ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • oldschool

    @janmej Yeah, this was my summer vacation. I’ll have a coupleof weeks off in our winter, in july.

    Edit: the first ice track is really bugged at the moment. I lose all races there because the opposing team teleports ahead and it is not possible to catch them up. For whatever reason, @abgofast’s ghost teleports a bit ahead, and them probably desyncs somehow and gets stuck.


    Hi again!

    ~ Many thanks for your detailed explanation and instructions. Didn’t manage to pass the challenges yet but I’ve done close already on track 2 (39 fruits!…). I’m now sure I’ll do it one of these days.

    ~ Thank you, too!


    @abgofast 88,824… 88,834… You have already begun to regulate your speed :)))
    Remember the goal: 88,888

    88,844… 88,854… 88,864… 88,868… 88,878…

    Yes… this time, yes, congrats! You must be doubly happy, you have achieved a double 44,444 :))


    Yes track 2 is definitely the easiest of the two. Better to use a lighter kart in order to fly higher from start so that you can grab most of the fruits floating in the air immediately after start. Then after you take those (usually 3 is a good number otherwise restart) don’t move anymore your kart and let it do the magic with those two tornadoes.


    Since yesterday the game is failing 100% of the time. It starts loading, I can see the initial screen, hear 3 seconds of the opening melody and then it quits automatically. Playing on Android on a Samsung S3 mini with a good ammount of RAM and have not installed any app recently (on the contrary , I uninstalled some). So, cannot play ABGo.

    Someone else with this problem?


    I am not having that problem @wazemank. If you have your game progress saved with a Rovio account, you might want to consider uninstalling the game, doing a hard shutdown of your device, restarting your device and then downloading the game again and then signing back in with your Rovio account…


    @wazemank @dbkraemer : as you know : I play the game on IOS sistem .!!! Just some minutes ago I diid tried to play and : after the game openly inmediatly everything seems Normal : the song and the Sppining Clock then the 10 racers list I even sow @abgofast with his Magic Numbers ” 88 888 : and DBK with over 85 000 and more Convined !!! But next Page to start to race takes to long : then come in out a sign : ” internet connection failed ; please. Check your connection and come back later ” I did several time to come back and Race: negative can’t Race … Hey @all ; are you having the same Problem .!!!

    I can’t Go! Fast with this obstacles !!!


    @abgofast @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool

    OK, this is a weird thing that has been happening for the last two days. In Sub Zero Track 1, the opponents launch and are immediately about halfway down the course. Their karts just disappear, and at the top you can see their icons about halfway done. We lose every time because there is no way to catch them. It has been different teams, not just one team.

    Is this happening to anyone else? Just curious…


    @wazemank no issues for me on Android.


    @wazemank I get the same as @nacho18 the connection failed message. Been like that since morning.

    yes I noticed something yesterday when I was actually able to play. The opponents turn up in front of you right before the jump? And @ABGoFast’S ghost is stuck? Also on Air track 2 some weird stuff is going on.

    Edit: Now I can play. Try now @nacho18. And btw the sound doesn’t work for me and it hasn’t had for weeks. Not that I really miss that song…


    Yes me too I’m getting the “connection failed” message since this morning like @janmej and @nacho18

    I was experiencing the weird “teleporting of all opponents ahead” issue in the past when I was racing with CCCP and any time I was against the racer called Mlizzard. It happened to me only when facing that guy. Not now.

    the weird issues with @abgofast ghost ending up 6th on subzero track 1 or on Air might be linked with the fact that on some races he is deliberately performing badly in order to get small numbers and reach his final target scores. Rovio might have selected his ghost on those races which is disrupting our team’s results when that happens. He might confirm it to us directly later.


    @alcusto @nacho18 I was able to play a few races minutes ago, but now I get the connection failed message again. Sigh.. @phoenix6 if your game is working, tonight’s the night to overtake me :)


    @dbkraemer @janmej @alcusto @wazemank : yes I sow that Very Speedy Racers on almost all tracks . Again I avoid to Race on SubZero ..!! Because my Big Problem of Crashing Remain the Same. That’s make Go! Slow down ; plus bad Karts ( yeasterday ROVIO Answer me and send me 2500 Gems ) ; Know did any of you Bougth Karts with the ROVIO Big Present : Lucky Boxes!!!
    The ghost that Go! fast on almost all the Tracks I am seeing for many days . Know @abgofast ghost is the same seems like is using speedy blow blowers or Extra Gems for being speedy : as well @platium @@phoenix6 and also DBK!

    I need to use blow blowers or gems sometimes and Pay 3 Gems to enter on one of the 3 Winners. That’s not Fair for me to Gletchy and Plaged of many Bugs and other Bad issues on this for know Bad Game ABGo! We can’t Go! Fast : isn’t ..!!! He Dicho!!!


    @wazemark No, my game loads “just fine”, that is, most of the time it is really slow, but after a few (several) trials, I can get it to work on normal or close-to-normal speed.

    @all Right now, I cannot get team multiplayer to work. In addition to it, the game loads slow or crashes up, and when I reload it, I get less and less cupcakes from you. When it finally “agrees” to load at normal speed, I usually have around 1 ou 2 cupcake gifts, and the remaining messages are people asking for cupcakes, even if they have already asked recently. Of course, I need to wait 24 h to send more cupcakes.

