Arena Season 8

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  • KennyMcC

    WTF :) Is it a joke or is it for real? FB wrote u that u have to prove that u r Red Yoshi, seriously :)? If I recieved such message, I would write them in Czech language that I dont understand english, you have to tell me that in Czech language or I will bring this case before the court :)

    EDIT: Have u got a FE from me for borrowing a bird now?


    Ano, je to pravda, chtějí, abych dokázal, že jsem Red Yoshi :)

    Well, Facebook wants people to use their REAL names when making an account. And they trust people to actually do that, so obviously they would want me to prove I am Red Yoshi when my real name on my ID card is different. They can’t say “hey, your names don’t match but we’ll still give you this account anyway since you are totally not a potential hacker”.
    Can’t blame them for that.

    It’s very unfortunate but I can’t claim my account back unless I give them the “correct” ID card. Maybe a Photoshop expert here could make one for me ;)?

    Although I honestly find it very stupid that they will only allow real names. I was almost urged to make a petition against this rule. Other social networks – Twitter or Google+ for instance – also recommend people to make accounts based on real names, but they don’t actively hunt down fake identities.

    EDIT: I’m getting nothing from ANYONE right now. The only messages that arrived in my inbox were for the daily FE request.
    Maybe this has to do with my FB issue…? @datguygamer


    I will never ever use my real name on FB. FB is great hole to people’s privacy and they know it, they hide behind those non-sense “hacker” things and want people to share as much information about them as possible. These information are purchased (shared) to third parties or whatever else even they do promises that they dont share this information – lies, lies and again fu*king lies. BTW. I would make the work and prepare them an ID card with picture of Red Yoshi and send it to those unbelievable idiots :D And I would ask them if they have ever met Red Yoshi from Mario games :D


    @datguygamer many thanks. I haven’t seen a single AI team. All “real” so far.


    @bubbley Lucky you. I haven’t seen any *real* team thus far, and they’re all noticeably stronger than before.


    I’m well aware of those privacy issues. FB is a huge kraken longing for data. Same reason why I don’t do WhatsApp either.

    In other countries they would be satisfied with the date of birth and the name of the FB account. But in Germany, nope. :(

    The question is, are they aware that you use a fake name? Your name looks very well like it could be real (I assume it’s a “sample” name like the German Max Mustermann, or the English John Smith). And they don’t question a name unless someone tells them that something is wrong with this identity, then they investigate and find out that it is indeed fake. Or if you get hacked and lose access to your account that way. You can use a fake name, just don’t get caught… and if you ever have to prove your identity, then woe betide you.


    @smwforever45 I have sent a total of 5 FE to your request AND borrowed your Red. So you should get 6 FE but if you didn’t, that sync issue is going to be a big problem later on.

    All opponents I saw whole day were AI ones. You may be encountering real teams but they are also bots (not AI but bot teams). Reason being I once again, found myself as an opponent today. They wiped out all player data from the game AGAIN and I think I know why.


    Look at my FB name :) Miroslav and read it backwards :) thats it :D Very easy fake name :D And I dont care if I lose my FB account somehow, I think that I can live and breathe normally without that piece of crap :)


    Well, do you know how I can unlink my old FB – which I can’t access anymore – and link the game to my new FB?
    If anyone else here has a clue I’d appreciate it.


    Ohhhhhhh, I see now :P
    Well, I too only got FB to get myself a bonus for the game… :P


    I use FB for some communication too but it is not so important :)

    Try to logout FB in ABE and login again with your different FB account.


    @datguygamer I am seeing the same players I always see including @pointless. All teams usual power usual structure. Games go the same way. One thing I have is a good memory. The games go in a couple of different ways with each player. I know what to expect and it hasn’t changed. However you say they have wiped data and you know why. Could you please tell me why you think this has happened. What is the purpose? Many thanks.

    One other thing. Why do you think encountering yourself is significant? I have played myself but not for several seasons.


    @smwforever45 I also borrowed your bird and answered your request. You should have 6 FE from me.

    You show up in my list as Red Yoshi. When I received a request for FE from you, you did not have an avatar or anything just a asterix next to you name. I have received FB messages: Joey Yoshi has updated his picture etc. Hope this is useful.


