Angry Birds Epic Bugs

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  • iggyaa

    When trying to beat the final wave of the level where you get the 5th bird I used the Mighty Eagle potion, and the game immediately crashed. I had to re-launch. I’m Afraid to try againg without asking first if this is a bug because I don’t want to use up my last potion, but it will be ages before my birds are strong enough to beat the final wave!


    @iggyaa That must probably be Southern Sea – 3; the ship where Prince Porky, two Pig Guards and the Royal Bomb are. To me, the Mighty Eagle Dish sounds rather awkward. Remember, Prince Porky has the Dodge, and maybe that was the reason for the crash. If you did use that, probably Prince Porky would have been either okay, or toast.


    And you don’t need much to do that. Just use the Samurai, the Druid, and the Mage (with proper equipment) and it would probably be easy. Just spend about 400 snoutlings. It’s money well spent.


    And actually, the ‘final wave’ assumes you are in the last level before Chronicle Cave; Wizpig’s Castle, on 2nd wave. Actually, you only need to fret about the 1st, for that I assume is relatively hard. For the second wave, you can bring along the Samurai. It deals high damage and its defense is also relatively high (42.5%), though the Guardian beats it with 43.75% defense, but at the cost of losing valuable attack.


    Whooops, I just realized how unclear that was – I’m at Castle: King Pig’s Castle, which is a 5 wave level. I can get all the way to the fifth wave, but when I used the Mighty Eagle the game crashed. I’ve leveled up some guys, and I’ve tried again, but this time when I got to the 5th wave, the game crashed before I could play it. I’ve played and lost the 5th wave of King Pig’s Castle twice, and had it crash to other times.


    @iggyaa– Best to send a support request directly to Rovio. Sounds like a bug to me. Only other suggestion is if you are playing on a mobile device, hard close all apps running in background, and do a hard shutdown and restart of your machine.


    The new Arena weekly competition began since less than one hour and the first place is already occupied by someone who’s got 8900 points… isn’t there any cheat one the game or WTF ?!?


    @zoltan-3rd — Check out the Epic Cheaters thread. Rovio is aware and is “working on it”, but who knows when it will be fixed.


    Arena battles. I killed the enemy banner first but because chucks wizard hits all bird, the opponents bird had a counter ability which hit my chuck and killed my banner and caused my opponent to win instead. Thanks to this, that was my 3rd loss and cant do anything til the next day….


    Sometimes, in the arena, a bird crashes if it is blocked by another because of a skill of the banner.

    The crash happend because the bird that blocks don’t get any damage or secondary effect, and on the next turn the attacker bird can’t do anything.


    Hello i was playing the Angry Birds Epic something like 3 weeks and when i start the game today in the morning my whole lvl has been missing. I mean that i am again on 1 lvl. Also i havent got any of my friends. After I reconect on facebook the friend list has become normaly but i still have 1 lvl? what can i do with that I spend a lot of time and money and now i need to start the game Again?


    “Sometimes, in the arena, a bird crashes if it is blocked by another because of a skill of the banner.

    The crash happend because the bird that blocks don’t get any damage or secondary effect, and on the next turn the attacker bird can’t do anything.”

    This JUST happened to me too. It’s difficult to meet Daily Objectives while the game keeps crashing.

    Get with it , Rovio. Apparently your latest Update didn’t fix it.

    Edit: Email Reply from Rovio regarding this Bug-

    Rovio Support Team, Jan 19, 10:25:
    Hello there,
    Thank you for your message!
    We’re sorry to hear you’ve had problems with the PvP feature in Epic! We’ve received some reports of the block feature breaking the battle and have now found a bug that caused this, if you won the coin toss and one of your birds’ attack was blocked on the first turn. Our game developers seem to have been able to solve this issue and the fix will be released with a future game update.

    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience! If your birds are freezing in other situations as well, please let us know!

    Best regards,
    Rovio Support Team


    Twice today after a force close I have checked the specs on an opponent in the arena, gone back to change equipment, reentered to find someone else. I assume this is due to them working on the servers as I used to have somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes between opponents unless I was continually forcing a restart of the app. PITA.

    EDIT: Update or server work seems to have borked the FB connection. Can’t fight practice battles in the arena to see if they fixed the banner bugs. Can’t play caves. No mail, free GPM rolls. Closing a hatchet wound with a bandaid applied with a chainsaw is no way to make people happy.


    @visines Were you logged into a Rovio Account?


    @tigerussell I think it’s a little early to be saying that those features have been removed. Would you expect to be getting free GPM rolls every couple hours?


    @AMslimfordy yep I was logged in


    @visines Sometimes in an update you’ll get logged OUT. Can you check if you’re still logged in… Or try logging out manually.


    @AMslimfordy — I don’t think they have been removed just messed up. But if it isn’t cleared up today then you have indeed lost one forever, tomorrow another, and so on. They push so hard to have people use FB the loss of it should be something they strive to avoid.

    I’m simply not impressed with a bug fix update that seems to have introduced more bugs, or with the slipshod work evident lately in design before release.

    EDIT: As it seems to have been a server side issue that is now cleared up. I will proceed to shut up and play even though it appears they still haven’t fixed the rage block bug in the arena.


    @AMslimfordy I logged out logg in again and im still have the same problem ;(


    In PVP, the nightmare ability does not work on the enemy’s stunned banner. It works just fine when the enemy applies it on your stunned banner. No issue with the birds on either side. Pretty unfair advantage.


    Lost my vitality bonus at the beginning of the rounds. No bonus now. It appears they fixed one while breaking 5 others. :(

    Maybe rage block works now!?!?

    Why is it that when there is a problem, the AI works fine but your birds are the only ones with problems?


    Maybe I’m just seeing things wrong or whatnot but I’ve noticed that there are matches in the PvP arena where a bird of mine will be knocked out but at the end of the turn won’t get one of the revival segments filled in. In essence this causes me to lose a bird for four turns instead of three.

    So to illustrate, the enemy wins the coin toss and knocks out Chuck. I’ve seen it happen where at the end of the opponents turn (in which Chuck was knocked out) Chuck will get one of the ‘return counters’ back and in other matches he won’t. So sometimes I’ll get Chuck back on the third turn after he was knocked out and on other occasions I’ll get him back on the fourth turn after he was knocked out. Meanwhile I’ve never seen this happen to my opponent. If I knock out an enemy bird, that bird is always back on the third turn after the knockout.

    Very frustrating.



    Totoal guess (I don’t do much arena fighting), but could it be that Chuck is being knocked out AND dazed (Zzzz)? I am not sure if being put to sleep would cause a knocked-out bird to still lose their “turn” — in this case receiving a tick toward reviving…



    Nope, never saw the stunned stars on the birds when this happens. It also happens at random times. I’ll go through three or four battles and not have it happen, then it’ll occur several times in a row.


    @alitaki If your bird is knocked out by a harmful effect (e.g., thorns from Matilda), then it will not earn a “tick mark” in it’s Knocked Out phase.

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