Arena Season 8

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  • Suzy


    Just to let you know I’ve just finished my objectives. The 3k one was kill 3 birds in one strike twice, was hard, and had to fight loads of battles to accomplish it. I will see what’s Jams does overnight in the morning as I’ve had a long day in the Arena.



    Just to let you know when you wake up you may have grinding to do as Jams is only 3000 behind. Unfortunately this means I have to show no more mercy to Jams and will be grinding hard to make sure he’s not going to usurp 1 from us.?



    I see Jams is only about 500 behind me now. Yes, I will have to grind. I suspect he may have just been grinding to get his score up to mine and is hoping to surprise me by dropping an extra, say 6K by doing is objectives.

    I also see that @bubbley is doing well :)


    @kennymcc @pointless It seems that I was a bit wrong. All those factors I mentioned do go into the matchmaking BUT there are also some other factors that play a part; notably the win/loss streak and leagues. Depending on your league position and your league itself AND your battle ratio in said league, it generates opponents. Your overall power range does matter as well on top of these. However, it’s not that your opponent will be in the same league as well. They may be in lower or same or higher league than yours.

    Now I would say that is all but no. It seems like the server has mime codes placed all over in the arena codes in times when the server is under maintenance or is unable to fetch opponents. Then every other rule above is discarded for the moment (except for power) and players will keep getting paired against a set of opponents which I call “Simulated Matchmaking”. These are coded exclusively separate to normal matchmaking and players thus will keep getting paired against these teams. These may be auto teams or player created teams, but these matchmaking are simulated nonetheelss.

    Let me explain a bit more, when I say “simulated”, do not think that the other matchmaking is in real time. Oh no, it’s not like you are starting a battle and the game picked opponents for you just then. They are pseduo-simulated, meaning as we all play in each arena season with different teams, these teams are kept as bot teams in the codes. For every week, when we tap battle, the server has a huge number of players to choose from but always keep a list of what opponents to pick for each player beforehand (this may include your own team). They are simulated as they are fixed but since they are randomised as well, they are pseudo and different from when the player keeps getting paired players against a particular set and this is easier to be created for auto generated teams as it exerts no pressure on the server at all. THIS IS WHY sometimes players will keep encountering teams with Blues when an objective requires beating Bomb or Matilda. The server at that moment (that moment may be for the whole day tho or just a couple of hours) does not have a team with the bird you are looking for. One funny thing, even though it is rare, you can encounter your won team during these pseudo matchmaking sessions, which is what I had once in Season 7.

    If the battle matchmaking was real time, then it would actually take much more time to fetch opponents while also trying to keep their power somewhat based on yours.

    Thankfully, toss has nothing to do with matchmaking. At first I thought it would be considering how different random factors are responsible for stuff in this game, but it’s not so.



    It’s really hard to say with Jams because they don’t put up points quick rather they doggedly play for hours to grind out 20000 plus points a day(on some days). When playing at the same time I will use FE to avoid lowest score and they don’t do that and seem to have hit rows of bad luck(as I’m sure we all have?)where they string together 4 or 5 rounds of 85.

    That’s why I’m not sure why they keep putting up a fight to put up points. I certainly don’t mind the healthy competition from them as it only motivates me more but we know how painful it can be to grind and when I started today you had 126770 they had 123000plus and I was at 117000 plus.

    When I started to complete objectives Jams again started to grind to try to beat me but for what? 100 to 400 snouts? There are easier ways to get this as all 3 of us seem to have top 3 locked up(barring a miracle from @bubbley).

    If they are indeed grinding just for the competition for first then I applaud their effort but I do suspect more than one player plays(perhaps a small family)to grind that much so slowly and painstakingly.



    And yes @bubbley is going like the clappers as you’ve said(I don’t know what it means but it sounded funny when you mentioned it before?).

    I don’t know if I could’ve put the score up that she did with her schedule. Well done?

    For that matter your score is impressive as well considering you were a little busy as well this week?



    It makes sense that a family may all be playing as I’ve heard about that happening before.

    I want to get 10k above him and hope that will be enough. Just under 3k to go now.

    Fortunately, my vistors left a couple of days ago so that allowed me to do some grinding.

    The phrase is English slang and basically means to go very fast/quickly.

    I think we can all be proud, wherever we finish as we all certainly put a lot of effort into it. I had expected to come 3rd after you and @bubbley which I would have been extremely happy about considering that both of you are top class players :)


    So how is it with matchmaking (choosing power of the enemy) when I have strongest items in possession (level 62 set items and many with 10 shard-level) but I dont use them in arena (I use them only in events etc.). It seems that the game cant give me weaker enemy than power 900 (when I use team with power 500), it seems to be a bottom cap for me. Do u have any idea how this number “900” is calculated?