    The only part that works is single multiplayer. The first time I tried it, I got a major bug in which I faced 7 or 9 other racers, but they all got stuck from the beginning. After another crash, they started to work normally, but I noticed I would always face the same players, and every time there would be at least one multi-cheater-upper multi-special-power user, so it was almost impossible to win. More often than not, there would be a Chuck user spamming special powers and using all cheat-ups but the Target cart one. It’s just too stupid.

    Unfortunately, I don’t know how to get print screens. There was a guy with 1.9 billion golden eggs. Gimme a break…


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    I have experienced what DBK has described…when the opponents jump out to a massive lead and indicator show ups half finished the race right from the word Go! Then from this point on, they don’t move. This has happened about 6-12 times this month. The other odd thing is that I’m racing with a teammate AND someone who is not part of ABGOFAST…the racer is always a different random name!

    As I get to the half way point and just as I’m about to pass the opponent who got this huge early lead, the game without fail crashes and closes. This is probably why you see my ghost disappearing half way through the Sub Zero and Air tracks. It happens 100% of the time this glitch occurs. Kinda of disappointed this was the chosen ghost for me given the volume of races I’ve put in to get to my 88,888 egg result!

    — I only purposely tanked two or three times as I was slow to realize I can easily switch to “regular” multiplayer get 2,4,6 and 10 points on on these races to get my extra special numbers and palidromes :)

    For the record, I hate when I get odd numbers on team multiplayer. Damn you 13 and 15 always trying to mess with me! … it always takes forever to get back to even results. I got “15” a with less than one hundred eggs to go to 88,888 …. I did some crazy stuff (that @wazemank pointed out!) to get there but I made it happen … yeah baby yeah!

    and @abegoracer … nearly 86,500 isn’t bad for ‘two people’ to achieve :))) It’s a shame that you guys are still 40,000+ each behind me! haha No…DBK…I don’t consider your combined efforts a 2nd place overall right now …you’re still #4th and #5th place on the team. Those standings are official :)

    PS….I experienced connection troubles this morning on all Rovio games that have a Rovio account. I reset my phone and reset my WIFI … it worked fine afterwards. No problems this evening.

    Won’t be racing tonight … going to the NBA all star game in AB Seasons … lol new update today to one of my favorite Rovio ‘traditional flinger’ releases (3rd to AB Star Wars 2 and AB Space…still working through that update too)


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @abgofast @oldschool @dbkraemer

    haha… some of you obsess with 88888??? i thought only chinese like it… chinese new year is around the corner and 88888 means strike rich !!!! although in chinese in only 1 word… but in english is translated to “strike rich strike rich strike rich strike rich strike rich”  发发发发发!!!! or sound like “far”x5 in mandarin…

    it should be complete word like 发财 as in fortune!!!

    i am only collecting gem now… very slow and bad connection now!!


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @phoenix6 @platium @abgofast @oldschool @dbkraemer

    Wow I really haven’t experienced any of those things you all describe and I’ve been playing here and there throughout the day as well as for the last couple hours. No connection issues, crashing, teleporting players, random teammates, or slow game. Only thing I have noticed is @abgofast getting pretty consistently stuck on Sub Zero. Maybe some good karma is coming my way from losing most my carts earlier.

    I don’t think you’ll have to worry about me for a couple days at least . Still 2000 GEs behind right now and I’m sure you and the little one will be adding to your stash when you’re awake and I head to bed. I’m really trying to get ahead of YURIY so our team can have the top 3 non-cheaters in our ranks.


    @dbkraemer I experienced as well yesterday night the infamous glitch on sub zero track 1 with all opponents teleporting themselves ahead. There was absolutely no way for us to win those races. The best I could do without using p-ups or extra special powers was to get 2nd but that was not enough for our team to win.


    @platium couldn’t be more appropriate considering @ABGofast’s success on the tracks and on the football field!

    Have you seen, two more to beat above YURIY? I wonder where those racers come from? I won’t be playing much today, though. Sometimes I do have tend to my other (non-racing) job.


    Nobody noticed I achieved my first palidrome at 18281 GE?


    @alcusto and @all. Racers . Me too . Y did checked out RIGTH know . You stil with 18 281 and me with 10 410 . So please checkout . I’ll race again tonight .!!!

    So @alcusto congrats for your first Palindrome .

    Wait a minute!!! My could be 10 401 .!!! Oooh no I missed Again !!!


    Oh @alcusto, we noticed. We were just waiting until the official press release came out before congratulating you. I believe that Paragraph 79 Subsection 4b of your Constitution reads as follows:

    “He who scores a palindrome, shall henceforth rule the whole kingdom.”

    So… Long live the new ruler of Monaco, King Alfredo!!!! :)


    @all Team multiplayer is working, again, with few bugs. I got a few more eggs just so @wazemark doesn’t get too great an advantage. :)


    ahahah thanks @dbkraemer, you made me laugh! and thanks also to @nacho18 hasta siempre amigo!


    Hello: @oldschool. I just want to correct you on very good sence.

    You are missing one letter on our Great Racer @wazemank

    You are wrongly calling him @wazemark !!! He is not like mark !!! I don’t even know his first Name but I don’t thing so he is Mark. Sorry for correct you next time write this : @wazemank okay.

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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