ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • nacho18

    @abgofast : I thig you are absolutely Rigth I respect your Posture and ROVIO too.

    I thing we are not Lucky with that Bug.!!! But …!!!
    We are affected a half of the team!!!
    Let’s hope soon will be a new Update Solving all our Problems!
    So you Guys on Android be Carefull always!!! Okay

    ABGOFAST TEAM !!! Go! Go! Go! Fast!!


    Anyway, I’ve decided to try and catch up instead of waiting for Rovio to come around. I’m racing now and I plan to go fast. @alcusto I think you’re racing too now? Can you see my stats? I’m at 138 as far as I can see.


    @dbkraemer, @philhayler, @nacho18, @platium, @wazemank, @abgofast, @angryde, @alcusto

    It would seem that the bug cures little by little.
    Since Rovio restored my session from a saving previous, I did not play any more the multiplayer.
    I had just been a part to see if it would improve things but not, I had only 10 golden eggs.
    Today, after my daily challenge, I am go on the multi-mode as every day, hoping for a return in normal.

    Much to my surprise, I passed from 10 to 565 golden eggs.
    On the other hand I am always without team and in your team with more than 3.500 golden eggs at the same time.

    Case to be followed….


    @janmej nope I was not playing tonight and you have still 0 GE in my game.


    @nacho18, @platium, @dbKraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @philhayler, @cholewap, @janmej,@angryde


    The man, the myth, the legend has crossed the 10,000 egg achievement. Way to go Abe Goracer! Boys grow up wanting to be him. Woman can’t get enough of him. Now he owns a driver license 25 … is there nothing this man can’t accomplish in the race they call life … answer my friends is “hell no”


    I swear on my life your amount was restored when I posted my message earlier today. Now that I’m home from work, I went into app to get photo evidence. I can’t produce it. Seems I either had a wishful eyes. It doesn’t show this way now and I see your note about not waiting….you’re already over 800+ from what I can see right now. See you on the track soon! Need to eat dinner first :)


    All we see is the 3,597 version of you. I remember when @alcusto first joined my team that there were two versions of him as well. This got cleared up around the time iOS went live. I think the two are related but no idea when it will be fixed


    Horrible news….all I see is 16 GE for you now. Our team total is 95,202 so it looks like the bug that impacts @janmej is now inside your profile / app too. Your amount reset yet no impact to the team result
    – UPDATE – I didn’t see your posts from earlier today as I can only read them off my phone if the @abgofast handle is used inside the message. Otherwise, I read forum off my laptop when home from work (game sites are blocked by my company)
    – I will be writing them again too. This has to stop!

    This team captain is growing frustrated and losing hope that his team will stay in tact because of this absolutely disgraceful programming effort by Rovio.

    Do any of you know if the admins on this site have a clear path to people at Rovio? I would love to get their help. This is a nightmare for iOS users. I wouldn’t blame any of you for quitting this game (other than it is highly addictive fun!)


    wait @janmej game just refreshed and I can see you are now at 830 GE and @platium at 16…ugh


    @nacho18, @platium, @dbKraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @philhayler, @cholewap, @janmej,@angryde

    I also had Nadir answer my ticket. Here is my note back just sent to continue our case and push for the right action by Rovio. I know they will do the right thing. We all need patience (which I don’t have…can you tell by my aggression on the track? No need to answer! Sorry for smashing some of you guys … I aim for the enemy but friendly fire happens from time to time:)

    So to my message:

    Hello Nadir
    Thank you for the reply. I understand your ask to only deal with us one on one when it comes to issues with the game.
    As team captain of my group, I wanted to share not only the individual teammate issues but clear up any accusations of cheating. There is a larger cheating / hacking problem on this game that I ask be addressed.

