Angry Birds 2 Enemy Guide: Explanations and Strategies (Retired)

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  • angrynerds2

    That miner pig can also turn the birds into a green pig.
    These damn magical pigs often make me feel like throwing my tablet ot of the window.
    Sometimes the parachute pig lands on a safe place where only Mathilda’s egg would help and you have nor Mathilda left.

    When the teleporter pig is on a bounce pad it helps to shatter nearby constructions, so that the pieces bounce together with that bastard on the pad.


    Add more pigs please


    @nehuen Right now I’m legit tryharding to get to the new pigs on Pig Bay. New pigs should be coming soon if I’m successful. :D

    Kingpiggy Pool Toy

    @partshade I found some info about the new piggies.

    Swimmer Pig: He’s a pig with a ducky life ring. He can float on the surface of the water. Not a terribly useful power, but you’ll want to take care not to push him into a spot that is hard to reach.

    Scuba Pig: A pig with a breathing mask thingy (I do not know what it is called) and an oxygen tank who can float UNDERwater without sinking. Strategy is the same as the swimmer, but if he’s swimming really deep, you might want to use something that’ll sink.

    I’ll upload screenshots later. Hope this helps!

    Kingpiggy Pool Toy

    Okay, I am back with the pictures. Here are links to the Swimmer and the Diver. On an additional note, in Pig Bay, Chef Pig, Foreman Pig, and King Pig have life rings, so they float in water like the Swimmer. I added a picture of that as well.

    Swimmer Pig

    Scuba Pig

    Chef Pig with life preserver


    @kingpiggy087 Oh cool, thanks! This did help! :D

    Kingpiggy Pool Toy

    You’re welcome.


    Not sure if it has been mentioned here before but there’s something interesting about Umbrella Pig.
    Similarly to how umbrellas in Bad Piggies behave, if they face sideways then Umbrella Pig will fall normally like any other pig. So for example, if the pig ends up on a slope it’ll roll down, turn around and it’ll behave like he has no umbrella at all, even if it had one.
    Of course that’s no strategy you could use since it happens more randomly than on purpose, but I thought I’d just mention this because in your first post Umbrella Pig sounds like quite the strong pig.


    @smwforever45 Wow, I didn’t even know they did that on AB2. Makes sense though. I’ll do some testing with this though to see if I can make it happen on purpose. Could end up being a new strategy. O.o


    Actually I need to do further testing too, these micro pigs are a real plague on Level 68 where I’m stuck currently and Umbrella Pigs spawn frequently there so that’s enough tme to test. XD

    I’ve had one or two cases where Umbrella Pigs did what I described. Sometimes they manage to turn their umbrella around again, sometimes they float, sometimes they seem to stand still like that. Unpredictable but I’m trying to find the logic.


    @smwforever45 AB2 is the last place to find logic. xD

    Anyway, good luck!


    Update 1/2

    New level appearance section!
    New tips for Magician Pig and Rocket Pig!
    New grammer… :P

    Next update will include Swimmer Pig and Scuba Pig, which should be released particularly soon.


    Something weird happened to me, there was an Umbrella Pig and Terence didn’t shred through the umbrella, he broke the umbrella but still bounced off… o.o

    Also, the umbrella facing sideways isn’t a guarantee for Umbrella Pig to die. He’s just more vulnerable for you can hit him from other directions. Sometimes he freefalls when this happens… sometimes he doesn’t. As you already said it defies all logic.

    Might add something about Rocket Pig, too. You can’t just influence their flight by shooting at them. Even if you aim somewhere better, he may still fly up and crash into the ceiling (happened to me once :D), or when he opens his parachute he may float onto the next slope that’ll kill him, or even straight into a bottomless pit. XD


    @smwforever45 Hmm. You wouldn’t happen to know a level where you commonly get Umbrella Pigs would you? I seriously need to fight these guys sometime.


    I get them frequently in Daily Challenges and I also encountered them between Levels 70-90 a lot I think. Not sure about the last one though.


    Oh I’ve got a nice tip when encountering Frosty, Construction or Miner pigs.
    They won’t shoot their projectiles if they’re asleep. When I encounter them I sometimes wait until they fall asleep, then shoot my birds. (I’ve seen all three of them sleep so it’s possible.) It helps especially with the Miner pigs since they can be extremely tedious.

    Similarly, Rocket Pigs won’t notice you and lift off when they sleep.


    @smwforever45 OK ty. Time for some Pig grinding. :D

    I did consider adding that one but its really just too easy to figure out. Probably wouldn’t help much to add it.


    Welcome! As I said, I’m not sure, but I did encounter them between levels 70 to 90 so I guess that’s where they appear a lot.

    Well I can only speak for myself but when I started playing AB2 I thought pigs wouldn’t sleep. Seeing pigs sleep (and having this fact influence actual gameplay!) was new to me, coming from the original AB games. Maybe just a general note “When pigs sleep they won’t notice anything you do. That’s your chance to strike!” would already do. It may not help much but it won’t do any harm to have it in. :P


    @smwforever45 You know, that does give me an idea for a general tip section. I’ll dwell on this for a while. xD


    I’ve had my birds get morphed into a normal piggie by a Polymorph Pig twice now. Killing these “fake” pigs is possible but not required to move to the next wave. If they fall down they make the “Waaaaaaah” noise like normal pigs would. You even get your Destructometer filled a bit.


    @smwforever45 Oh shoot I forgot to add that last update. Ty for the reminder! Gotta put that on my to-do list.


    Alrighty! Though I wonder why you just don’t edit the first post quickly. Or do you hold updates back for a while so it won’t trigger the Awaiting Moderation message constantly?

    Also while you’re at it, Chemist and Angry Pigs definitely don’t stop spawning after level 360 and 440 respectively. I saw both types in the Level 560 video that Mighty Red uploaded.


    @smwforever45 Exactly. I can’t stand that “Awaiting Moderation” thing because I can’t edit my post after. That’s why updates take so long. :P

    I know for a fact that Chemist Pigs don’t spawn in Ham Fransisco, nor do Angry Pigs spawn in Pig Bay (Except for 453, there’s a group of 5 in a small area that makes a HUGE explosion :D). But you say that BOTH Pigs are in that level? I haven’t seen the video or been to the level but I’ll take your word for it!

    Another thing to add to my personal AB2 changelog sticky note. The only thing that keeps my sanity with this guide. xD


    I feel ya. XD

    Yeah, both appear in the video! The Angry Pig was in the first room and the Chemist can be seen in the second and third room in that video. Once I make it to the levels myself (which will be in aboooooooooooooout a million years XD) I can tell you if I get them myself or not.

    PS. You still use sticky notes too? Even with the Notes app on my phone, and the sticky notes tool on my computer, I still have a bulletin board in my room too. And I use it! Be it important things for college or my current progress on Yoshi’s Woolly World. XD

    Kingpiggy Pool Toy

    I noticed a couple things about the Magician Pig.

    1. Sometimes he teleports to a spot that gets him into even more danger. For instance, he might end up on a collapsing building or below a falling block. Also, when he teleports to a trampoline, instead of bouncing straight up and down, he usually bounces at an angle and ends up crashing to the ground.

    2. More importantly, there is a visual clue that shows how long his “teleport cool down” phase lasts: stars will appear above his head during that period. When they disappear, that means he’s ready to teleport out of danger again.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Angry Birds 2 Enemy Guide: Explanations and Strategies (Retired)

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