Angry Birds Epic Arena

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Angry Birds Epic Arena

  • Sometimes when I’m about to win in an arena match, the game crashes, and it counts as a loss. Is this just happening to me, or has the game crashed for anyone else?
    Also, the coin seems hacked to me becaus eI’ve only gotten to go first six times before, inm ymany times of playing.

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  • Grumpy Cat

    @2000mushroom It just froze for me, and I lost a battle, so I’d guess it’s a pretty common bug.

    As for the coin…I’ve actually won the flip more often than not. Not that I mind either way though :D


    @2000mushroom Crashes, yep. As I previously posted, it crashed 3 times in a row on me one day (so no points) and twice on the previous day. The crashes have been on both my iPad and my Android phone.


    I’m playing on IOS, and game does not crash like what is the case with you guys,but for some weird reason I can’t control any of my birds anymore and I’m forced to leave the match. After that it counts as loss match and I lose one flag…

    PS. Sometimes I can’t start the new match also, I’m clicking on the the flag to start new match but nothing happens, but after a while of I can do it again normally.


    @alandrix It sounds like you accidentally clicked on the auto play button which is in the same place as the flag button. Just click the auto play button a second time to make it stop.


    I’m not talking about regular world/caves battles. I’m talking about Arena battles and those battles have no auto play option. In those battles if it is my turn to attack and I can’t control the birds I have no other option then to leave the mach.


    Twice today, in an arena battle, I experienced the situation whereby my own banner fell at the same time as my opponent’s, whilst my turn had not even completed. It counted as a loss for me. How can this happen?


    @illawarrior2, if your opponent had the vengeful crest, it’s possible, but only if your banner already super low in health. Knocking out an opponen’s bird or birds could trigger enough damage to your banner to knock it out, and if this happened before your opponent’s banner fell, it would count as a loss to you. I have had this happen to me as well.


    Yes my own banner was very low on both occasions. I had not paid any notice to which banner my opponent had. To me, it seemed to happen simultaneously, but my focus was on watching my opponent, so couldn’t swear by it. Thanks.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Angry Birds Epic Arena

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