Accdential sold items

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Accdential sold items

  • How many of you guys have accidentally sold an item that wasn’t meant to be sold for whatever reason? I did it with the last blue’s event reward the SS sword. Because I have ocd and I like to keep my storage clean therefore I would go delete all the unwanted items and I guess I was a little too quick on deleting and accidentally sold the SS sword. I sent rovio an email and explained what happened and ask if they can restore that item to me Just that one item and I promise to be More careful in the future, but guess what they said no. I feel super disappointed since I spent quite some money on the game and I feel like that is the least they can do for a loyal customer. So what do you guys think? Am I asking for too much?

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  • Mighty Red

    @yi-j-chen Since it was your own actions that caused you to lose a good item, it makes sense that Rovio refused to compensate it. Personally, I think it’s ridiculous you even sent an email to them about this when you knew it was your fault.

    Yi J. Chen

    Hmmm well I am sorry I am not perfect like you so Yes I do make mistakes and I feel this is a legitimate mistake which can totally be undone by rovio. If I were to ask for a class B item to be returned or that I’ve asked for this More than once then OK I am stupid but I worked hard for that item and a good one plus I paid for some gems to play, therefore I believe a good company should grant such request. It’s really Just common courtesy. How I see it is that they won’t lose a single penny and I would be happy and continue to support them it’s a win win situation. You honestly think it would take them that much effort to do such action? No it doesn’t

    Yi J. Chen

    Tell me how would you feel if you were me? I mean Yea it’s Just a game but still it’s things like this would make a company a long lasting one. Just saying

    Mighty Red

    @yi-j-chen If I were you, I would just say to myself “Man, I’m such an idiot”, but I definitely wouldn’t write an email to Rovio to fix my own mistake. Besides, if Rovio were to return the item, there’s a chance people will start abusing this to get good items for nothing.


    @yi-j-chen — Sorry to hear that you were too quick to click on selling an item. I’ve done the same. It’s sort of like having your hard drive crash unrecoverably when you don’t have a recent backup. It’s one of life’s hard lessons (well, at least the hard drive crash is). Now, if you backed up your progress on AB games frequently, you could go back to a time when you had the item (I think). Do I backup often enough? No.

    Yi J. Chen

    Na I don’t think I ever backed it up. But whatever, I am over it now. Just left a bitter taste in my mouth

    Yi J. Chen

    @mighty-red-1 how is me asking for one accidentally sold item to be returned equal to people abuse it for getting good items? Firstly you have to own the item and then you have to sell it in order to be the same as what I am requesting. Rovio has all the record of what you owned and what was sold obviously, all they need to do is look it up and I mean like what I said if I was asking for an A or B item to be back then that’s dumb but I am asking for an ss item and I am only asking for this once. Have some common sense dude, you can be all cool about it but I am not, I believe rovio could do this for everyone at least once.

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