Arena Season 8

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  • Dallasreds

    Several hours after I lost my lives, I accidently picked the fight button and the team I was offered to fight was named AAA. Their power level was 211. It was a 3 bird team. I went back this morning to take a picture and the team had been replaced. This had never happened before. The same team always stayed until you fought McCool.


    Any time you exit ABE, the matchup will change. I have also noticed that after an update, matchups will sometimes change in unusual ways. After one recent update, I saw matchups change each time I used the “back” arrow to select different birds or banner setups. A day later, that had stopped.


    @kennymcc @smwforever45

    Negative coin toss ratio for me as well. It had gotten better recently and just got as bad as before again. No way this ratio is simply down to normal chance.


    @pixelyzed I’m the same… just prior to the update it was (back to) tolerable… but now it’s absurdly biased (again) :-/ Grrr.


    I agree. I have no problem with the opposition being a more even match, but the toss being so far from normal makes 3-Stars much more difficult, and thereby grinding a chore to say the least.

    Speaking of which, how long have you played to get over 103K in Gold @shapokomanbeast ???
    Crazy…but even moreso, how are you in second ???? Do you have a cheater in your bracket this week?


    @kennymcc My °Underdog” team starts the refresh cycle with a power rank of 798: i.e. when I rig the auto-generate with McCool). My first opponent is usually 900-1000 or so… then it gradually ramps-up to about 1250. That’s fine because my late cycle power rank is about 1050 or something. After about 15 battles I start getting teams in the 1400s and it begins to get dicey… then I McCool reset my team again, at 798, and begin the cycle restarts. Sometimes, rarely, getting the auto-generate to cooperate takes some time… but I can usually force the game to reset my opponents to under 1000..?


    I do think so… simply because the power level was always 200 higher than my team strength with 2 birds, and the third bird has a power level of ~200.

    After the update, however, I get enemies with a 1600+ power rating… Impossible to win with 3 birds, really hard to win with 2 birds.

    Yeah @angryde @pixelyzed… I also noticed the coin toss being back to rigged.


    I definitely agree with your suggestion and have sent it to rovio in the past as well. Even as little as one random bird pulling his/hers support ability would greatly balance the loss of the toss (of course dependent of what birds you have but such a change is also cause for change of strategy).


    When we were getting computer opponents most of the time before, the real ones that popped up were mostly beatable for me. I had thought that the error was that overpowered opponents were being replaced by computer generated ones, and that the fix would simply keep only the types of real-player matchups that I was seeing. But no, it’s just back to always getting overpowered opponents again.

    However, you can still get computer generated opponents now, and when you do, they can now be a mix of any of the three birds instead of always Red, Chuck and Matilda.



    I think I do have a cheat but they are in 3rd. I actually despise the new age cheaters because I think there is a number they all go by to get away with like 5000-6000 an hour which is achievable through massive amounts of friendship essence.

    I have averaged 4-5hrs a day and have only put up this to try and catch Zizu in the act on the weekend since they put up their points while I am working and even checking in every 3 hrs does me no good since it seems they always put up their points in that window.

    As far as the other question, I hereby nominate @suzyq as an honorary “lady-beast”. She is actually only ghosting in my board and I was ahead until yesterday when I only had a few hours to play. She is a grinding machine??

    EDIT- I average between 3000-3500 an hour.For n the record I hate grinding which is why I believe most putting up massive points(other than Suzy of course?) are cheaters. This game is simply not fun enough to play that long every day. I guess maybe some wonder if I’m a cheater if they don’t know me and maybe they are competitive like us. Which is why I would love In-Arena communication but as others here have noted it would also have it’s drawbacks



    is obviously trying to prove to us that he is a manbeast. He is on my board this week and has been jumping from first to second all week. He is currently in first w/ 103 k and #2 has 100k. I have good hold on third….



    Haha I think if I was trying to prove manbeastliness I wouldn’t do it playing a game designed for children lol?

    I will say I’ve been a lot more competitive with the new type of cheaters because in my limited experience if you don’t try to overtake them they will let up and cruise to first? I always try to keep in mind that I might be crushing a 10 yr old’s hopes and dreams?



    Thank you kind sir for the award :) I had 2 days of frantic battling with 2nd place earlier in the week which was fun in a way, but I can’t keep up that pace for long as it’s just too hard and the second day was not enjoyable at all. I can only total 25k’ish a day if I’m really pushed, but that includes getting my objectives and the wheel spin being kind.

    This morning when I looked at my board 3rd place made an extra 35K whilst I was sleeping. If they do that again tonight they will take me down to 2nd place. Fingers crossed whatever happens I should be alright to stay in the top 3 unless there is a cheater hiding in the wings waiting to pounce.


    Sure glad you all are able to play with the update. I am stuck at the dreaded “loading balancing” screen and cannot get in. Going to try a hard reset of my phone.

    Edit – Hard update was successful! Now to see if the new degree of difficulty is slowing down the three players ahead of me on my board.

    The Dark Knight

    for once again i am forced to leave the unfairness of arena behind! Adieu!



    25000 is really good? I don’t think many would give you a run for your money doing it honestly. Not every week anyways. I have the weekend off so I will see how much I feel like grinding against Zizu. I have at least 3rd locked up even if Zizu prevails(barring unforeseen mega-cheats) so that is good enough for me? I just don’t know if I can bear Zizu getting a reward if nthey haven’t accomplished it honestly?


    If the 10 year old is on school break they are fair game imo. Ha

    For anyone to be on two different boards is immoral and dishonest on Rovio’s part.
    Poppa bear continues to fight you on my board for 1st place while you have been battling a completely different person. This has been happening a long time.


    I dont know why but last aprox. 5 series of battles (when I made my daily objectives) started with power 16 lonely Knight, 3 times in row, very strange. Few minutes ago, same situation happened :) So very easy objectives to complete :)


    I haven’t seen the lone Knight in weeks.


    If u have problems with the power of enemy in arena: Put weak items on Birds that u dont use in the battle!!!!!!!! Restart the game, make few battles on map and then enter arena. If it doesnt change do it again until the game gives u opponent with similar power, then u can keep fighting into infinity.

    Edit: @angryde try to use this :)



    Good luck on your quest, I hope Zizu doesn’t beat you. I’ve only done my objectives tonight and will see what tomorrow brings.


    I totally agree with you, it isn’t right at all.


    Sorry you are leaving :(



    Lol on the summer break bit ???

    This is my first known experience with it and yeah I wish they would take into account the massive waste of time they are goading players into. Truly though now with all the FE I’ve been getting from FB friends(thank you all) I have only my own competitiveness to blame.

    That, plus I do want to get a response from Rovio to see what they have to say if I catch a cheater now.

    I’m sure they can’t really do much about it but just interested is all?


    The arena is meant to be competitive, but I actually find it more luck-based. For about 50% of tougher opponents, I have to refresh my opponents.

    Also if they find a cheater I think they block the Rovio Account if there is one connected and probably place the person in a hacker pool otherwise.

    I also have another hard objective (kill 3 birds with only one attack), but I refreshed and got win 3 battles in a row again, making me get that easily (though I had close calls).

    Speaking of which this from 2 days ago against Unnamed Player AI:





    Is this you? What banner set are you using?


    KO 3 birds at once is not too hard, if u know how to do it. If u paid 10 LCs for reroll, that was wasting of LCs.


    Yeah thats my team :) I use Wizard in Arena but the game uses actual classes on the Birds. Did u win the coinflip :)?

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