Arena Season 8

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  • RedYoshi45

    It seems that, on the final day, two people on my board have been reset to zero. They definitely were not cheating on the first six days. They were just on #1 and #2. o.o
    I won’t complain, ’cause this is gonna save me from being sent down to Platinum…


    Unless a cheat reveals him/herself in my league at the last minute, it looks like I’ll make 1st in Diamond for the first time (although it’s my third season reaching Diamond). That’s without heavily grinding so I’m happy about that. I also reached Diamond in week 9 instead of on the last week of the season like the previous 2 times so that’s progress as well. My points would certainly not have landed me first in most of you guys’ leagues from what I’m reading here, far from it. But I’ll take it anyway ;)

    Other than that, unless Rovio starts adding new things (caves, island, anything), I must say that I’m starting to seriously loose interest in this game. The endless grinding for few rewards is starting to wear thin for me…


    @datguygamer but I thought you said all the game data was stored in Rovio’s servers. How would clearing the cache on one’s device reset this?


    @shapokomanbeast @suzyq @bubbley congrats on the week, seems like you all had a grand old time! What did your final board look like? I assume our cheater “friend” fell by the wayside?



    This was the final leaderboard



    And indeed, I finished in #11. If that isn’t a miracle then I don’t know what is. ô.Ô


    I tried to to wait to the last moment of the arena week and made only one battle. I was put to the board with 5 players already, so I finished on 6th place :) Not bad deal :) I spared my time and got 2 stars for only 1 battle ;)


    What were the others’ scores?

    That aside, I don’t think that someone who does just a single battle finishes in a higher place than someone that played all week and struggled to keep up with the competition. That is the definition of unfair.


    The 1st had 8k points, the rest had something between 2k-5k points.

    Yeah I try to find some game weirdnesses :)

    BTW. I did that with my Finnish friend and we were on the same board :D



    Thank you. As you can see we all did well. @bubbley considering she spent as much time as she could, was an absolute star. If she had of been able to play normally I’m sure she and @shapokomanbeast would have been fighting for 1st place :)

    I think we managed to shame our cheater as they seemed to play normally after naming them, so much so he could have overtaken Bubbley but was probably too frightened.

    It was good fun and nice to have good support.

    How did you get on as I know you had an absolutely horrible board? I really hope you get a better board this week :)


    You did a fantastic job, well done and a gold star to you :)

    Are you ghosting on my board? If not, our board looks ok at the moment, I also see Jams is with us again this week.


    @suzyq finished an impressive 11th, as once again I gave up with three cheaters on my board. Really hard to keeo the motivation up when people are putting up millions.

    And lucky me, as I, once again, have Sky_Spy on my board this week. That’s twice in three weeks…looks like the only cheater that I recognise, at least, so I will give it a go this week.


    @pointless Even though the game data is stored on the servers, the cache that triggers that is in the device. Also, not all data is stored in servers. “Some” parts of the data are stored on device as well for faster load up times. Clearing cache/reinstalling the game itself causes the game to auto-log out of your Rovio account as that is stored in your device. Doing this resets enemy team encounters (previously it was also possible to change leaderboards but that is fixed).



    Glad that you didn’t finish up in the bottom three, and agree it’s very hard to keep motivated.

    I really hope no more cheaters appear on your board, I don’t have any on mine at the moment.


    @suzyq @shapokomanbeast it was really fun to have friends to play with. I wish I could have spent more time – just one of those weeks. Well done to you both yes we did shame MFS. I think.

    yes we are in the same league again this week. @shapokomanbeast you will be missed.

    So far so good but unfortunately we have SAKIS who was reset to zero last week.

    I need to catch up with everyone’s posts and produce a new list. If anyone has cheats to add please let me know.

    Good luck to all. @pointless fingers crossed.


    @suzyq @shapokomanbeast @bubbley Congrats on the conclusion of another tough week! It was really awesome to observe + appreciate your spirited collegiality! XD Once again… I’m ashamed to admit that I coasted to an(-other) easy 2nd with a 45,000 trophy week. In some ways, I’m hoping for hell (to assuage my guilt!)… but, sadly, it seems like more of the same.


    @angryde thank you and to everyone else who have encouraged us. I have only had time to read all the posts this morning. I really appreciate the support.

    It’s actually very nice to know that some of my friends do not have to deal with cheats. Long may it continue.



    Thanks for your kind words :) Don’t feel ashamed of “coasting” nothing wrong in doing that. In fact when I get to Diamond I like to do that as well if I can :). Unfortunately, haven’t been able to do that for the past few weeks as you know due to cheaters.

    As @bubbley said “long may it continue” for you and everyone to have boards that are cheater free :)


    @dallasreds I see you’re on my board this week! Or are you ghosting on mine? I’m still in platinum, didn’t make it back to diamond last week.


    That’s me floundering in the bottom third. You are doing quite well I see.
    I was demoted for the first time and this week isn’t looking much better so far. Good luck.



    Thanks, interestingly enough I have really always had the same luck as you in the arena as I’ve never had more than 1 or 2 cheaters in the same week. My trophy room is like yours with the one black mark in season 1(or should I say gold mark?).

    This week looks to be different with 4 or 5 possible cheats. I don’t intend on doing anything the next couple of weeks except to maintain diamond. Good luck with your week?


    @datguygamer Finally…a Rovio error that is helpful instead of detrimental!!! And I hope they don’t try to right this one…it happened at the end of last week’s arena and because of it, I was able to crack the top 3 and get promoted!


    @dallasreds Yeah that first day I did some grinding, got about 3k ahead but by the next morning some people had caught up to me and now they’ve passed me =/ I just didn’t have any drive to grind last night. I’m struggling with that lately. Noooooo motivation. This worries me for next season, I fear that for the first time I won’t have the motivation to climb to diamond.


    As long as you and “who farted” don’t have time to grind then it’s better for me. HA HA


    So, we’re at Wednesday… another clean board; sans grinders.


    Wed 19 Oct 2016


    My board is clean too… and I’ve got @epicgrindr on my board it seems :)

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