    First: Team mate Problems:

    The issue appears specific to iOS user of the game. I use Android and have no problems with my counts.
    Jane’s issue was resolved then the results have disappeared again. There was a brief time today her 21,389 score was restored and now it’s gone. I’ve learned another teammate under the screen name PLATIUM (using iOS) say his 11,000+ score go to zero after a crash (he has ticket open now too). My other teammate GRIMMJOW has a ticket because he’s seeing two versions of his results.
    I want to emphasize that is very possible to get to over 11,000 and even 21,000 points (golden eggs). I am at over 31,000 having been a dedicated gamer of this release. It is easy enough to get 2,000 eggs by using all the cupcakes each bird brings forward. It can be done in 2-3 hours.
    I am confident all of our player profiles are legit. We are fans of the game an all found each other on the fan side AngryBirdsNest.com
    https://www.angrybirdsnest.com/forums/topic/abgo-challenges-how-far-you-are/page/58/ …. we even have our own forum to talk the game and strategy.
    Finally, I will not write you further about the legitimacy of our team and respect the ticket process will resolve the above issues.
    So, I’m counting on you to be our voice. Please help ensure the game is cleaned up. We are the lovers of your game. We all have paid real money to it as well. We truly enjoy it and play it the way the developers likely envisioned.

    Second: Cheating & Hacking Problems:
    The top 13 teams on the leader board have over 1 million eggs. IMPOSSIBLE. These are the cheats and hackers who have ruined the game for everyone. From the honest players on my team and others like us through to folks like yourself having to deal with the complaints and support tickets to the developers trying to remove them from the game files and databases.
    Here is list of teams I see that must be removed for cheating:
    1. ALTO ASTRAL – 10,005,547
    2. CRAZYTR – 10,005,437
    3. INDONESIANA – 10.003,695
    4. TAIPEI – 9,999,960
    5. BOOM FIRE – 9,999,496
    then I don’t see teams 6 through 12 as the leader board has these hidden from my view due to my position in the standings
    13. HUNGER GAMES 1,000,032
    Team #14 shows Angry Riders with 125,309. These guys are legit. Race them all the time and the 10 members are playing a lot. Team #15 is my team with 95,311. After this, I believe remaining results are legit too.

    Individual players I see that are cheating. Likely all contributing to the above teams result. The top 5 show up as:
    1. DJUNIN 10,000,000
    2. JRSECRET 10,000,000
    3. CRAZYTURK 9,999,999
    4. CAVIN 9,999,960
    5. GEORGE 9,999,010

    Thank you for help us all.


    Hey ABGoFast team,

    Just wanted to say it’s been fun racing you guys over the past week or so! You guys have a very FAST and solid team and I enjoy racing you guys over the AngryRiders who just use leaf blowers every race. I’m with the CCCP team (no I’m not Russian) so I race you all the time. I happened to come across your forum looking to see if there was any way to communicate with my teammates and it looks like you guys have a pretty good system laid out so congrats to you. Wish Rovio would get the act and gear and make an easier way to talk to teammates (and fix all the cheating).

    I don’t mean to hijack your forum or anything but it’s good to find some other serious racers out there! I’m sure I’ll see you guys out on the track! Keep racing hard!

    – Phoenix


    hi @phoenix6

    it is not hijack… all are welcome here… :)

    maybe @abgofast will recruit you into our team… while i sit out because of the stupid GE count back to ZERO! lol…

    , @dbKraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @philhayler, @cholewap, @janmej, @angryde

    thanks for all the support. i’ll just play the multiplayer at slow mo now… until maybe my eggs are FOUND!!!

    just to add!!! i know why the angry riders use power-up now!!!!

    when you use up the leaf blower and king sling…. it is not necessary ZERO… u can watch video and use it for FREE!!! yes FREE!!!

    How i know? bcoz i was so bored that i play the challenges now, and deplete all my power up!!! no such luck for target super kart… u still need 2 pay 20gems!!!


    @nacho18, @dbKraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @philhayler, @cholewap, @janmej, @angryde, @platium


    Hi Phoenix … if you do want to join us, we have one team member (whitepuffin) that isn’t part of this forum. I am willing to kick out this racer if you want to join us.

    I setup the team as public so it’s available for all to see….let me know if you want to change teams and I can add you. I’ll know you’ve made the team if I see PHOENIX on the team list. I do remember racing you and CCCP a few times over weekend.