    @kennymcc I assume you are selecting Underdog then?


    I usually use this team to preapare weak enemy. U can see Underdog emblem there but I do battle with 3 birds on the map to “say” the server that I have super-weak team :) Now I see that the game picks enemy with power over 1000 (I usually get something aroud 950), I remember that I upgraded offhand item of Dragon set few days ago – maybe possession of this upgraded item effected this?


    @kennymcc Fooling the server doesn’t work for the most part as it knows your max power and thus when you equip weak gear to purposefully reduce your stats, if doesn’t work. While upgrading Red’s offhand may have had a part to play but even though you don’t equip powerful gear for arena, when you are equipping them for enchanting, that data is also sent to the server. So it picks teams which are weaker but still picks them knowing you have strong weapons. (Even Magdalena acknowledged that they know the exploit). She said it picks the team according to your power range (with other factors). Your range is more than 495 in this case. So the server won’t pick <900 power teams for you as that is way below your range.


    Yeah fooling the server doesnt work 100% anymore but it still works lets say at 50% :) If upgrading of my Dragon set offhand item effects the power of the enenmy even if I dont use this item in arena, then I have no motivation to upgrade such item because it makes my arena enemy stronger against my team that I usually use in arena. That sounds like bad thinking of Rovio: “The less u use Shards the more successfull u will be in arena.”


    @kennymcc Actually the server can now counter your strategy regarding Underdog or specifically speaking exploitative Underdog. The server does not discourage shard spending but does discourage these actions of purposefully selecting weak gear in order to get weak opponents.



    Go ahead and grab first if you want, you have certainly earned it considering I was 40000 up on you at one point?

    I’m still keeping my eye on Jams but I believe they have run out of strikes because as we were battling head to head for 2nd they inexplicably stopped short of your score and didn’t add anything even though it looked like they were mightily trying to maintain their lead on me when they saw I had started playing.

    It could be strategic on their part but just the way they played this week I doubt it. They also had a few 15000 point days earlier which might have been due to having 3 strikes and not wanting to pay for the extra strikes.



    That’s really very kind of you :) :) but really it’s your place. Last week in a post to, I think it was, @bubbley I said I was just going to take it easy this week and next. But…then we found this week we were all on the same board and that changed everything as we decided for a bit of fun to go for the top 3 places.

    Actually I have really enjoyed sharing the board with you both of you. So thanks to both of you for a fun week :) :) :)


    The question is where is the line between “abusing” and “strategy” if I dont wanna fool the server for weak enemies but I want to built a team with various health or attack using for example level 52 (or lower) items. My opinion is that Rovio crossed the line and cut huge part of strategy. I understand that everyone can have different perspective on that :)


    @kennymcc What you are saying is true. I agree.


    Totally OT from what you guys are discussing, but did anyone else get a 2nd set of objectives in the Arena today??? I completed them last night…I logged in this morning and a whole new set of objectives were there but I’d kept the points I’d earned from completing them last night! My arena resets at 4pm my time, so there’s absolutely no chance I’m mistaken on this one…I completed the objectives after dinner while chilling with my daughter.

    Edited to add: even my losses were reset. I’d lost one but now I’m back at zero losses


    @jennt That happened to me twice this week



    That’s very generous, thank you. I have enjoyed sharing the board with you and @bubbley as well.


    No matter the results, to put up 100000 in the busy week you had was awesome?



    I have a proposition for you that I just thought of. Why don’t you play one more arena battle and let the ABE “gods” determine our fates with the reward wheel??


    @datguygamer thank you for the explanation, I see why I encounter the same players over and over. Nothing I can do about it, I guess.



    You really are a very nice guy, thank you for the kind offer. Alas, I can’t take you up on it because I would still feel I didn’t deserve it if I won and I wouldn’t feel good about it.

    It was a lovely thought and I do really appreciate it :) :)

    Maybe one day if I can ever get close to grinding as well as you, and we meet again in the Arena we can have a grand battle :) :)


    @jennt @cosmicdebris It’s because the patch version on the game changed from 3412 to 3614. Consider it as a live update which caused the problem (although it’s a boon in this case). While transferring dataload from one version to the next, they reset the arena. Consider it as a gift but it’s mainly a mistake on Rovio’s end. Enjoy it before Rovio loads up your previous save file.

    Actually you can, since all our saves are loaded up into our Rovio accounts, there is no fear of losing data. What you have to do is, go to settings and clear the cache for Epic. This will reset everything in your game but once you log back into your Rovio account, your encounters will change. However, make sure to log out of everything in-game before doing so (FB, Google Play/Game Center, Rovio account).



    Sounds good ?

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