Any strat for tinker titan?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Any strat for tinker titan?

  • Do you guys know any good ways to defeat tinker titan?I have died many more times than i killed him so i would really appreciate the help.

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  • Napoleongl

    What bird classes and set items do you have?
    Makes it easier to help if we know what we have to work with so to say!


    No sets but i have thee following classes:
    Red:All except stone guard
    Chuck:All except thunderbird and illusionist
    Matilda:All except bard
    Bomb:All except frost savage and sea dog Blues:all except treasure hunters


    I recommend samurai cleric cannoneer and trickster’s


    I am winning quite easily most battles. I am using: Tricksters (Blues), Druid (Matilda), Pirate (Bomb), Samurai (Red). None are elite and I don’t have any set items, but I do have the Golden Chili.

    Turn 1 – Use the Pirate (Bomb) buff. Use the Golden Chili for the Tricksters (Blues), which stuns the Titan. Attack with Matilda. Attack with Red.

    Turn 2 – Attack with Blues, Attack with Matilda, Attack with Bomb, use Samurai (Red) shield.

    For each turn after: Attack with Blues, Attack with Bomb, use Samurai (Red) whenever the Tinker is going to attack else attack with Red if the Tinker is winding up to use his special skill, Heal with Matilda as needed else attack with her if not needed.

    I pretty much ignore the drones. If the Tinker dies, the fight ends even if there are drones alive. With the strategy above, usually I end up with only one drone, the most I have ended up with is two.


    I tried both these strategies but i still didnt manage to beat him.I must wait till 5x rainbow riot to get better items.


    Just realising that I have no idea how strategy in this game works anymore… I just bruteforce whatever rovio throws out there…
    For you however I’d probably recommend to try guardian in the mix. Along cleric cannoneer and perhaps marksmen or something you should have enough protection and still power to put the titan down.


    I recommended using @e5c4p3artist strategy and use Matildas nightmare set if you have it because when the boss gets stunned he’ll take extra damage


    @sam-spargo take it a step further and include Red’s Grand Slam with Paladin.

    But I am with @napoleongl I have lost any strategic need now maxed, Power just dominates and I have no problems.

    Tuyul Gaming

    for the previous tinker titan event, i use many chili and heal in order to beat it
    now, i dont need to, so if you are not strong enough, definitely collect and use chilies and cakes

    for your situation
    i suggest use chuck (can be anything but lightning bird could be best) , bomb cannoner, red samurai, blues marksmen
    marsksmen attack tinker, then bomb/red, after that chuck use support skill to bomb/red
    you will get the most damage perturn
    if you could survive 3 star with/without heal, then just use this

    if not, change chuck to ones with most mass damage, destroy all minion first using bomb rage and chuck mass attack, if they still not destroyed, add spies, then before tinker call drone every 2 turn, use blues rage to stun it, if tinker stunned, the timer for drone support gets reset

    ps: dont use gold coin for machine until you are lev 60 and can buy at least sea dog and bard and thunderbird and paladin
    also try to only buy at discount


    Just to reconnect; the guardian strategy above works just fine. At least for me… attempted it without the elite classes and just equipped non enhanced set items and was able to down the titan in three or four rounds with almost full health.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Any strat for tinker titan?

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