About "Awaiting Moderation"

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum About "Awaiting Moderation"

  • AngryBirdsNest FAQ

    from the link above – – –

    I posted a comment and it says it is awaiting moderation. What does that mean?

    This is a very useful feature that helps keep ABN free of those evil, vicious spammers. There are only a few ways that one could see this message. First, if you are using an email address that has never posted a comment before, then your comment will require moderation. Also, posting multiple links will require moderation, even if you are a well-established user. We apologize for this inconvenience, but it is a necessary feature to keep us all spam-free. Very rarely, users who abuse our hospitality can be manually added to the “must-moderate” list.

    In general, so long as your comment is on topic, it will be approved quickly by any of the admins.

    , fyi

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  • aVIP2u

    @amslimfordy A couple of us are wondering why this thread (the one linked below) is no longer sticky/pinned:

    List & Pics of All Energonicons

    P.S. I don’t seem to be able to send you a PM


    Yes, I understand why threads or posts get put into moderation.

    I was more curious as to why you in particular get thrown into moderation every single time. You’re hardly a new user, or a spammer (as far as I know ;)

    Unless you got scoped into the “Very rarely, users who abuse our hospitality can be manually added to the “must-moderate”” list? (Tsk, tsk …..)


    @avip2u Every time you edit the post (and we thank you for that) you’re post gets picked up by the spam filter. A necessary evil …

    But it also resets it’s specs (no longer a sticky post). The system is not perfect, and we do our best to manually publish them in a timely manner.

    Anyways, your post is back and stickied :)

    ps: The system will pick on my posts as well.


    @sal9 Thank you!

    I will try to limit the # of edits. Minor stuff I can put in a reply. Big changes, I will edit the main thread and then try to let you know (since it will make it “unsticky”).


    Don’t hesitate to send me a pm @avip2u if you feel that it’s taking longer than expected or that something is off.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum About "Awaiting Moderation"

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