Angry Birds 2 Enemy Guide: Explanations and Strategies (Retired)

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Angry Birds 2 Enemy Guide: Explanations and Strategies (Retired)

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  • angrynerds2

    The balloon sucker Starts to fly after the first attack is over.
    So watch out for a pig with cap and try to hit it with your first bird.

    The teleporter beams away when a bird flies in his direction. Attacks from above with Silver or Mathilda always help.
    That also works for the miner pig.


    Multiple times, actually, I had the teleporter pig teleport away AS Silver came flying his way from above. Only Mathilda is a safe way to get rid of the teleporters.

    Against the miner or screwdriver pigs, however, I agree, Silver and Mathilda work, and Chuck can do good as well. When the pig shoots the beam, activate turbo mode.

    I’d also like to add that if the Teleporter Pig teleports to a bounce pad and keeps bouncing around, when his cooldown period is over he will teleport again since he’s moving and the game recognizes that as “falling”. The first post doesn’t say that from what I can see.


    I prefer to use blues against the miner pig if I can, triggering blues as close as I can before he shoots. That way he only gets one bird and will be taken out by the other two. Sometimes he transforms that one bird into something deadly, but if not the other two work out most of the time. Chuck or Matilda are somewhat useful sometimes out of desperation.

    I hate the miner and construction pigs more than the teleporter.


    @smwforever45 Are you talking about when he’s on the bounce pad?

    That’s because those little guys are scared of birds getting close. :D

    The 3rd tip addresses the bounce pads. Though I never did think of waiting him out as an actual tip. Sometimes he does get stuck an in endless loop though where he just constantly teleports to bounce pads. Still, I’ll add that.

    You actually perfer Blue’s for him over the other Birds? Man whenever I do that I always get a free teddy bear. xD

    @all I can safely say that Swimmer Pig is done. However, he can’t be added until Scuba Pig is ready because they are going to be in the same section.


    It is the best I can do, Shade. I don’t want to talk about scuba or swimmer pigs. I am just glad to get through those levels.


    Kingpiggy Pool Toy

    @partshade I noticed that the Magician Pig’s teleport cooldown phase has a visual indicator (I said this earlier but no one seemed to notice): stars will appear above his head during that time. It lasts for roughly 10 seconds.

    <img src="<img src=”×100.png&#8221; alt=”2016-05-08 (3).png” />” alt=”” />

    Also, sometimes when he teleports (I don’t know if someone said that already, please notify me if so) that sometimes if he teleports he gets into more danger that usual (like into midair so he falls to his doom). You might want to consider adding this.


    @kingpiggy087 I have the star thing in a private sticky note on my phone. Will be applied this coming update.

    This is a possibility but it happens far too sparsely to be a real tip. Most of the time the Pig gets to safety.

    Thanks for the tips though!


    Update 2/2:

    Swimmer Pig and Scuba Pig!
    Other various changes.

    Sorry @kingpiggy087 but I couldn’t use your screenies. There was no way for me to copy them from your album. It just wanted to take me to either your next or previous picture. :P

    Kingpiggy Pool Toy

    According to Dr. Omega, We have two new chapters, along with a new pig called the Gravity Pig. I have no idea what he does, because I’m nowhere near him… I’m still trying to catch up on Pigsyland.

    Kingpiggy Pool Toy

    Also, @partshade, I found out that you can copy them if you use your mouse in the same way that you’d highlight text. It’s a bit difficult to do without also copying other text, but it’s possible with practice. You could practice it with your own album and Microsoft Word if you like.

    UPDATE: Off topic a little, I found out that the Miner Pig will sometimes turn a bird into a small stone square. And occasionally, he might just make a bird disappear into thin air.

    Joe Dolphins

    I am only on level 231 and have seen all these pigs already.

    Power Pork

    Here is the picture of the pig that changes the gravity.


    @abginebird Thank you Powerpork! Finally I can release the update. :D


    Oh BTW @kingpiggy087, thanks for the tip about Miner Pig. Sorry for being a month and a half late…


    Power Pork

    Your welcome! :-)
    Also, wanted to ask something unrelated to your guide, have you seen this fire ring thing before? Is it new or i haven’t reached them yet?


    @abginebird The fire ring thing is in the new levels: Hamburg. It makes birds that go through do a lot more damage.

    People have been talking about them a lot. Surprised that you haven’t heard of it. O.o

    Power Pork

    I just got into AB 2 today, haven’t played it for 4 month.
    This new update looks cool.


    @abginebird Oh, well welcome back! :D

    Well then you’ll love the one I’m releasing in about 5 minutes. :)

    Power Pork

    Glad to see your guide is finally updated
    I also have some catching ups to do…. I’m still on level 357…
    Arena is more fun now!


    I just noticed something about the miner piggy, if he gets hurt but still alive, his weapon will disappear, and stops shooting from then and can be easily killed.


    @abginebird His weapon is breakable? Wow. Nice job catching that!

    Love that name BTW. :D


    Same thing with the construction pig — his hat and screwdriver weapon are gone when he’s injured but still alive and can be easily killed.

    Mechanic Pig

    For the balloon pig when he is flying, just shoot Chuck at him!


    @reddie250 Do you know if this is possible with any other pigs? Can Frosty Pig’s wand or Fireman Pig’s blowtorch be destroyed?


    @partshade Frosty’s wand disappears when he’s injured. Don’t know about Fireman pig though.

    Power Pork

    @partshade fireman pigs are now on level 43.
    I managed to kill two of them but haven’t noticed any weapon lose.
    (Also, the only bird that i found that is actually able to kill these pigs , is the blue bird)
    EDIT: just did it this time by slowly landing Forman pig on it, and it DID lost his weapon, after that, when my blue birds were near him, it didn’t shoot!

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Angry Birds 2 Enemy Guide: Explanations and Strategies (Retired)

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