ANOTHER soft update

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum ANOTHER soft update

  • Check out you combos in the lab, check the ol’ 1 deceptigear + 2 Super Rarium….. notice something sucks??

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  • Optimus_Pig

    I’m not planning to waste a couple of SR. Care to let us in on the change?

    Doctor Piggy

    All items reduced in missions payouts and gems payouts in pig lab at 40% of what they paid out before


    Well, that’s no surprise. Once they shrunk the silo, we all expected the recipes and missions to be adjusted sooner or later.


    seriously rovio needs to stop doing this

    Drover’s Dog

    looks like the maximum gems that can be collected in the lab is now 14… these stealth updates are pissing me off.
    I note in play store when you read about the app it says “When you play for the first time, there is a one-off download of additional content in the background”
    These updates are breaching there own conditions of play


    Hasn’t happened to me yet. Looks like I’m going to be spending a lot of pigs tonight.

    Edit: just put myself into airplane mode. I’m not hard closing this game for as long as I can.

    Robert Batek

    Can’t Rovio just add more missions? Seriously, it has been too long. More missions, more interest, more advertiser videos, more $ for Rovio and their advertisers.


    “Can’t Rovio just add more missions?”

    Perhaps Rovio should just focus on fixing the multitude of bugs before it goes around adding new stuff to the game.


    Another sneaky change from Rovio.
    I think they use, or better, abuse the information we share here on this forum to close down any interesting possibilities…
    They just don’t realise that if we don’t like the angry birds games anymore, they can all look for a new job.

    Robert Batek

    Bug issues have decreased some but the game has become a bit monotonous. Opening the lab was exciting but not as much as when they reopened the forest area. Focus seems to be more revenue by selling gems and I feel pretty bad for the folks that paid real cash for them to then have a change in the game goals. Advertising is where the big bucks are and new missions is where they would regain my interest much more. All these gem focused changes will not make me buy them.


    @bigorange you hit the nail on the head. Rovio is using the information posted in the forums, which is just the users sharing how they are adapting to all of the changes, against us. I feel like they’re treating us like we’re enemies. They literally throw unplanned/untested code at us, wait for us to figure out whether/how it works, farm the forums to figure out how we’ve adapted and then change the code to benefit themselves. It’s unethical to keep making material changes to the code after they have taken players resources (money & time). Not only are they destroying the user experience during gameplay, but they’re destroying the benefits of participating in the online communities. Sad thing is, had I not found Angrybirdsnest I would have never moved passed playing the very first version of Angry Birds and certainly wouldn’t have plunked down money for every iteration. I have AB2 but I have no interest in playing it and I’m not playing ABT anymore. Seems like the people who run this site would have a real problem with the way Rovio is behaving towards the ABT fans.


    “Rovio is using the information posted in the forums, which is just the users sharing how they are adapting to all of the changes, against us”

    What I’m most surprised about is that the devs at Rovio weren’t smart enough to figure out that players would do exactly what they did. It’s essentially efficient markets.


    “What I’m most surprised about is that the devs at Rovio weren’t smart enough to figure out that players would do exactly what they did.”

    They don’t seem to have an endgame, which means they can’t test to see if the code performs as designed and they have to wait for us to figure it out. They’re just slinging code and taking people’s money/time.



    I think less enemy, and more a resource to be exploited.


    I just want to say (to whoever is listening) how expert the guys at Rovio are on releasing game updates without prior testing. I’m pretty sure some devs on Rovio are not happy with the way Transformers is being managed.

    I’ll play 5 more levels to get to level 300 then I’ll stop. I was one of the sad bastards who actually bought the (useless) Jenga event. I would LOVE to get my money back, seriously.

    It seems like they focus all human resources to Angry Birds, and leave the amateur developers to fool around with Transformers. Or maybe it’s the classic case of poor management (and pressure). This game could be a great title, but the bugs and the constant (and terrible) changes to the gameplay just kills it.

    If you would like to connect with me:

    Drover’s Dog

    My strategy in the last couple of weeks was to upgrade 2 or 3 TFs a day,now I am at level 419 and the stealth update ( which they omit to mention happens in the Play Store) means a change of strategy. Luckily I have been keeping a bank of pigs, coins and gems and now will aim to get to the end of September at level 435 and walk away.
    Did the same when I was playing candycrush and boosters were lost in an upgrade, so am quite happy to say goodbye anytime soon and if I can’t earn enough SR and other materials to upgrade one a day spending about 150 gems each day I am at the stage that I am happy to walk away.

    On another note the absence of @gradientturtle7 and rumblebee in the forum has been noticed, maybe on instructions from above?


    Whatever you do, don’t die during a mission. It now takes at least two hours to recharge! (unless you use gems, of course)


    Hello. Firstly, thanks for all the feedback posted here, it means a lot to us to be able to hear directly from our most prolific players. Our intention with these updates has never been to make changes in the hope that none of our players will notice, we do it because submitting a full update to the game client is a long, drawn-out process that we will avoid if we can when just making a few numerical tweaks. With that said, we appreciate that it’s frustrating for the updates to happen without any communication, and we’re working on a way to better pass this information on to you in-game.


    I notice how you conveniently did not comment on the reduction in gems available in the lab. What does rovio have to say about that?


    Yes, I noticed it last night from 35 gems down to 10.

    Are all of the Rovio games this shady and non customer friendly?


    @gradientturtle can you address the reduction of gems and what the strategy is there?


    Hey Joonas (and we ALL know that’s not your real name) how about you ask your overlords to actually program something FOR the users? I mean you guys over at Suckio (all they do is suck the fun out of their games) have done a bang up job lately of TAKING everything you can how about for a wild change you give back to your players. I’m sure Suckio is making more than enough off of ad revenue that they really don’t have to worry about in app purchases for the die-hard players who never putchased gems in the first place. Ok so I’ve never bought gems and didn’t buy Jenga mode, but I do own EVERY telepod for this game and between those and the ad revenue I generate I’m fairly sure I’ve compensated Suckio enough. This game has almost run its 15 minutes. Heck I’d be happy with new levels or new bots or ANYTHING to bring this stale dinobot back to life!!! Such a waste no wonder they had to fire like 30% of their company poor poor management all around.


    As always, we will adapt.

    Personally, I’m not in any danger of running out of gems. On the other hand, I’ve been running on empty (coins) after each upgrade. So if the choice comes down to receiving 14 gems versus 12,000 coins, I know what I’m going for.


    Honestly the game’s just been screwed up so bad they need to just discontinue it already. There’s so many bugs it’s unbelievable and they already deprived us of most of the gem rewards. Plus with the poor management I feel like it’s not even worth it for Rovio to work on it anymore :/.


    Did they lower the gem cost of re-rolling for different prizes?
    Without a reduction, there is no benefit to re-rolling anymore.

    Edit I just checked, I doesn’t look like they changed to gem prices. They have basically turn the lab into luck now. Very Disappointing.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum ANOTHER soft update

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