ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • janmej

    @ABGoFast I told little meatball about your mission. She’s very impressed although a bit concerned as well. First of all she wanted to know who presses the yellow button for you and secondly she told me to tell you that you need to sleep too.


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    — too cute :) you’ll have to teach her all about time zones but I have a feeling she’s not quite old enough to believe you yet … but “how can it be afternoon for him when it is bedtime for me?” … Without my own little meatball to assist me, please tell her I do need her advice on when it is best to press the yellow button

    So all … session #4 is done … best so far 40 of 60 races were 1-2-3 finishes. Got me 999 eggs. We were perfect 60-0. It took 1h39m to finish this session (better game application performance now plus a lot of short Seedway races got picked)

    So overall now, collected 4,000 eggs by completing 246 races with team record of 242-4. It’s taken actual racing effort of 6 hours 49 minutes and 30 seconds.

    The last 1,000 to go … should get done between 60 to 65 races and within the next two hours … glory of being the 100,000 man :)


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    Hey everyone! The mission is accomplished 100,001 Golden Eggs achieved. 5,001 completed in a day! Final session of 61 races kept the streak alive (61-0….overall 303-4 for the day). This session took 1 hour 44 minutes including securing the two real (but unspoken) achievements I was truly after today – two perfect palindromes that book end 100,000!

    99,999 achievement

    100,001 achievement (aka my victory lap to finish last in single player! lol!)

    Overall, 307 races completed today to get the 5,001 eggs. Total race time was 8 hours 33 minutes. Duration of this marathon lasted roughly 12 hours. I started at 7 AM and it is 10 minutes to 7 PM now so I did take about 4 hours of breaks throughout the day.

    I don’t think I could go faster. The team averaging 16 of 18 points per race over 307 races is awesome!!! (it also shows how lousy our competition is right now)

    I’m feeling kinda proud of my silly accomplishments on this game. I take a minute to thank you all for making this fun for me. I hope you found this day of updates entertaining. Your Crazy Captain Canada out :)


    @ABGofast you did it!! CONGRATULATION. Unbelievable achievement, Captain (Crazy). I salute you. It’s not a marathon, it’s an Iron man! (Respect to your girlfriend too :)).


    @janmej – the whole binge weekend of racing was truly made possible do to a girls only trip across the border to the USA. My girlfriend, her sister, and my two sisters all travelled together to shop at “stores that we dont have here”. So I managed to finish the marathon about one hour and a half before they got home. Made for the awkward moment when answering the “what did you do while I was gone?” question lol


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    Awww team, you didn’t have to provide me with this gift … and I see you all raising an eyebrow saying “what gift?” so let me explain….I opened the app today (at work cause I was too chicken to dare do it in front of a certain someone this morning..see previous post to @janmej). My weekly tourney prize it was a brand new shiny black convertible Big Bang Special Edition L6 kart.

    I’m sure you all chipped in and bought me this gift for my 100,000 milestone. The current karts have a lot of mileage on them so adding this one to the garage is great (just missing the most expensive Seedway kart now). It was also fun to use some of my $8.5 million coins to max out the kart right away (apologies to all those still suffering kart loss and low coins as a result)

    Maybe you’ll see my ghost driving the Big Bang Special Edition a few times just for fun (eventually…when it’s safe to race a bit again…lol) . I know it won’t be as fast as the L4 model in multi-player game BUT I know I can still beat our competition!


    Hahaha @ABGoFast everything’s funny about that post. I take it you answered truthfully to the question of what you’d been up to during the weekend. I don’t know what my husband would do if I pulled a 12 hours stretch. Probably he would make me take out the garbage for a year or so… As luck (and mad motor skills) would have it, I also won a kart today. I can’t remember now what it is called, but it’s the one with all the ropes and belts in Stunt. In my mind I refer to it as the SM-kart… Well, I’ve been waiting for a new Stunt kart for ages as I really wanted to conquer the “finish a race backwards” challenge on Stunt 1 and I thought if I’d only max out the speed and accelleration it could be done, but no. SM-kart is obviously useless.


    Congrats @abgofast – 100,000 GEs. Woooow!

