhayler, @cholewap, @janmej,@angryde

    I view our team rankings / ratings on multi-player based on GEs collected plus achieving your goal for the week. I want everyone to have fun but also challenge for the best team in the game (non cheaters of course!). Competition amongst each other is less important to me. I like @nacho18 idea of strategy in race….whether you help teammates win by blasting competition OR going for 1st place each time. Have fun with it :)

    So instead of putting a ranking of #1 through #10, here is my view of 3 tiers within our team right now. As time goes on, the tiers will change … if I ask too much, let me know! :)

    Top Tier: Big GE collectors:
    Goal: 1,000 to 5,000 GEs a week???
    ABGOFAST, @janmej, @platium, @alcusto, @dbkraemer

    Middle Tier: In the pit stop (waiting for game fixes):
    Goal: 100 to 1,000 GEs a week? my idea is for this group to collect as many GEs a week without frustrating themselves cause of tech problems they continue to face!
    @nacho18, @grimmjow, @angryde

    Bottom Tier: Missing in action (racers with no time to play…in danger of losing their spot on the team)
    Goal: 1 to 100 GEs a week? Get back in the kart and race! Let’s go!
    @philhayler, @cholewap, whitepuffin*

    *whitepuffin is the first to go off the team cause they have no connection to us or this forum. We don’t know this racer. They will be replaced for @angryde should he want to get into the game again.

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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