Arena Season 8

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  • And another 12 weeks has passed. Welcome all to Season 8, where the toss has finally seemed to have been fixed.

    Good luck to all, and may Diamond be in your future!

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  • Dallasreds

    Hey what about us IOS USERS? Huh? Ha you lucky ducks.


    I was going to say the same thing. I lost every toss doing my goals today except the ones that the Cheater set changed.


    @pointless wishing you the same. This will be my 5th Arena Season.

    Hopefully both Amazon and IOS will upgrade to 1.4.8 tomorrow.

    I just looked and saw I didn’t get my Diamond trophy :( Maybe it will appear when I get 1.4.8?

    Edit It has appeared now :)


    Someone on the ABEpic Facebook group said it was out on Amazon? o.o

    I can’t say much about the coin tosses yet. I had two days where it worked in my favour, and one where it worked heavily against me. It probably hasn’t changed much, but I hope it did.

    Good luck in the new season, everyone!!!
    I haven’t started the new season just yet, I wanna wait a few hours until I join into the fun, and claim my first ever Diamond trophy from Season 7 :)

    EDIT: Screw it, I’ll start the Wood League only one hour late :P
    Might delay my start in the consecutive weeks, however. I just don’t wanna be constantly nagged to check out my rewards XD


    The Trophy from Season 7 is (of course) Chuck again, so you are not missing much. Started my Arena League right away and won more tosses than lost by a significant margin. Hoping this is a sign of improvement, rather than an RNG thing. All iOS users may be in for a pleasant surprise tomorrow when 1.4.8 drops for you (well…hopefully!)


    @smwforever45 I just got excited when I read your post as I’ve been checking constantly. Sadly, I just checked Amazon and it still showing 1.4.7 :(

    Good luck to you too. Congratulations on getting your 1st Diamond Trophy, feels good doesn’t it. I’ve done my objectives already. I got the KO 5 again but at least it was Bomb having to KO Chuck so it was better than last night which was a nightmare. I also got 1 opponent who wasn’t computer generated :)


    My Chuck trophy from Season 2 was a Stone trophy… so this IS new for me ;)

    I’m playing on Bluestacks for now. Fourth day since the 1.4.8 update, and my coin toss figures are:

    Matches played today: 5, of which 2 coin toss wins and 3 losses.
    Total matches played: 18, of which 8 coin toss wins and 10 losses.

    For me it does seem to go towards more losses again… but my sample is still rather small.


    I got the “KO Bomb 3 times” objective. My first two matches both had a Bomb opponent and I managed to clear them in those games. Afterwards, I had three computer-generated opponents, all of which had Red, Chuck and Matilda with switching banners, emblems, classes and set items.

    Still 1.4.7 on Amazon? But that one guy said it was out o.o


    I will say in fair warning, plead to your Gods that you don’t get a KO Bomb or Blues Objective, as every single computer generated Team is Red/Chuck/Matilda, a combination of various Classes, yet always these three.


    Silly question…

    I finished season 7 in the Diamond League – am I supposed to start in the Wood League?



    Yup, all intended. After a season is over, a new season starts, and all players are reset to the Wooden League. Provides some challenge at least – it would be rather boring constantly staying in Diamond after reaching it once :P


    Pretty annoyed right now, something buggy up with phone and I can reply to any thread on this forum except “1.4.7 is out”. Also my epic game freezes every time I try to play. I’m still on version 1.4.6 because the iPhone 6 I’m using won’t update 1.4.7 and 1.4.8 isn’t out yet??. I just played epic 2 hours ago and now it won’t go past main screen and arena screen. @bubbley or other iOS users only: can you still play the game?


    Anybody else that only has #1 on the leaderboard showing? i cant even see my own points


    @cassa I am using 1.4.7 and only #1 shows on the scoreboard. If you click on the purple tab that shows your daily objectives you will see your score. When you get 1.4.8 your scoreboard should go back to normal.


    OK, thanks


    @shapokomanbeast yes I can still play. Completed my objectives, lost every toss and one banner to a freeze. Haven’t seen a computer generated opponent just the usual players. Rovio tell me they have fixed the freezing problem in 1.4.8 but it’s still not available for iOS.


    @smwforever45 I finished 7th in diamond too… and spun the ECs 1st up. Yay. However, 1st set of objectives for W1:S8 included the ‘Win x # of times with Skulkers.’ D’OH! Bad start.


    Agh! Hope you fare better on the consecutive days… Honestly it may be better to wait a week or two until one starts their way to Diamomd. I assume that the first week has the worst grinders.


    What do you mean – this is the Arena Season 8 topic… :P

    The Dark Knight

    hello everyone, because that happened 1st time to me i am a little confused, why i was demoted to wooden rank in arena, while i was 36.700 points and i was 2nd at my rank to at the Silver League (also i won the Silver Statue of season 7 i have also and the Gold of Season 6), so i Am not going forward and i am dropped again to wooden league?

    Thanks :)

    Angry Johnny

    @elpapam the season ended which means that everybody restarts from the wood league. The reward you get for reaching silver or gold league in the previous season is that the items you get from the Golden Pig Machine is at least that league in strength (more if you reach a higher league in this season).

    The Dark Knight

    @angryjohnny thank you for explaining that to me because i was confused a bit today morning after seeing me demoted xD The golden league is the best i have gained, i will keep winning golden league items for the arena pig machine? Because i have both now it won’t give me a silver league items?


    You were set back to Wood, that’s normal because a new season started. Because Gold was the highest you ever reached, you’ll still get Gold League stuff from the wheel.

    The Dark Knight

    @smwforever45 thank you for also explain that to me xD is your game now working properly? also did you seen any bugs with the advanced pig machine two rainbow riots past last month one rainbow riot this month and i haven’t get not even a single legendary weapon from pig’s nest and the most crazy from all is that i have 2-3 legendary items in arena’s pig machine!


    @elpapam this unfortunately seems to have been the case where the AGPM is quite generous, while the GPM is giving very little right now. This might have changed in 1.4.7(8), but it’s too early to say. I haven’t noticed my luck being any better yet…

    The Dark Knight

    @pointless i running the game in iOS and the news i have seen till now is 1.4.7 in apple store there is nowhere the 1.4.8 but i can’t understand from day one that 1.4.7 was out also all my enemies at the Arena where at 8 Level! all birds that i was clashed where all 8 level and their banners were also from 937-1130 power (max) i haven’t engaged some many under-powered bots ever! Also not to mention that i so many games the flip coin toss was always favors the bots and never but never me!

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