About the Angry Birds 2 Arena

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  • Buster

    Agreed. I do try to rack up an early lead to discourage others except those who are as crazy as I am. If my main competitors are from another hemisphere where it’s the middle of the night when the game ends, that’s a nice advantage.


    What is the actual time of joining the new league?

    Is it the time when the previous tournament ends, or when you log in the Arena the first time in the next week?

    Because I was always matched with those strong players when if I start to play the arena earlier in the week, when I played non-stop before the tournament ends and immediately joined the next one, those opponents tend to win 1000+ stars, if I first log in on Tuesday, the other 14 opponents tend to be weaker.


    I live in US mountain time and the arena ends at 5pm Saturday (in daylight savings time it’s 6pm). The new tournament begins immediately whether I play or not.  When visiting the east coast it ended 2 hours later, so I assume it ends simultaneously worldwide, which could be 3am in some places.

    Buzz Barrelroll


    2am in Poland.

    filth pig


    Does anybody know if advanced players have an option to take two of the same birds into the first hand? Lately I’ve had some opponents with two bombs in their first hand. Last night my arena win  streak got destroyed by a player with two Terrence’s and one bomb in his first hand.

    I stuck with Blue, Mathilda and chuck. So he uses bomb.. get it back plus spell. Then two times Terrence.. again back with two spells, one mighty eagle.

    How can I decide what spells to take into a match if my opponent gets to use the best cards twice in one hand?

    Recap: Is there an option available to take two bombs or Terrence’s into a match?

    I’m really pissed


    No, even if he used bomb and awarded another Bomb he couldn’t use it again as the immediate next card, unless there was less than 3 cards left, or they paid 15 gems to swap the cards. But there were opponents with two of the same bird card shown from time to time before that function was introduced. I don’t know what’s the point of showing those cards, I suspected those cards may not even be used in the same room as you played. Sometimes they could use just blues to strike a room with 3 stone structures.


    @angrybirdspoop, “Sometimes they could use just blues to strike a room with 3 stone structures.”

    Not only that, but “opponent” can also score more points than it’s possible to get from that room with that bird.


    To clarify: A room with two platforms and slime slide. Structures consist of little bits of ice, mostly stone and some wood.

    I smash the structure and pigs at the upper platform completely with Terence, it goes to slide and smashes lower structure and pigs. It bounces back to slide and goes again destroying rest of the structure, while making it strike.

    The “opponent” uses blue, which has 5 points lower Bird Power than my Terence and manages somehow pop all the pigs and nearly half of the structures. I score about 6mil, the “opponent” gets about 11mil. Clearly the “opponent” is not “playing” the same room!


    filth pig

    Thanx for the reply.

    But to explain again: Before we start playing I look at my opponents hand: 2 of the same birds in the deck of three.

    The first three times this happened I won so didn’t care to much, though it made me wonder and frown a bit.

    The last time it gave me no chance of winning at all.

    I thought maybe this would be an option for more advanced players, or something you can buy: Taking two bombs with you.

    Cant explain this otherwise

    Ang Ryone

    Do you really think they have an opponent playing while you’re playing and you are playing the same room?

    It’s fictional. In practicality, the only thing you can assume is that your opponent has the score that is shown and the number of cards left that is shown. I don’t know how any given throw is calculated, but probably it’s just picking scores from some distribution based on the mean value of whatever FP the opponent has.


    Yeh, when I started out I thought I was playing a real opponent in real time. Then it occured to me the enormous amount of data accumulation and processing it would take to line up an opponent with a similar achievement level for the same rooms at the same time, even at 2am. In fact, more than one opponent because you can pay gems to get a new one, endlessly, instantly.

    I did notice that on a given day playing arena the same rooms tend to appear over and over throughout the day. So maybe they’re able to pull enough historical data of results for those rooms so your opponent was actually playing those same rooms at some point in time.


    I’ve had times when I played the exact same opponent in the exact same set of screens and their score ends up different, which is why I think their PvP is a scam.

    I know I should have taken screenshots of this, but last week I was on the final leg of the win streak trying for the legendary chest.  Opponent already +150 strength level over mine.  First room was a single tower on a hill on the far right of the screen, apparently my opponent scored 13Million on it with Blues, which is impossible since it was made of wood and there’s not enough in that room for that many points, either.  When I struck it with my Blues (first bird as well) they bounced off and I scored near zero.

