Angry birds flop

Is it me or has AB 2 flown the coup? There are so many bugs, issues & to get any sort of customer service takes months! IT'S CRAZY! I'VE had nothing but problems but for over a month now, when a tournament in the nest ends, it takes me hours to even connect & collect my winnings. Sometimes I'll finish top three & it'll give me NOTHING & drop me a level? Other times it takes hours to even connect. It'll keep giving me "can not connect, check your internet connection and try again?" To add insult to injury, I just bought the new note 7, when I transferred all my data, it gave me everything EXCEPT the black pearls I just spent a month collecting! I lost over 600 darn pearls! Weird, I got my gems & everything else but BYE BYE PEARLS? IT'S BS cause I spend way too much money as it is but I'll be darned if I spend another red cent. Angry birds used to be so much fun & I wish they'd just leave it alone but it seems every time they update it, it becomes less & less fun. WHAT A SHAME!
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