Arena Season 8

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  • Dallasreds

    I haven’t used it a lot but i think it’s definitely the most dramatic, good looking set they have made! I hope it worked well for you.


    Enemy banner is down and the game is waiting what will be next :) I can only watch 2 standing Birds and rotating stars above my Blues. It seems that the problem is the new set for Blues and caused this game crash. BTW. The new set for Blues again stunned 2 of my Birds and damaged 2 of my birds during this battle. As u see I won the battle and because of this sh*t that happened I actually lost the battle, because I have to shutdown the game to continue.


    Look at that :) Again enemy Blues with that shit*y new set. I used Rage attack with my Chuck and those defeated Blues stunned my Paladin and my Blues and damaged my Banner and my Chuck :D As u can see I can do action with my stunned Birds before they will be stunned really in next round :D


    @dallasreds I didn’t really get to see what it can do my team slaughtered everything in sight.

    By the way did you get the FE? I am so annoyed by Rovio tampering with the FE from borrowing.


    Yes I got the FE. There has been a lot of borrowing in the last few weeks by everyone.


    @dallasreds I am running through my active friends daily. The FE is probably stored somewhere so if I have to miss a day there should be some spare to be delivered. I used to receive more than I am getting at the moment so the cap is working whatever it is.


    I have more active FB friends added in the last month then ever before so I am good in FEs. There was a lot of borrowing going on too for push for mastery.


    @kennymcc what kind of device do you use? I have faced enemy Blues with that new set but I have never seen two of my birds stunned at the same time because of that new set.

    If you bring tricksters with you, you can cleanse the stunned effect with glee even if tricksters got stunned.


    @suikyo It seems that rage attack of Chuck causes this bug (double stun and double dmg of the new set for Blues). I use Samsung Galaxy S4 mini and Bluestacks on PC. Even with this bug, I dont have any problem to defeat the enemy :)

    Angry Johnny

    I didn’t notice this earlier in the week but it seems safe to assume that the person currently in position 12 on my board is not a member of the Angry Birds Nest :-D


    @kennymcc I also used Chuck’s rage attack to knock out The Blues with that new set a few times. But I have never seen double stun and double dmg. I use Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 but not Bluestacks on PC. have no idea what caused this bug. Report to Rovio yet?


    Yeah I have already reported it to Rovio. But I will test/watch it more later.


    I faced that team this week. I politely kicked their butt for every ABN member.


    How awesome it would be to have actual clans in the Arena…

    Oh and also, I finished this week in 10th place. Not much work involved, I just did my objectives and that’s it. Had a small competition with my FB friend but I let him pass :) Got 10 shards on the first spin despite only 1 star. Very nice :)
    Oh and not a single cheater on my board.

    EDIT: My new league features the player “MyWeeWeeHurts”. I think I saw this guy on an earlier post here XD



    Am I on your board this week or are you gals just ghosting on mine??


    @shapokomanbeast @bubbley

    I was going to ask you both the same thing as I see both of you. Unfortunately, we do have 1 cheater on our board. But the good news is we know at least 3 of us aren’t :)



    1 isn’t too bad especially compared to the boards you,@bubbley & @pointless have been experiencing lately.


    @datguygamer @smwforever45 @all
    My coinflip results in this week (0-coinflip lost, 1-coinflip won):
    11001001000001001001011101100 (479 battles, 268 (56%) coinflips lost, 211 (44%) coinflips won).
    I dont wanna do so many battles in a week again, ever :) I was hunting cheaters before I found out that they are cheaters :)


    I guess that, with the 1.5.2 update, board ghosting has also been abolished. I and an FB friend saw each other on our boards last week, and now three of us can see each other on their boards. Hopefully that means that board making is finally the way it should be ;) (apart from the cheaters, of course)



    1 won’t be too bad as long as it stays at 1. The last 2 weeks haven’t been good it’s true, just a shame @pointless couldn’t have joined us as well.


    @kennymcc So basically it’s STILL not 50% for you.


    Yeah :) and I think it will never be 50/50 until they remove all conditions that lower the chance to win the coinflip, like if u have Golden Chili :) right?


    @shapokomanbeast @suzyq @bubbley @all

    Wish we really could populate our own boards. Real competition amongst us all, fair players, would be a treat and make bragging rights, in good spirits, a fun part of the game.

    Good luck to you all, my friends, may you finish 1-2-3 :)


    @kennymcc Basically Golden Chili and enchanted set items (new parameter).


    Does the current level of enchantment make a difference too? Whether your set items are E3 or E10 makes quite the difference in strength.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Arena Season 8

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