About the Angry Birds 2 Arena

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    My opponent’s FB was also slightly better…


    There’s no other way, to win all levels you’ll have to use spells and spend a little, that’s the way the game is set to work, Rovio chooses your opponents very carefully, they are better than you, only up to level 5 you may win with only one extra bird.

    Juan Luis Valenciaga Parma

    These guys are hungry for money, desperate to become billionaires, they’re going to end up killing the game. Today at the end of the stage, a little pig hit him 4 times and he didn’t die, I spent 60 gems and he died at the first shot.


    100 they opped everything to this streak event. I can hardly win even the first rounds without using spellcards or gems. It definitely wasnt that hard before. Grifing Rovio is back at it again. ofc it’s a free game and they need to earn money, but cmon even the first levels. Im lucky if I win 2nd room without using spells

    Juan Luis Valenciaga Parma


    Angrybirds clan battle

    My friend just sent me this, is it possible to compete against a clan of this level when your clan only reaches 500 (single player). This is really laughing in everyone’s face.


    I have noticed that we are back into ‘miracle points’ once again. Even in streak 1-4 it is not unusual to be neck and neck with the opponent till the end, then all of a sudden two 4-5 million point birds and that’s all she wrote. The end result is that it is unusual if I finish one Arena round a week, preferring clan play and Daily Challenge instead.

    DC has become rather challenging these days, we’re to the point that 3 structures in each room is standard, along with minor pigs on balloons etc.

    The end effect is that I find myself spending less and less time on the game, even passing on the free ticket videos etc. That can’t be what Rovio wants, can it?


    I’ve noticed the same thing. Some days it is almost impossible to finish DC. And the extra structures are on the days you need to play KPP to finish all daily quests.

    In the arena, I’ve had pigs that just won’t die and structures that seem to not respond even with the correct bird. It is frustrating!

    Juan Luis Valenciaga Parma

    Yesterday, another friend was banned and I give faith that he has never cheated, on the contrary, he spends a good amount of money every month for this game in the Apple Store. His great possible sin: that of being part of those who lodged a formal complaint about Rovio’s bad practices to the EU gaming commission.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I will delete this game soon. F*** Rovio and their unfair game mechanics. One thing for sure, they wont get a single penny more from me.</p>


    Could someone tell me how the fu** star ranking in arena match is counting? Recently I can’t get 10 stars, even when my score is over 10 M higher than my enemy score. Example: I won a match with points ratio 39M:22M and get 9 stars. In the other time I won about 7-8M and again got 9 stars. Jesus, oh and few matches earlier I got free blizzard spell for fullfilling destruct-o-meter, so I used it, cause next to it were staying the blues. But when I sling those little ones at ice structure, they simply bounce off the ice tower. What the hell? Or this one – last pig next to tnt box, falling piece of wood touched the box but it didn’t explode. Needed to sling another bird.

    Juan Luis Valenciaga Parma

    Piggsy, after the last update, the game’s gotten even harder. The reason, simple: Rovio’s big profit comes from the sale of all your information to third parties (they collect even more information than Facebook, your smallest details, just read their privacy policy). Rovio must show its customers that its subscribers spend enough money on their games, so the data they sell has great commercial value. Otherwise, they are not interesting.

    When you open a free chest, you will come across casino advertising, casinos do not advertise on sites that players do not spend money on.

    Read Rovio’s Privacy Policy and you will see all the information you agree to pass on to Rovio when you download one of his games. It’s impressive, even your most private files are known to Rovio. Read especially paragraph 2 Ad Serving Technology, the data Facebook collects is from beginners in comparison.


    Juan Luis Valenciaga Parma

    People do not realize the danger posed by the data being transferred to Rovio.



    @piggsy From my experience the star count has to do with a factor, that you “outplay” your opponent. I noticed, that you must have almost (not entirely) twice as many points as your opponent to get 10 stars. And it doesn’t matter if he scores 10 and you score 20 Million or 1 and 2 Million. By my estimation you should have about at least 190-195% of your opponent’s score to get 10 stars. 9 stars are less hard to achieve, but I assume it could be something around 165-170%. I was going to really figure this out via an exel sheet, but then I thought, what the hell, I have better things to do ;-).



    Star counting of arena match has been revealed for a long time.

    When you outscored your opponent by 7% you got 6 stars
    15%, 7 stars
    25%, 8 stars
    45%, 9 stars
    80%, 10 stars

    In short, it’s not on how many score you were ahead of your opponent.

    For example, if your opponent got 30M in the match, you needed to score 54M at least, to got 10 stars.


    Was that information officially released by Rovio?

    That’s interessting, I don’t think, 80% is accurate, but I will keep that in mind and try to calculate it in my next matches. Thanks @yue-zhang



    This worksheet was created on 9/23/2016


    Oh, that’s how it works. Thaks for explanation @yue-zhang, @jo-ha.


    Alright, thanks @yue-zhang, now I believe it ;-).


    On a daily basis, the arena gets more loaded.

    This was the end of a game on streak six. Watched a video, got Chuck, took out the wooden structure. This pig decided the slope wasn’t *quite* steep enough to roll down. So guess what? 60 gems required to pop it.

    I preferred to lose.



    I cant win one Arena fight, while this event is on. Its just impossible, unless I of course spend gems spells etc. But realy on first freaking battle.

    I have an idea that it is because of the spy hat and one legendary hat, that my increased flock power gives me the unfair matchups. But if that’s the case, what is the point in owning these hats?! Screw this games logic!


    It’s pointless. No matter how strong your FP is and how much multiplier you have with hats – you’re always a worse player at matchup screen. I don’t remember recently if my opponents’ FP was lower than mine. This game is ridiculous – it seems like my birds these days make much less damage in every mode of this game. Blues bounce off from ice structures, Terrence stops his flight when touching balloons, Bomb doesn’t make damage to stones. Oh and that’s fu*king little pigs, that surviving almost in every room. And creme de la creme. Yesterday I made a rage quit at ToF (I pushed home button at my phone), because I got two pigs in a row at first floors. Today, I opened app – the game booted normally but when I touched ToF Icon I was welcomed by pig wanted 50 gems from me. App remembered my last progress in Tower but with that I lost my free chance to play. No more questions.

    Juan Luis Valenciaga Parma

    Piggsy, Rovio, like Facebook (they actually work together), sells all your data and that’s where his main income comes from. With the scandal that exploded, Rovio is now forced to seek income from the sale of his gems, whatever it takes, so prepare to be squeezed by all possible means. I don’t play anymore, I’m not willing to give away my money without any counterpart in the game.

    David Miller

    Has anybody been able to access the arena within the past couple days?  Because whenever I try, it goes to the loading screen, and then exits out of the app.

    Inigo Montoya

    @david-miller Arena & other features are all working normally on my iPhone (with occasional very brief notices of maintenance in Clans); don’t know of any updates that would’ve affected you. If you haven’t already you might try shutting down and restarting your system; after that all I can suggest is emailing [email protected], though I don’t know how quickly they’ll reply. @Hank, are you still around?


    Rovio thanks for your kindness. Praise the mighty Rovio. I can change my opponent in the arena by paying 15 gems. Why so cheap you scumbags?

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