    I cannot yet access to multiplayer mode. Can play normally challenges, weekly and daily but not multiplayer with my account. I’ve tried to access multiplayer through identical conditions but with another Rovio account and I can play. So, it seems it’s exclusively a multiplyer-vs-my_account issue. Hope they will fix it soon.

    btw, what is actual team ranking? DBK+ABE > ABGOFAST? @nacho18 = 11,111? Tell me…

    Meanwhile, 743k vs 734k in the weekly against @abgofast… 777,777 this week?


    OK, Nadir has semi-fixed my issue. Now I can play multiplayer mode, he has changed my nickname to BIGH and now I have a strange profile non-my-family photo! What is this???

    BUT now I have only 2,021 golden eggs. Does any of you know how many Golden Eggs I had some hours ago? I thought 28K or something like this? I asked Rovio to restore them but, who knows, lately strange things happen in this game.


    @wazemank – You had 29,424. See below. Maybe you can send this to Nadir:

    Waze Eggs


    Congrats team leader abgofast!!!

    I was wondering who is BIGH…. Is u wave!!!

    I am now useless in Air… Only have level 1 kart… Lazy to telepod kart that is not superior also… Air guitar is the worst of the lot!!!

    Until rovio fix my kart issue… I will be playing challenges more…


    I’m still waiting since beginning of December 2014 for Rovio to restore my lost GE and I’m still waiting. Welcome to this WTF waiting room man!


    @ABGoFast @wazemank @platium @nacho18 @dbkraemer @oldschool @phoenix6 @alcusto

    On my bike home from work today I suddenly thought to myself that I know very little about you. And then again you always get some impressions from what people are contributing here. I know you all have a good sense of humor. And it’s fine. We seem to get along regardless or maybe due to not knowing much. I don’t know, but would anyone at least share their age? It’s ok if you don’t want to. I’m just curious.

    Here goes, I’m 38!


    @jammej: probably I am the only one : Senior over here on this Team. Next Wednesday 18 : I’ll Turn 69 years Old Guy!!! Can you BELIVE it!!! Yes I’ll be.


    Thanks a lot @dbkraemer. I’ve just sent it.

    , do you periodically reopen the request to remind them that it’s still pending?

    , 40… I win! :)

    @all, let’s bet. If I change my nickname again back to WTFUPDATE, will I be able to play multiplayer mode?


    @janmej – On March 24th I will be 50 :)


    OK, @janmej, some more info:

    I’m a professor at a University in Brazil. I’m 35. As for games, I’m a SF2 player, since it was huge when I was a teenager. I play Angry Birds in my spare, non-SF time.

    Impressive marathon. That’s definitely endurance to qualify you are the ABGoFast member to represent us in next Suzuka 8 Hours race. We just need to get you a bike!

    Well, I’m happy to hear it is still you. I was afraid you had enough with all the bugs and cheats when I saw that BIGH guy, you see. Let us hope they restore your egg-count soon enough.

    Our experienced team member and most valuable coach!


    Great, guys.

    I shouldn’t be that surprised. My mom who’s 72 is a pretty keen gamer herself although she’s more into AB Friends. But 69 (soon)! Keep going senior Fearless Leader.

    I’ll bet you a couple of cupcakes and the Air Guitar… Actually for some reason I thought both you and @dbkraemer to be younger. We aren’t exactly spring hares (vårharer in Danish. A word for being young) on our team, I guess.

    you’re the youngest so far. Let’s see what our captain (crazy) says. I have a feeling that both he and @phoenix6 are younger than we are. I’ve seen photos of @alcusto and @platium on Facebook. They’re both hard to determine. What is SF2 by the way?

    And for work, I’m a social anthropologist and these days I work with minority women, but I used to be in the tech business. A while ago I shared a little unknown fact about me: I don’t know how to drive a real car. There’s no need to here in Copenhagen, the bicycle capital of the world. Coming up next week, I’ll ask all of you to share something little known about yourselves, so think about it :-). (And that’s how the only female of the pack turned this thread into a distorted version of truth or dare… Sorry :))


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    Well…. @oldschool is younger than me….I might possibly have a long lost twin in Copenhagen …. is @janmej my twin? I’m also 38 … 39 this coming spring (April 30th) maybe we share a birthday?

    My day job is in the world of finance (explains my numbers obsession). I have a professional accounting designation and also educated in IT major in my business degree. Today, I am the finance lead for the IT division of one of our larger privately held companies here in Atlantic Canada. Atlantic Canada isn’t heavily populated but I’m lucky to have all my family reasonably close by. I live with my ever patient, loving and beautiful girlfriend who seems to be hinting more and more recently that she should be my fiancée … hmmm…thank you advertisers of Valentine’s Day :)

    … you’re multiplayer experience lately is very bizarre … more bizarre is the fix given to you … truly a WTF situation.

