Aqua Pig is Next

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Aqua Pig is Next

  • Aqua Pig Event starts tomorrow. I wonder how bad the prizes will be this time.

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  • Anonymous

    As long as I get my 16 gems I’ll be happy. :P


    @gabe-Nestor Well, I’m not surprised if the prizes are lame. They seem to be running out of good ideas for the prizes since they never stop launching event after event after event and so on. I was hoping to play Fight! normally without any competition distracting me but no.


    Wonderful, I finally can relax in this event, for its items are totally lame. I guess I could use the ranking weapon for Chuck.

    Right now I’m using the guitar for Chuck, which is 302 attack before any enhancement. The ranking prize weapon for Chuck is 305 before any enhancement.

    The boat parts are mediocre.

    It’s easy to get into 5000 – 10000 range, so I guess I’ll go for the gems and Chuck’s weapon. All other items……. man, lame lame lame……..


    Gotta say, I think this is my favorite monster pig. Aqua pig just looks so cool! :D

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Aqua Pig is Next

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