    At some point near the end I was given one of those slime flume screens where things just keep looping infinitum unless you hit them dead on with birds, and there were two pigs stuck in the flume, so needless to say I wasted about 4 birds in there.  My opponent had already used up their last card- and was sitting on a score of 62Million (to my 41 million, explain that).

    When I had one bird left, and my opponent was bird-less for a couple of rounds, suddenly WITHOUT ANY CARDS LEFT their score shot up to 75 Million.  Did they buy in and it was being held for the game to see if I bought in as well (which I did)?

    Either way pure BS- I wasn’t about to buy in again at 180 gems and not even be close to their score.  Again, no way we could possibly be playing the same screen.

    Ang Ryone

    Last night I had my opponent score 13 million with Bomb. He was at FP 620. That’s impossible. Cap is scored at around 8 million.


    Is there really a cap, other than max points from strike an destroying all objects/structures, on points you can get one bird per room?


    Ang Ryone

    Yeah. I don’t know exactly how it’s calculated but something like this:

    Any stage has a cap on ~100 000 points. Say a certain stage consist of 4 pieces of wood and one pig. You send out level 80 Chuck and get 3 pieces of wood and the pig. You get 80000*80= 6.4 M points because you got 80% of all pieces (pig incl). Had you gotten all 4 pieces of wood and the pig you’d get 8 M points.


    This is why you don’t get super high scores when you blast through 3 structures with Terrence. There’s a lot of left over pieces. Every piece is a % of 100 000.


    That’s news for me and certainly something to consider when choosing which bird to use.




    You are right, the more the pieces, the fewer the portion of score each piece carries, all the rooms carry the same potential maximum score.

    However, the destruct-o-meter is another story, if there are fewer pieces in a room, it won’t fill up much.

    Moreover, I discovered that the opponent shot one bird after you shot one, just follow your action one by one, e.g. if you used 3 birds, it was displayed that the opponent used 3 too, so it is clear that those birds may not be used in the same room as you, it’s just a sequence.

    filth pig

    @ angryone.

    Please take a closer look before you respond!

    Where did I state that i feel I’m playing a real time opponent?

    A 3 year old toddler will know its playing a recorded game.. Well i thought so.

    Now could your highness explain me where these opponents got hands with 2 stella and one bomb. Ore two fatheads and a bomb in the same hand?

    The are not even playing recorded algoritmes. The are playing total setups to shake the money tree.


    filth pig

    + 2 x y


    Usually I don’t call out someone by name, but this time I am going to.

    His FP was only 63 points above mine, he had 1 spell (pig inflator) and yet his final score was almost 90M to my 47M, and I had all 5 spells. Cost me 2,500 feathers, and all 5 spells. Wasn’t even going to spend the gems, probably ~1000 to win the match.

    His name is Jiricek and I have absolutely no doubt he is a cheating POS.

    I am so angry right now I want to smash my phone.



    Report him to Rovio…Don’t get angry get even and report it just like you did here. That is all you can do and it works most of the time.


    @aggieguy, how were the player you named able to cheat, when it was not her/him you were playing against? If someone cheated, it was Rovio. Whether it was yet another bug or “experiment”… who knows? Rovio, of course will most likely either blame player not being good enough or just imaging things.




    I forgot about that and the fact you are really not playing against them..d’oh!  One of the reasons I play the arena once a day and if twice many hours apart and usually win. Reminds me of my old days playing the team play in Angry Birds Go! where Rovio said you were playing another team at the same time but you really weren’t!  LOL


    @rhonda90402, let me guess: You wrote my handle manually as it was seen weirdly truncated on screen? :D

    Sometimes I forget it, too. I realise it after I’ve cursed enough (loudly) for “opponent” after it seemingly perform miracle or two every now and then. Lately, too often so.



    may i know how to contact rovio?

    after i win arena i didnt even pressed the darn FF button, ive been waited almost 15 minutes for its to end but still not leads me to the final. wasted my fcking spells.


    I’m tired of super streak arena events. I have not been able to get past the second level since it started and I am being matched with “opponents” that have either an extra bird or spell when I have neither. So unfair and rigged to get you to spend/buy gems, which I will not be doing. >:(

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