Arena Season 8

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  • Dallasreds

    I can re-confirm that waiting to claim your reward no longer works for possibly getting on a smaller easier board. Yesterday at 3pm cst I tried to claim my prize and starting the new week. It kept telling to try again later over and over. Soooo I didn’t start until this morning and my board was fully populated. I’m in 8th after completing yesterday’s objectives.


    Very interesting week for me last week in Arena. First day objectives included the annoying defeat 10 opponent birds per battle, and after several tries where I lost count and apparently only knocked out 9, I had a revelation. I have reached Diamond league each of the eight seasons, and really only have a collection of silly trophies to show for it. I decided to stop playing arena. At the time I had about 2,500 points for the week, and was in 15th place on my board. I figured I would drop back to platinum but collect the diamond trophy come the end of the season. I still logged in daily to collect my free GAPM spins, but otherwise never completed another battle for the week. I stayed in 15th place until Thursday, when things started getting interesting. Suddenly I was in 14th place, with one of the players who had been listed above me now showing last with zero points. Friday I moved up again to 13th and another player dropped to zero. I was almost tempted to play my way up out of the bottom three, but 12th was still 20,000 ahead of me so I didn’t. Saturday, the game took care of that for me, as I was now in 12th, with three players now listed at zero. I ended up staying there through the end, and remain in Diamond league this week.

    I will probably not be playing much in the arena anymore, but will still log in daily to spin the wheel just in case I have a change of heart in the future. For those of you who meet up with me in the arena, I will de-power my banner, but my birds will remain in attack mode for battles elsewhere within the game.


    @suzyq @datguygamer some of us added the ABN prefix (or suffix) early in Arena when we were trying to create ABN boards by all joining the week at the exact same time, thinking that the boards were populated in order of players joining. It never worked, unfortunately.


    I am thrilled that someone else besides me has trouble w the defeating 10 birds. I finally started killing 11 just to be sure. There seems to be too many distractions to fight and count to 10 at the same time. You have made my day.



    Oh I see, this is only my 5th season in the forum so it must have happened before I started. Shame it didn’t work out though.


    @suzyq @pointless all
    Our aim was to have 1 or 2 boards with mostly ABN opponents. It never quite worked out but a lot of us had fun trying.


    @dallasreds I never have used the ABN prefix but I think I will just for the comeraderie. I am sick of playing with and against cheats. By the way knock out 10 birds the very first time I thought I had done it but there were not enough. I now count to at least 12 and then do one for good measure. I use Pirate, Tricksters, Witch. Used to use Paladin instead of witch but she is a better option.

    have fun. I took a break one season. It actually makes you want to play again.


    @pointless @suzyq @dallasreds @datguygamer
    I started using the ABN prefix about a month ago, because I saw you guys using it and because I consider myself a member of a rather big family :P I didn’t know there was something like an attempt to create an ABN board.

    EDIT: @angryde
    Just saw your post, and I see you’ve got the guy on your board that finished in #1 on my Platinum board last week. Mucho.Betis is the name. Good luck against him, he has grinded quite a lot last week ;)


    I think the reason it has stuck around is due to the feeling of family. I did use it for a while, but thought the “ABN Pointless” moniker didn’t quite purvey the right message :)


    @smwforever45 @pointless It’s a matter of “United we stand.”
    Also “ABN Pointless” sounds well, pointless, to be honest. :P


    @pointless Why not use “ABN-NotPointlessAtAll”. It’s rather logical for me.


    I found Chuck’s ancestor in my board :(MightyEagle’sRelatives)
    Nice name.


    @dallasreds I love that objective – so easy with a classic ‘Venomous’ line-up! XD I’m the same as bubbley I altered my name for the sake of ABN camaraderie… I’m a total sheep!

    Hey, I’m glad my team redeemed itself! :-P I almost always leave the arena with my worst mis-matched banner top/bottom equipped + the underdog emblem. But… I think I left my 10/10 ‘Blessed’ set equipped on the day in question. XD

    Yes, I noticed that too… I’ll be interested to see how Mucho.Betis stacks-up!


    Is this actually you on my board, or your ghost?


    @poptimus. Yeah, that’s me. I thought that might be you, I don’t see people from here very much in Arena. This is my first week back in diamond and I aleays forget how wild it us. You really have to commit to grinding to get more than two stars.


    About darn time they added new banners! I’m looking forward to them, hopefully one is good enough to break the Valiant dominance :)


    Yeah, it can get pretty crazy sometimes. I have a small amount of hope that we’ll see a couple of cheaters zeroed out this week though. I had *six* scores zeroed out on my Diamond board last week (which was my first week in Diamond this season). Looks like we’ve got a couple of possible candidates at the top of ours at the moment, so cross your fingers with me…


    Have u any idea what special powers they can have :)?


    @poptimus @jamairoqui beware the Chinese guy. He was a cheat on both mine and @pointless board. He was reset to zero when with @pointless but not last week with me.

    please may I know the names of the 6 who were reset to zero. I will add them to the list.


    Sorry, I failed to screenshot and track my leaderboard last week. I remember a couple of the names, but not all six: Gerd, Thoros, and an Unnamed Player. Bad job by me! :(


    @angryde That’s funny. I always try to leave the Arena with my strongest birds. My logic is that others might want to use them to clear caves or a dungeon. But then I’m not sure how that works. Do your friends see one of the birds out of your current set, is it a bird that was there at some point in the past, or is it a “hypothetical” bird you could field but not one you necessarily have ever used?


    I’ve always wondered that too. I think the “active” bird (i.e. the one you last selected/played as) is what’s offered, just based on the fact that most of my friends available birds are usually their strongest/best classes/sets, and there are spikes in use of new Elite classes when they first become available too. But I certainly don’t KNOW that that’s how it works!


    @poptimus There are clues in when you get FE from people using your birds, and which ones they have used. ShapokotheManbeast is a fb friend, and he generally only uses a bird of mine if it is strong (since I think he is all M15/E10 and there’s no point in him using something a lot less than that since it just gets in the way). So you could set a weak team nearly always and see if he ever used one of your birds, which might suggest they are not seeing the team you are using, but a team you could have. But there are so many variables in there, like it appears that ABE selects a bird at random to give you as a “friend,” that it would take more patience than I have to sort through the data.

    The weird thing is I notice most of my fb friends rarely use my birds, which seems odd to me since if I compare mine to theirs, mine are as strong or stronger. Which makes me think they don’t see the stronger ones I have. Or that nobody likes me. Or that everyone thinks my birds have cooties.


    @jamairoqui I have noticed that the available friend’s Birds are the current Class selected for each Bird. We sort of proved that when @smwforever45 was trying to decide which Premium Class to purchase, and a lot of us selected these Classes so he could borrow them and compare each one.

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