    We’ve had a terrible time with iOS crashes and golden eggs getting reset. So far @janmej has lost 26,000+ eggs, @platium has lost 11,000+ eggs, @grimmjow game crashed and now he has two profiles to which neither update results for us, @nacho18 always experiences crashes on Sub Zero tracks and @angryde lost not only his golden eggs but all gems and all challenge progress to point he’s on “temporary leave” from the team as he is not sure he wants to keep going. The only iOS user not cursed (until now cause I likely jinxed him) is @dbkraemer

    and myself are the only two Android users on the team and we’ve had no problems since day 1 of the release


    Hi @phoenix6 nice to hear from you!

    , don’t forget that @cholewap is also under Android!

    Actually I decided to write to you right now because I’m so pissed off of whitepuffin. We literally lost the last four races against AngryRiders because he/she finished 6th!!!

    Please kick him/her off asap and let’s get stronger racers with us. @phoenix6 would be welcome of course.


    @nacho18, @dbKraemer, @grimmjow, @alcusto, @philhayler, @cholewap, @janmej, @angryde, @platium


    Oh that’s right … missed both @cholewap and @philhayler (iOS) cause they’ve not had much time to play the multi-player since they signed on to the team

    I kicked whitepuffin out RIGHT NOW and will watch out for the new racer that joins us.

    Since this was @alcusto’s request, he can make up the 3,200 eggs we just lost … haha … obviously I will be looking for someone with at least this many to join us (unless @angryde is ready to come of leave…miss you buddy!)

    The empty spot will get filled on a first come, first served basis

    If @phoenix6 decides to reply on this forum (appears to have just joined the Nest tonight), I’ll kick out the new racer. So @phoenix6, the spot is NOW open for you to jump teams if you so choose … come to the #2 non cheat team and we will over take the #1 Angry Riders. ABGOFAST = #1 !!!

    Update on my primary rival Mlizzard – this racer is up to 32,729 eggs. Yet again 1,000+ ahead of me. I can’t seem to keep pace. If we are lucky and they joinus, then we’re going to have to look at some tough decisions on the BOTTOM TIER drivers.

    Happy driving


    Hi @phoenix6, glad to see you’ve found this thread. As you can see, with almost 1,500 posts, there is a lot of activity here. And not just for the multiplayer. This thread is loaded (and I mean LOADED!) with tips and useful strategies for passing some of the more difficult challenges, upgrading your karts, best paths for each track and much, much more. It was started by our “Fearless Leader” @nacho18, and his enthusiasm for these races is infectious. :)

    And you are definitely not hijacking anything. ALL are welcome here, and it’s actually nice to hear from someone that we race against. Although we are doing are best to catch and pass the Angry Riders, I always have one eye looking back over my shoulder to keep an eye on you and the Soviets as you try to close in on us :)

    If you need any Facebook friends to help you pass the “Beat a friend’s score” challenges, my link is in my profile here on the nest and I’d be pleased to have my fake gaming Facebook account be friends with your fake gaming Facebook account! HAHA :)

    So, welcome, and please stick around. I think you’ll get a lot of good racing information, and maybe even a laugh or three…


    Hi: @alcusto I see your last posting . And sbout wining Races Over or vs Angry Riders I won last night at least 2 Races vs them ! I don’t know if @abgofast sow me and also @platium : I always Race with both . I take a screenshot I’ll download tonight ; for proof of myself.


    Welcome to our team @phoenix6!
    I see you are a 25 level racer with 10k GE. Good good!
    Let’s go fast!!


    Just as the Kremlin is on high alert at the sudden defection of star athlete @phoenix6, another scandal rocks the KGB:


    Coincidence? I think not! Welcome to the team @phoenix6! Or should I say welcome to the team Leonid Sviridov? Hmmmm? :)


    Wow @alcusto you beat me to the punch. Thanks all for the welcome invite! Glad to see a bunch of active users…we had 4-5 teammates that weren’t quite pulling their weight in Russia…dang commies. Sorry to hear about all the lost eggs effecting some of you. Let me know if I can be of any help. I’m on Android so I haven’t experienced any problems yet.

    I’m ready to go FAST and catch up to those AngryRiders.