    @smwforever45 @bubbley
    I can see @smwforever45 in the game just like that:


    For some reason, that worked now. Guess I should’ve kept the old state for now because I now have a LOT less friends and I doubt that those that lost me will know it’s me… :P
    Guess I’ll have to work my way up again, I guess.

    Hopefully my avatar and my new name show up now @bubbley @kennymcc.

    My inbox is still empty, though. :S But I’ll check again when I wake up. Night night everyone.


    @smwforever45 So what’s your new FB name¿Or you can just add me by yourself…


    @smwforever45 you show up for me properly now as well. I have also sent you FE, both by answering your request and by borrowing your Bird. Very wheird that you are not getting any…?



    Well 1.5.3 is coming up in a few days which will include the mastery overhaul and thus the mastery codes within the game (as I said before) is now changed but I don’t yet know if the visuals are going to be changed or not. Anyway, this means when we encounter opponents, that new system will have to be implemented and that means getting rid of or keeping a backup of the old player data (because god knows when they are going to change it again). That’s why.

    The game internally only and only pulls put you as an enemy when it cannot give you any other player (AI or bot) whatsoever due to a temporary server down issue and such. You may not realise it but that’s why it is significant. Since I am guessing server wise they are changing players (because they have to start sooner or later) to the new format of mastery data, we will get normal matchmaking (as normal as they were) from now on. It’s a minor reason but it’s there as a sign.


    @smwforever45 @kennymcc @pointless

    Remember that time when I said the game had codes labelled mastery tiers? Turns out they were for this mastery change: XP Level 1 to 10 is Tier 1 and so on. This means our Elite Mastery never happened & I got excited for no apparent reason. -_-”

    Also, Yoshi I can see you properly in-game now. Also, for any kind of account related problems, after 2014 especially, you have to contact Facebook themselves. All admin type account based permissions and privileges are removed from the user since that year.


    Didn’t I send you a request?
    My new FB name is Joey Yoshi.


    Mastery Tier 1 is XP level 1-10? So that means that only Mastery ranks 1-10 can be reached when being Level 10?

    Welp, that would mean that your theory was right… but at least you could reach max Mastery since you’re level 51.

    I’ll look in-game now to see if your FE’s arrived now.


    Yup, works now! But now I get the count/max_count thing that you guys have been experiencing for a while but that I never got before.


    I answered your requests, too.


    @smwforever45 “Too low hat” wah….

    Anyway, I am still skeptical. I don’t think I will be M60 since I am not L60. My birds will be in Tier 6 Mastery like all of you, yes, but it won’t be max, I think.

    Now I am not saying the game won’t let you progress or anything if you don’t have the corresponding player level, it may be possible to rank up your mastery before XP, but eh, I don’t know for sure until v1.5.3 comes. For now, the only good thing in Epic that happened was that I got my hands on Elite Illusionist.


    I don’t think so; I think same Tier = same possibilities.
    Unless there is a 7th Tier for max level.


    @smwforever45 For now, in the codes, there are tiers and then there are levels under those tiers. There are a total of 6 tiers and the 6th tier is for L51-60. Now since mastery is now allotted to each level, then there are also M51-60. Now I am in Tier 6 like all of the others who are at L60, but mastery wise I should be at M51 since level wise I am not at max.

    Now I know Rovio said your existing mastery will be multiplied by 4 and thus M15 will be M60. But here’s the thing I don’t know: If the mastery levels are bound to levels, then unless you reach the next XP level, you won’t be able to advance mastery either. But Rovio has not revealed that yet. So if they just keep mastery in conjunction with XP levels but keep them independent, only then will I or anyone will be M60 but L51 and such. Let’s see.

    Also, since there are 60 mastery ranks, what do you think the percentage will be during rank ups? It still cannot be a 10% boost. Also, will the stats during M15 pre-1.5.3 be the same as post-1.5.3 M60? So many questions and yet I can’t wait to perform my autopsy of the files.


    I think if the boost was to stay the same you’d probably end up with a cryptic value of increase for each rank.
    I think the stats won’t stay the same; I expect a 1% or 2% increase for each rank. I too don’t think it won’t stay at 10% per rank; because the damage dealt would be absurdly high (27680% of the damage of M1 – or, in other words, my Wizard would deal roughly 520,000 damage.


    @datguygamer many thanks. This morning AI appeared nothing else.

    I now have you back with Avatar. From your screen shot you don’t appear to have received FE from me though.

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