Arena Season 8

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  • Napoleongl

    It seems to me that last will has sort of the same props as cannoneers second ability. I would believe that some of it lies in what type of damage kills chuck; or the aoe of dragon set does not count but the item chain attack of candy chain does or vice verse.


    Things are certainly hotting up on my board. When I went to bed last night I was in 1st place with 130070, 4th place had a score of 74330. When I checked the board this morning, 7 hours later, I found that I was now in 2nd place. The new leader is the person who was in 4th place but with a new score of 131580!!

    I had regained the lead again but only by 6k at the moment, but not sure how long I will stay there.



    Wow that is some serious competition! I thought I had it bad when someone in 2nd ground out 44000 points on arena mayhem day.

    Did you report just in case?


    @shapokomanbeast I couldn’t decide if I should or not. I’m now 11k in front of them and checking constantly to see what happens when they make their next move.

    With just under 5 hours to go before the event I’ve got to say it can’t come soon enough. I’m like I’m suffering from Areana battle fatigue, staying in the top 3 has been very hard.



    No doubt, I spent 9 hours playing on arena mayhem day and my mind was fried? That score is only possible using a ton of FE, but like you said as long as you get 1st no harm done other than? ?


    @shapokomanbeast I don’t think I could do 9 hours, so well done to you. I guess you must be 1st on your board after all that :)

    In the end I did come 1st, that other person didn’t try to catch me. I don’t normally mind were I come in the top 3 unless I think a cheat is trying to beat me.

    I’m not going to press the finish button until tomorrow as I have other things to do right now.



    Good for you. Yeah, top 3 is all that is needed, I’m sure like most people on this forum we have all placed 1st often enough that it isn’t the end of the world to finish 2nd or 3rd if someone really wants to grind out 30000 or 40000 a day.

    I did place 1st but didn’t have to grind too hard except for arena mayhem day. I had 110000 at the end of that and nobody pushed after that so I had a relaxing weekend?


    @shapokomanbeast well done to you too :)

    I hope everyone else managed to achieve their aim as for a lot of us it was a tough week :(



    Thx, is that you I see on my board in 3rd in between Manfig and Андреи? Or is that another Suzy? ?



    Strangely I am 3rd on my board at the moment with a score of 7710 but the person above me is 10 Pearls and the one below is Reana. I don’t have a picture if that’s any help.



    Haha classic Rovio, that is the same score on my board. It appears you are double billed this week, I hope this means you get twice the rewards ?



    You just moved to 8265 points on my board



    I wish I could get double points. I only started this morning and trying to catch up with 1st place who has a score of 10780. My score is now 8265.

    Rovio shouldn’t do this as I’m robbing everyone else on your board of their rightful places and that’s not fair :(



    You are absolutely right but ever since the arena started it has been anything but fair? They also don’t seem to care that even though we may place in the top 3 and get adequate rewards it still unfairly stresses us honest players out to try and compete with such players not knowing 100% if they’re cheating or not??


    @shapokomanbeast I agree. I just hope I don’t spoil your game in my efforts to stay in the top 3 in my board:( Sorry to tell you that at the moment I’m trying to catch up and overtake 1st place. Hopefully I won’t knock you out of your place in the process.



    Don’t worry about me, right now I have 18185 points but even if it gets competitive on your board just go for it. I haven’t placed out of the top 3 since Arena Season 1 so I’m not too worried


    @shapokomanbeast thanks, good news and a big relief:)


    @pointless I use Last Will for both Wizard and TB, although not exclusively. I think it’s just bugged. The only consistency that I can see is when an enemy knocks out my TB but is also knocked out themselves it doesn’t trigger. It’s most annoying inconsistency is when it triggers but only one of my birds attacks. Can’t see any consistent reason for it.


    Don’t you think it would be EVEN better to start the new week on the SECOND day rather than the first? You could avoid even more filled boards if your theory was correct…


    @smwforever45 @pointless @bubbley @poptimus @datguygamer
    So Rovio did not remove the cheater from my board :( Maybe his account was removed from the game during the week but his name and score stayed in the board :(


    I am not sure if u understand my theory :) It seems that starting later CAN somehow effect the board, but not always. It is hard to say what is going on there :) If u start next arena day, u risk that your board is not be effected the way u want and u lose 1 arena day.


    My starting board this week ;)


    @kennymcc I had a cheat earlier this season who also was not removed. As yet I haven’t seen a non CG so difficult to know if some of the cheats who have previously been frequent opponents have been removed. Sssssssss etc I have been aware of for some time.

    I have had late joiners in my league every single week for as long as I can remember. That is they join late on day 1 or on day 2 and even day 3. It does them no good.

    8 have joined so far this week. I expect the board to fill up.


    Looks like I’ve got a cheat this week:


    Just started into the new week, too.
    My board was a 0-scorer when I got in so that’s good, the game doesn’t put me into an already occupied league.
    Slowly but steadily people are building up their scores. So far, 9 people have completed their objectives, and I’m on top of them :) This week I shall try harder, since I guess I won’t get better leagues than this.

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