    Welcome @phoenix6!!! About to start my next race and you and @janmej were selected. So it didn’t take long for you to jump to the good guys ;)

    Just like your name sake, you’re rising from the ashes of CCCP to join our racing family of ABGOFAST! You’re bring the experience and results we need to help us beat the Angry Riders.
    Please share a little about yourself….below is the info on the team (screen name, Nest handle, first name, M/F, country, operating system)

    Team….please friend @phoenix6 here on the Nest….just joined our team BUT also joined the fan site tonight! I think we have another fast racer!

    Here’s the team:

    Abe_Goracer aka @dbkraemer aka Doug – M – From USA – iOS

    ABGOFAST aka @abgofast aka Mike – M – From Canada – Android

    Alfredo aka @alcusto aka Alfredo – M – From Monaco with strong ties to Italy – Android

    GrimmJow aka @grimmjow aka Gaetan – M – From France – iOS

    Janmej aka @janmej aka Jane – F – From Denmark – iOS

    JohnS aka @angryde aka John – M – From Australia living in Germany – iOS
    (** temporary team leave due to lost progress issues **)

    Nacho18 aka @nacho18 aka Ignacio – M – In USA with strong ties to Mexico – iOS

    Philly aka @philhayler aka Phil – M – From England? or United Kingdom? – iOS

    Platium aka @platium aka “Mr. Veronica” – M – From Singapore – iOS
    Yup…I know his wife’s name but not his as he used her FB account to friend me but I never did share his actual name….even after I’ve posted this a few pages back, I still don’t know it :P

    Przemek aka @cholewap – M – From Poland – Android


    I’m enjoying pretty strong racing with @abgofast and @phoenix6 right now! ;))


    @phoenix6 – To help you get to know some of us better, here’s a fun fact for you about @abgofast, our team captain:

    He tries to keep this hush hush, but he is, in fact, the Prime Minister of Canada. This explains why he has so much free time to collect Golden Eggs… :)


    Phoenix aka @phoenix6 aka Jason – M – From USA (secret agent who infiltrated CCCP) – Android

    , I’m glad you cleared it up cuz I was thinking he was Jack from the bean stock and just stole the golden goose to lay all of his eggs.


    Hello: @phoenix6 : my Name is Ignacio Medina . I am From Mexico. Live in San Francisco USA for many years . My nick name on this Site and on the Game is nacho18.
    I be created this Forum many months ago : for keep here valuable Racers like you.
    Welcome to our home and our racetrack .
    Our Great team is happy knowing about your skills and Stats !!!
    Go! Go! Go! Fast.!!!


    Hello : Team. @abgofast @platium @dbkraemer @alcusto @grimmjow @janmej @philhayler @cholewap and The new One Racer on ABGOFAST @phoenix6.

    I already Downloaded 4 Screenshots of my Racers winner on big Racers.!! Please take a loock on my Albun. Sorry I don’t know to download directly to the forum. And my stats keep Go! In up ..!! Over 2200 GE’s ..!!! Sorry again some minutes ago I stoped because last Race was on SubZero ..!!! I avoided …!! I don’t want to crash again .!! But I am here with all of you Racing hard and Fast .!!!

    Come Team : . Go! Go! Go! Faster!! Because I am here and being more Faster okay!!!


    ABGOFAST : team !!! Crashed Again on Seedway . I take lead on the race : my tier team was abgofast and Phoenix !!! But I crashed 20 minutes later come back and. I did good races I won !!! This New one Racer. @phoenix6 is really good and hard to lead him ..!!! But I did it using UP’s I won at least 2 races being on his tier/our team: I told you guys I am here to Race Harder and Fast !!!

    Come Team . Go! Go! Go! Fast . !!! As faster you Go! Better for me you Push me to Go! Fast and being on first place .! Go! Faster Buddy !!!


    Hi: Team I won An Other Race ..!!! I Downloded on my Albun a Sccreeshot .! Please Take. A loock .!! Konw I am 2350 GE’s Ready.
    Well this a long Weeked for me 4 days …!!! Come team you will eat my Dust Because I’ll be Faster .!! You won’t see me I’ll be on first place many times …!!! Are you Ready Teammmm!!! Come on . Go! Faster or eat my Dust Buddy!!!!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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