Any rules or instructions?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Any rules or instructions?

  • I have only been playing for a few days, and am slowly figuring out little bits and pieces, but it would be really nice to read something so I understood what was going on. Are there any instructions anywhere?

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  • Mad Kat

    This forum and the very brief Faq at the Rovio website are all that I used. It gets clear pretty quickly….welcome to the game.


    Sorry, like @vrinda-rajkumar says, you’re going to have to figure it out on your own, sorry.

    But most of the questions you may have about gameplay are probably covered somewhere in this forum.


    1) Can someone tell me what is going on when your player turns into what looks like a washing machine? What makes it happen? Is it good or bad?
    2) What is the impact/benefit of using the destruction tool? The battle goes away, but does not seem to achieve anything.
    3) What is the thing that looks like a bio-hazard sign? What does it do? I have clicked it a few times, but still not sure what is happening when I do
    4) How do I make Jenga jump?


    1. it happens when you’re hit by one of the fast moving red-colored missiles. When you’re turned into a washing machine, you can’t fire your weapon, you can’t dodge stuff by turning into vehicle mode, you can’t use your special ability (shield/air-strike/EMP) and you can’t call your buddy. So yeah, I’d say it’s pretty bad, but otherwise the missiles don’t do any direct damage to you.

    2. by “destruction tool” do you mean paying gems to call in Skywarp to blow up an entire node on the main map? The advantage is that it’s a way to clear off a node that you can’t complete on your own because it’s too difficult and you keep dying. You receive a few pigs and about 300 coins, not sure.

    3. it’s one of the three special abilities. The “lightning bolt” is an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) that will fry missiles and disable pigs and walking mortar towers (the things that throw massive fireballs at you) for a short time. The “shield” is obviously a shield. The “biohazard” sign is actually a nuclear radiation sign (, and you call in Skywarp (this is different from calling in Skywarp to destroy an entire level like in your question #2) to air-strike what’s on the current screen (it can also knock those red missiles and the massive fireballs out of the sky if you time it just right).

    4. read here:


    Thanks for the answers to the questions. Learning loads form you OP


    I am not familiar with all the terminology, so please bear with me …. but the spots where gold coins are harvested – is there any advantage/disadvantage to harvesting them regularly, or letting them build up? Will coins from a lot of small harvests be the same as one big one, for the same time period?


    The coins you collect is directly proportional to time, and capped at a maximum of 400. According to @optimuspig, the rate at which coins are harvested is 100 per hour.
    So, collect coins every four hours, though collecting coins in-between is ok.


    @mckwxp “So, collect coins every four hours, though collecting coins in-between is ok.

    Correct. Sometimes you forget, or you get busy, and so you aren’t able to get to it – so harvesting more frequently means less chance of you missing a cycle.


    The other thing is, try to harvest right after you’ve started the game and before you run a node. The reason being, when you complete a node the eggbot will immediately head off and start randomly transforming another node. If it does that, it wipes out whatever coins had already accrued in node that it’s just started transforming.


    Does anyone know whether the little treasure chests of gems, that appear from time to time, are random gifts, or whether something is done to earn them?


    @illawarrior2 Nope they are completely random. You get them when the game feels like being generous to you :D.


    Chests of gems are awarded for upgrading TFs. The longer it takes to do an upgrade the more gems in a box. You can harvest them regularly or wait till your TF is finished. You will get a set amount of gems per upgrade. HAPPY HUNTING!


    OK, the last two replies from @partshade and @gmama kind of contradict each other, lol.

    Personally, I have no idea, since my TFs have been on an almost continuous upgrade cycle for the past three months, so I can’t really tell either way. I suppose the only way I’d know for sure is if I went completely cold turkey on upgrades for a week and see if any chests still turned up during that time, but I don’t really feel like stopping since I’ve still got 48 more upgrades to go in order to max out.


    Yesterday I went to bed with no upgrade happening whatsoever and no boxes. Today I woke up with 3 boxes on my game. They had a decent amount in them too.


    Erm.. Upgrading TFs doesn’t give you any bonus gems. These gem chest drop regularly per around 10 hours and you can collect them.


    Usually when you lose an event, you lose all of the pigs acquired during the event, but retain the gold coins. However sometimes I lose the gold coins too. Why? What is different?



    If you fail the level with any of the “Variant” Squad TFs, that is:

    – Ultimate Megatron
    – Ultimate Optimus Prime
    – Goldbite Grimlock
    – High Octane Bumblebee

    You lose all your coins accrued on that level.

    This is (I’m guessing) to balance the fact that if you complete the level with any of these four you automatically get a bonus of double coins.


    Why is it that sometimes you are “thanked” for being a buddy, with coins, and sometimes with gems? What is the differentiating factor?


    @illawarrior2 GREAT QUESTION!!


    @illawarrior2 Not sure. From what I’ve seen it’s about 75% chance for a gem and 25% chance for coins. These are just numbers I made in my head though.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Any rules or instructions?

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