    I got an update from Nadir on the whole topic of cheaters and hackers….

    Dear Mike,

    Thank you for your feedback. Our developers are currently eliminating the cheaters manually but simultaneously working on an anti-cheating tool. We understand that the cheaters take the fun out of the game and are unfair to the honest players who have spent time and maybe even money to advance in the game.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope that you can still enjoy Go! while we are trying to get rid of the dishonest players!

    Kind regards,

    Rovio Support Team


    Hi guys! I’m 41 and working in the legal department of a shipping group in Monaco. Happily married (my saint wife is handling the stress of having a husband playing ABGo on his free time) and with a beautiful little daughter.

    I was writing often to Nadir until about 2 weeks ago when he told me that developers were hard at work for the next update (not yet out) and could not look at my issue. WTF!!!

    Apart from ABGo my other two gaming obsessions are Candy Crush (828 levels completed with 3 stars) and Temple Run 2 where I achieved the infamous “infinirunner” achievement.

    SF2 is Street Fighter 2. A huge hit in our land as well. Good memories of fights with friends…


    @all it looks like I’m going to be the baby of the group unless @platium turns out to be younger. I’m 28 and as I’ve mentioned in one of my earlier posts I am a mechanical engineer and design zero-turn riding lawnmowers. Although technically I could claim to be the oldest as well as I’ve been reborn and risen from my ashes more times than I have feathers on my wings. Longest run of which was 284 years 73 days 17 hours 42 minutes and 21 seconds…but whose counting.

    One of my favorite things to do sometimes at work is to “test” ride the mowers behind our building…strictly for research purposes of course…I would NEVER do any wheelies or donuts. I also like to think about converting one of our mowers into a go cart of sorts to race and live out a real life AB Go! race.


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @abgofast @oldschool @dbkraemer

    phoenix u r the youngest!!! i’m 39 in apr…

    i’m into multi front w angry birds… i’m playing star wars 2, transformer, stella, go! and fight!!!

    i started bcoz of rovio brilliant team up with star wars… and i was only collecting the cute little heads… then came out telepods for absw2… that is when i paid for my 1st download and no turning back…

    now i’m into fight!!!

    my day job is realty related…


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @abgofast

    I am the quality manager for a surgical instrument manufacturer. As for something little known about myself, I am a bird watcher and often go on vacations specifically to look for new birds. I have so far seen 152 different species, mostly on the east coast of the USA. Maybe this is why I’m so drawn to the Angry Birds games… Oh, and for the Canadian in our midst, I’m a huge Rush fan :)

    And @janmej – I’m young at heart. And I’m quite immature, if that helps :)


    One thing that I forgot to share with you… You can imagine how much I love changing my ABGo driver license names. From WAZE to WTFUPDATE, next BIGH and now IWANTMYGES (IWANTMYGOLDENEGGSBACK is too long). What will be the next? NOROVIONOOURTEAMISNOTCHEATER?

    , you’re (again) my first goal. What a déjà vu.


    @wazemank @nacho18 @alcusto @janmej @phoenix6 @platium @oldschool @dbkraemer

    Just enough time tonight to complete our fearless leaders ask …..his ultimate
    “nach-indrome” is mine … 100,100 :)

    and @alcusto — I struggle to understand how Rovio can’t add your lost golden eggs back to your profiles. If they’re manually removing cheaters, then they can manually adjust legit racer results…it’s only logical right?

    Also, if someone can develop a hacker/cheat program that allows a user to pick any egg amount you’d think the developers in Rovio would know how to do this too.

    Now on to my bigger rant! It almost seems appropriate for you to use this program to add in your lost GEs to your current totals!!! Given the wait time to fix it legitimately and the photo evidence WE know it’s not a cheat result! @wazemank should have roughly 30 K result and @alcusto you’re over 33 K if you add your “racer A” totals. If I was you both, I would feel justified in going this route.

    I do very much applaud you both on the “starting over” quests. I know when my progress was 100% lost, I was 100% defeated. I couldn’t even open the app I was so disgusted with what happened. You both are dedicated racers and going above the call of duty as ABGOFAST teammates by starting over :)

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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