Arena Season 8

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  • RedYoshi45

    Yes, but they were previously advertised as ONE shard. XD I thought they’d change it to that, but looks like they went for the 5 shards instead.

    That is quite true… but the way Rovio does it is a bit too complicated. I support CDRGuy’s suggestion.


    @smwforever45 But they couldn’t fix their grammar after all. They just changed the number and that’s it: 5 enchantment shard….

    Also, I think his idea is very good but there are also even easier methods to follow.


    Many games contain text like “1 days left”. Pure oversight I guess, and not a biggie.


    @smwforever45 It bothers me to no end. I am obsessed over these things. :P


    @datguygamer Struggling to learn the German language has 100% cured me of my (English) pedantry: which – I’m quite sure – once rivaled yours! XD


    How did learning German cure your English pedantry? :P


    @smwforever45 Because now he obsesses over German language pedantry instead. :P


    Just had an amazing bit of luck.

    My objectives tonight were

    Win 3 battles
    Win 3 3 star battles
    Win 3 battles in a row

    But the most amazing thing was I actually started first for all 3 games. Can’t remember the last time that happened since the coin toss went pear shaped.

    So all objectives completed in just a few minutes :) :)



    What’s the UPUD strategy? I still don’t get many of the accronyms used here ;)


    @datguygamer Under Powered Under Dog. Both @angryde and @kennymcc have been talking about this way to “fool” the match making for a while. Essentially you are artificially making your Team as weak as possible by equipping under powered equipment and McCooling away opponents until the AI starts matching you with equivalent opposition, then you reequip your primo gear and have at ‘er!



    Ah thanks! Yes, I have read the posts about that here, just didn’t make the link to the accronym :)

    That stragegy is no fun though ;)


    @pointless I think you mentioned the wrong guy here! :P


    @datguygamer oops…guess I thought you’d like to join the conversation :P


    @pointless No problem.. I personally never used the Underdog though but thanks for the detailed explanation. :P


    Maybe I’ve just been abnormally lucky before, but the last two weeks in a row I’ve had the hardest Diamond League leaderboards that I’ve ever had. Last week I needed to grind to over 60,000 just to avoid being demoted, and this week I’m similarly battling for 12th place with a score that used to be enough to contend for the top 3.

    Perhaps this is the result of the new system that no longer rewards with late-starters with easier leaderboards, but three weeks ago I didn’t seem to have this problem (granted, my score was about 80K that week, but that put me in 1st by a very comfortable margin after two apparent cheaters had their scores reset to 0).

    If this is the New Normal, I might just take it easy for the rest of the week, take my demotion, and have a better chance at getting 8 shards from the wheel after that.


    @datguygamer @smwforever45 @bubbley @pointless
    U have to see this :) I reported some issues to Rovio and got very interesting answer :)

    I wrote this:

    OP match-making in arena.
    When I want to use my team with weaker items (with power around 500) the game always picks enemies with power between 900-1000. Why not with similar power?
    When I use Underdog emblem, the game always picks OP enemy. My Underdog team has power around 1000 and the game always picks enemies with power 1300-1500. Why not with power around 1000?
    When I use my 3-birds team with power around 1325 the game picks enemies with power 1350-1500, very very rarely below 1325. So I have to face almost always more or less stronger enemy. Why the enemies are not with power 1250-1400?

    Coinflip is still not 50/50 for a very long time. I think that every player of ABE can confirm you that. I made notes of my coinflips many weeks and I had coinflip win ratio always below 40% in every week. I will send you my coinflip statistics when I finish this week in arena.

    Answer (from Magdalena):

    We are sorry to hear that the game is causing troubles. The matchmaking, it is not based on the Birds/Weapons that you have selected on that screen. This is because the players would select weak Birds, get weak opponents, and then go back to the screen to select stronger Birds and Weapons. So the matching in this case is working correctly, as it depends on the range of your own power.

    And when it comes to the Coins, the 50% chance applies to one particular toss and not the whole number of coinflips during any particular period of time. 50% chance of success also means that there is a 50% chance to fail every single time when the coin is flipped. I hope this clarifies things.

    So how do u like the answer :)? It seems that Rovio tries to break any strategy thinking in arena. They want somehow prevent us of using old items :) As I wrote I can make a team with power 500 and force the game to pick me an enemy with power 1000. Power 1000 is still easy playable when I prepare my team 1500+ So the effort of Rovio is futile:) Ok, they just destroyed using of Underdog emblem – thats the only result they achieved :) Really brave :)
    And now to the “coinflip” answer. I think that Magdalena dont understand anything about probability theory :) if she made such answer :) or maybe I dont understand higher meaning of her answer :)


    Is it possible to find, what are the measures of matchmaking in the game now? Or at least what u can find? If the game somehow calculates your stongest items in your possession even if u dont use them.


    @kennymcc So they do know the exploit people used to get weak opponents. That is funny to think back.

    Matchmaking is based on what your cumulative power is (your level and mastery and your gear equipped). Note she said “on that screen” which means the screen where you select you birds for a battle. What actually happens is that once you start leveling up, get mastery (and I know you are all M15) and equip set items after enchanting them, the server keeps that data stored. Essentially you will obviously want to have your gear as strong as possible for normal levels, caves or events. So the server will always catch your best gear data & when you go to the arena and try to equip weak equipments, the server will still fetch strong opponents as it still knows your max potential. That power which is shown on that screen (the screen which Magdalena talks about) is just your current equipped power, not your “actual” one and the server will always fetch opponents that are just over or equal or almost as strong your “actual” power. Hope this clears up your thoughts. :)


    I know what u mean but it is not like that. As I wrote, when I preapre my team with power 500 the game picks me enemy with power 900-1000 and I can build team with power around 1700 or maybe more. So it seems that the matchmaking has similar horrifying rules as coinflip has :D – nobody understand that :D


    @kennymcc I also understand what you mean but there is nothing more to matchmaking than this. However, I will check further and go deeper into the files. Give me some hours to spare and I will report back. :)


    She said it depends on “the RANGE of your own power”. So if you can make teams between 500 and 1700, then you will get enemies between 500 and 1700. The average of the two numbers is 1100. So if the power rating of your enemy is a bit lower than that, that’s fair matchmaking for me.


    Maybe u r partially true :) Somehow the game does not pick enemy below 900 for me :) The question is how is this number exactly calculated :) Very strange thing comes when I use Underdog emblem, the game picks very OP enemy… Again the question is why :) (what is written in the game that makes such behavior).


    I also think winning streak also plays into choosing your opponent. The more fights you win, you always keep getting more powerful opponents.


    Yeah it seems this is somehow calculated too, but the power of enemy does not increase all the time. This is more complicated :)


    @datguygamer any info to help explain this process would be very interesting. I am getting quite sick of the same opponents over and over again, realky seems like my battles are drawn from a pool of about a dozen, and I find it common to face the same opponent twice in a row.

    Nice new Avatar, btw :)

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