Arena Season 8

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    I just watched a video.


    @kennymcc – Do you not use banner sets? How come?



    I won the coinflip. Then rage chili plus two hits to finish off both of your birds. :)

    Do you really use this kind of banner? I suspect computer changed it.


    I think he does actually use this banner, yeah.
    I mean, if he gets matched with such weak opponents he really doesn’t have to fear having his banner crushed. Once it’s his turn, he rages with Chuck and the battle is over. :D



    I think you’re right about the cheats, but as many have pointed out in the past a person just has to make another account and then cheat again(and again and again).

    It’s a poor system and I think Rovio is crooked as much as the next guy, however if someone is that motivated to cheat(I really don’t get what these cheats get out of it)there isn’t much they realistically could do about it other than removing them from the scoreboard that week. This would require them actually getting back to us in less than a week and I haven’t found this to be the case.?


    I submitted my ticket on Monday morning and got the below response yesterday morning. Nothing’s happened since then though.

    Paweł (Rovio Entertainment Ltd)
    Sep 1, 15:31 EEST

    Hi there,

    and thanks for contacting us.

    Thank you for your report and for the screenshots. We will investigate those players and if they are cheating we will hopefully remove them from the game

    We are sorry for any inconvenience and hope you are otherwise enjoying Angry Birds Epic.

    After that we will be able to look more into this.

    Best regards,

    Rovio Support Team


    I will miss the easy arena grinding, but boy I sure did miss seeing real players in the arena. Why?

    Because, this. I LOVE Plankton =D Ha!

    And this, just because.

    Aaaand, shoutout to @dallasreds (actually I think this one’s from a couple weeks ago and I forgot about it)

    AND shoutout to @angryde (sorry about the media thingie, I must’ve gotten carried away with the button pushing)


    Very funny
    After not completing objectives TWO days in a row for the first time ever I needed a laugh. Thanks
    (I still have a firm grasp on 3rd place if a cheater doesn’t show up)


    Well if there is one thing we have learned for sure about Arena, it is this:
    If you are dissatisfied with the current state: check back later. Rovio is constantly tweaking the arena, searching for the ever-elusive “Maximum Income Configuration”…



    Thanks for the info, glad you were able to catch one so early in the week. I will try to reach out to them if I can catch Zizu tomorrow. Interestingly I faced them today in the arena. Their power 2110??



    Haha too true


    Hello everyone,

    I got my first bird (Paladin) to M14. Capt’n also went to M13 about the same time. So when I went to the arena to play most of my opponents had much stronger birds like M14 and M15. I have never seen anything higher than M12. Is this because I now have a bird with mastery level 14, or did the update do this? I haven’t played against any CG opponents since the update and I usually get them. That was good, to be honest, because it’s the only way I could try to keep up with the players in my league. Now it looks like I won’t be able to catch up. Thank you!


    @burbman @suikyo
    As @smwforever45 told you, I get opponents with similar power (aprox. 1000). Enemy Birds sometimes attack my Banner but Paladin can heal it very effectively :) I have an old video, how I made it months ago, and it works still the same way :) U can see that I used the same banner parts as I use today :) only bird items changed a little bit :)

    It was my first ABE video, so the quality is not good :)


    @kennymcc Classic approach ;-)

    And thanks for the suggestion… but I’ve been using that underpower/reset strategy for over a year :-D

    Whenever I start an arena session – I equip my lowest classes/hats for each bird, lowest on- and off- hand items, and lowest banner pieces + emblems.

    That takes me down to a power rank of about 798… and then I start McCool resetting!!



    I don’t know if it’s just me but I have noticed a distinct tendency in the arena wheel to alternate days on the odds of getting top prize.

    For me it’s been very easy to get the top prize one day and then it seems to gravitate toward the lower prize the next day and so on.

    It hasn’t been coincidental because every second day it is the same thing. If this is the case it makes sense to grind harder on the bountiful days.

    Has this always been the case? I’ve never noticed it until this week so I don’t know if it’s just me or if others have had the same experience.



    I think it is a bit of both, as @kennymcc has shown, if you have less power you will be matched up with birds AROUND your own power. I emphasize around because usually(at least for me) you can end up facing opponents 300-400 over your own total power. I have noticed though that my opponents seem to be a bit stronger after the update than before even though I haven’t really jumped up in power for months with the birds I use in the arena.


    If u talk about the arena reward wheel after every battle, it seems that it is far away from any randomness :D There are days (series of battles) that I get almost no main rewards and there are days (series of battles) that I get main reward almost everytime :) But I dont care about this much :)


    The Game somehow calculates 3 strongest birds (power number) in your nest + power number of your banner to generate your opponent. It also somehow calculates the power of the remaining Birds. So put weak items on birds that u dont use in battle.


    @kennymcc @shapokomanbeast @angryde @dallasreds
    Did you noticed that this pattern happens:
    Order of battle(before refill) today:
    My power :1324
    1st enemy: 137x
    2nd : 149x (loss because of reset set)
    3rd : 1511 (win!)
    4rd : 153x (didn’t fight him, I’ve fought McCool)
    5th (after McCool) : 154x (loss because of reset set, again)
    6th : 1150 (nice)
    7th: 126x (good)
    Last battle : 1296 (loss because of my major weaknesses ALTOGETHER(Reset Set, Weakness with Sweet set, and bad luck on my resurrection banner, so sad)
    I should’ve fought McCool before that battle. But the fourth guy that’s 700 points behind me also stopped by 3 losses, like me. Now I’m on third with a hard fight.


    Our prayers are with you Chuck_Bird?? ?


    Before I write anything more. Do u want to help/show how to make battles in arena? Yes or no?


    Yeah the Reset set is annoying… Reason why I don’t use it anymore even though I could be OP with it. I just don’t want others to lose to me…


    Since I lack banner legendaries, I use Samurai/Paladin Red, Druid Matilda, and Rouge Blues with Rage Shield. Rage Shield with Cupcake Trap somehow work different: Your banner will take half damage from Rage attacks, but your opponent will take the supposed damage if Rae Shield was not used. This results in my banner recieving only about 600-700 damage while my opponents gets 1200-1400 damage.


    @kennymcc Of course i don’t know. But this always happens every time even since CG opponents are still there to be defeated.
    One more tip:
    Refilling your banner will give you nice enemies (at least 2 first battles here, or maybe just luck.)
    But this is the first time in season 8 that i haven’t finished an arena objective. Winning 5 battles without support ability is rather extreme for me especially when all enemies are too OP for me.


    Do u have Last Will set for Chuck. Do u have Underdog emblem? Do u have Blessed banner set? Do u have Valiant banner set? Do u have Resurrection emblem? Do u have Rage Shield emblem?


    @kennymcc @shapokomanbeast @angryde @dallasreds
    I’ve got a nice trick that will give you opponents:
    1. Probably without sets
    2. Ultra weak banners (though sometimes strong birds)
    3. Easy objectives, and
    4. Easy to do.
    First, keep using your best banner, because the enemies will crush your birds quickly (no problem if you’re high level with high mastery birds)
    Then, get some blueprints on the anvil (best chance with the normal anvil.
    Try to get 0 star items and equip them.
    Then, fight McCool with 2 birds and underdog emblem (which I don’t have).
    Finally, you’ll get nice enemies and crush them quickly and easily.

    Don’t try this when your banner needs to be refilled and you’re out of LCs.

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