Arena Season 8

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    @dallasreds Yep, I’m getting only GCs as well. Strange, because they have almost identical stats compared to the airplane mode opponents.


    @dallasreds I have seen exactly one non-CG opponent since the update, every other battle has been versus a Team of Red/Chuck/Matilda, all Birds with complete Sets, yet Banner mismatched.
    They are, of course, easy to beat, yet watch for the impossible Objectives that require you to KO Bomb or the Blues…


    @dallasreds These teams are basically done so that until and unless all proper data from actual player teams are captured, the game will give you some sort of opponent to fight with. The downside is that whenever you get an objective that requires you to kill a certain type of bird, it may or may not come up at all.


    Leading my board with 40,230 points. Easy win :)

    This was the 10th day since the new update. I’ll end my research about the coin toss since the week ends and I think I have enough data to prove that the coin toss is STILL NOT FAIR. It may have improved, but it’s not what it should be.

    Day 1: 2 wins, 1 loss
    Day 2: 2 wins, 1 loss
    Day 3: 2 wins, 5 losses
    Day 4: 2 wins, 3 losses
    Day 5: 3 wins, 6 losses
    Day 6: 0 wins, 3 losses
    Day 7: 3 wins, 5 losses
    Day 8: 2 wins, 5 losses
    Day 9: 2 wins, 5 losses
    Day 10: 2 wins, 5 losses

    Remarkable: 2-5 was the most common result in a day.

    Total: 59 matches played – 20 wins, 39 losses (win ratio: 33.9%)

    I’m going to send these figures to Rovio.


    @dallasreds I have seen only one non computer generated opponent since the update. Fortunately for me Skulkers was in the line up and since I had knockout blues with Chuck 5 times (why did @suzyq only get 3 times? Are there 2 different objectives?) I was able to complete the objective. What a long drawn out battle to keep their banner alive until I had done it.

    I wouldn’t say they are weak opponents all mine are 61/15 but no set banners. Not difficult to win battles but since I still lose almost every toss they are not all 3 starred.

    I don’t understand why they don’t have the data. We have been playing non CG opponents for months. The last time I saw runs of CG opponents was in Season One. Even then not for this long, it was usually a dozen or so and then real opponents for a while. Do you think there might be another problem?


    This is purely speculation, but I’m guessing they cleared out all the arena history before season 8, to start fresh, and that’s it’s somehow related to their attempts to clear out cheaters.

    Also, there’s a 3000 trophy objective to beat a specific bird with a specific five times, and a 1500 trophy objective to do it three times.

    To expand on the strategy for the clearing this objective in one battle: Bring Witch, for starters. Hopefully that part is obvious. But also, avoid AoE attacks as much as possible, including switching to sets other than Dragon Breath, Twin Lightning, Scissors, and BEEP. Using a banner set other than Valiant can help too, but obviously that’s dicey. :)


    @bubbley yes it is 2 different objectives as I recently had to KO Blues with Chuck 5 times in Season 7.


    Rovio said they were getting new servers so I wonder if they have now got them that could be a reason why we are seeing all these computer generated opponents. I’m starting to see a lot more real players.


    @bubbley I guess it has to with what @poptimus said and I can definitely see it being one of the reasons. The main thing you can understand is that up until v1.4.6, the leaderboards data was being stored locally. But now, it is stored in the server and every time I log in to the game, it makes a file that is a cache file of the current session which is deleted upon exiting the game. So what this essentially means is that the servers now track real-time activity which can’t happen unless a whole lot of players generate a large amount of data at the same time. This is further validated as that’s how the progress of a cheater can be reset. By tracking their actual location and duration based activity . Yes, the game now stores location and account based data as well ( @smwforever45 might freak out on that XP).

    Now you can argue that Epic has a lot of players and I cannot say for sure on their behalf but I think that they are purposefully holding off actual teams as opponents as the game now generates auto teams that has a combination of all 5 birds since they are tweaking their arena settings for flushing out the cheaters. Currently I am testing the version and I am definitely seeing progress on the game’s anti-cheat system.


    If the data collection happens to help PLAYERS I don’t mind. XP If it happens to help COMPANIES it’s not okay.

    BTW, the anti-cheat measure doesn’t seem to work quite right just yet. @kennymcc and I have seen a post on the FB group for Epic where this dude boasts about his hacked score in the current event.


    @smwforever45 I hope someone sends Rovio a copy of what he wrote.


    Fairly easy week for me, am first by over 5K with just over an hour left, so Stone it is again (barring three cheaters, I should amend).
    I do agree the toss seems unfair again. I wonder what happened, or is it so un-RNG as @kennymcc has alluded to that all we see are these prolonged streaks?


    @smwforever45 @suzyq
    I reported that cheater to Rovio :)


    @smwforever45 @pointless @datguygamer
    My Coinflip results this week (1.4.8): I made 118 arena battles, 42 coinflips won, 76 coinflips lost (win ratio 35,6% – very close to @smwforever45 :) ).

    EDIT: I will send this to Rovio too :)


    @kennymcc glad you did that and hope they get banned :)

    hope you manage to stay first. Having 3 cheaters on your board can’t have been much fun.


    @smwforever45 @suzyq It is possible. Note that the system is not yet perfect. From what I have seen it is working somewhat (but not always).

    That doesn’t like a fair toss result at all. So they are still keeping the Cheater Set effect in play.


    @suzyq to clarify, I don’t have any cheaters in my bracket right now. I was saying that Stone League is a definite, barring any sudden murky moves in the last hour to bump me out of the top three. I would definitely be upset about that, if it did occur.


    @dallasreds sorry for the late reply missed your post. Glad you have had an easy week and will be 1st. I’m also first, it looks like a lot of us did well this week. My teams are more evenly matched than yours which is better than it has been of late and for which I am very grateful. However, the coin toss is still really awful.


    @pointless sorry I misunderstood :(


    This is what I wrote to Rovio, also mentioning the dreaded Cheater set:

    What I attached was a screenshot of my forum post.

    My week is over, I looked 10 minutes before the end and was in #1… I’ll join the new week tomorrow :P


    @suzyq no worries, all is good :)
    Advanced in first, hope you did as well.


    @smwforever45 the high rate of losing coin toss may be a way to showcase the Chuck’s new Bones Set!


    It’s suspicious that we have a win rate close to 1/3, however…
    The Cheater set increases the win rate by 50%, which is 1/6. 1/3 + 1/6 = 1/2…


    @pointless yes I did well and came first, but did alot of grinding to make sure.


    The Cheat set turns 50% of the losses into wins, so if the rate of losses is 66% (because the win rate is 33%), then the increase is 33%. That means to total win rate with the Cheat set would be 66%, or 2/3 of the time.

    If the toss were 50/50, the win rate with the cheat set would be 75%.

    It might be they decided a win rate of 75% was too high, so they increased the loss rate to compensate. However, this is a huge penalty on people not using the Cheat set. It would have been better to leave the win/loss rate at 50/50 without Cheat and then reduce the conversion rate for the Cheat set so that it was still 66% win and 33% loss.


    @poptimus @datguygamer thanks. Apologies for the late reply. I always thought they did track the duration of play. Well glad they do now. Altough I am getting really bored with Red/Chuck/Matilda combos.

    Haven’t seen a single real player so far this week and it was just one last week.

    Got the win after losing the toss objective today. What do you know I actually won several. Coin toss is definitely still rigged.

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