Arena Season 8

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  • Bubbley

    @suzyq guess we are in the same boat. I am 2nd to the cheat but it’s very close and I am not sure that everyone has completed their targets so I could end up in 4th. I will be taking screen shots as was my habit for the future. Really have no idea how Rovio are going to deal with cheats. @datguygamer mentioned that they can now record time players actually spend playing as opposed to keeping their game open but I still think that nothing will happen to cheats unless reported. That leaves the weekend for them to run riot.

    Good luck.


    @bubbley Good luck to you too. I’m in 3rd place because of the cheat and hope I can stay there. I hope @datguygamer is right and that one more cheat will be eliminated.


    AW YEAH!
    Got this just now from a free roll on the Arena GPM!


    @smwforever45 congratulations, you have waited a long time so hope you enjoy using it. I use it 99% of the time unless I have to use Thorns for an objective.


    @bubbley @suzyq Yes, they do track your progress but honestly, they themselves can now ban cheaters very easily. Yes, we still can report them which will be easier for them to catch the culprit but the servers are done now in a way that they can also catch the cheater (only it will take some time due to the number of players active at once).


    @datguygamer do I understand correctly that they can now detect a cheat but not necessarily every time they cheat. Although their servers detect the cheat they have no automatic way of banning them immediately upon detection. I reported the cheat in my league Thursday morning UK time he is still there and looks as though he will advance to Silver league in first place. As @suzyq says it’s tough to come 4th.

    I really hope Rovio have solved this problem and we just have to be patient.


    @bubbley Why is it tough to come 4th? Can you explain?


    @datguygamer I can answer that. I told @bubbley that the person on my board who was 3rd is now in 4th place due to the cheater taking first place, so instead of going up to Silver they will have to spend another week in Stone.


    @suzyq Oh, so the cheater took first place and all others who were in Top 3 got shunted by 1 position down. So that’s what is happening.


    @datguygamer yes, I’m now in 3rd place instead of being in 2nd.


    @suzyq That sucks. Have you reported it to Rovio?


    @datguygamer as you say it sucks. That is what cheats do. They take the top spot or if there is more than one they vie for it. The result is that legitimate players get pushed down and for some their opportunity to reach a higher league is taken from them. All the benefits from rising are also taken away and not just for a week but for the whole season. Even for those players who have played several seasons and may not need the gifts from the reward wheel the extra shards, a valuable commodity, are denied them.


    @datguygamer I certainly have.


    @datguygamer @all
    My coinflip results in this week (0-coinflip lost, 1-coinflip won): 01001011011001100001101010111101110011101101000001001000000100011111010000000011000101011101000001110001000 (107 battles, 61 coinflips lost, 46 coinflips won).


    @smwforever45 congats on Resurrect! I use that almost exclusively now that I have Bones for Chuck. Makes for some rather funny battles :)

    @atom to be specific, I was referring to Beserker using Frenzy on himself at less than 15% health (suicide, not murder), which used to happen quite often when we actually faced Arena opponents that had Bomb.


    I’m honestly not too sure whether I should use Resurrection or Underdog now. They’re both awesome. :P


    @pointless I saw that happen too. More often I saw the murder version, both with Berserker and Cap’n. It was always funnier with Cap’n though.


    @atom both funny, that’s a given, but I do find the Beserker suicide the best, as it’s an attack action gone so horribly wrong :)


    @smwforever45 if you use Chuck’s new Bone Set, Resurrection is highly recommended because it is possible that Chuck is resurrected and Last Will is triggered at the same time.


    @suzyq the cheat in my league was promoted to Silver. Anything happen to yours?

    @all beware of a player named HOHO.


    I know – I only have the weapon part of that set yet. :P

    Finished in #7, so another attempt for me at the Stone league…


    @bubbly my cheat got promoted as well :(

    I did stay in 3rd place but was on tender hooks for the last few hours of the event in case another one appeared and I went down to 4th.

    I feel my new board will be a challenge this week as everyone is very keen. First place is going on for 11k so I’m now about to see if I can get near him.


    @kennymcc’s strategy is not working once again.
    I was sent to a board where 12 people already did all their objectives.
    Things like these are making me lose motivation to go on with the Arena. :(



    Hard to say how it works :( But I think it is better to start at leat 10h later than start at the very beginning.

    It seems that Underdog emblem causes the game to pick enemies with greatly OP power – my experience. So I dont use it anymore. I use Last Will setup as I posted my video here. I can confirm that Last Will setup is extremely effective :)

    ConGrats to your Resurrection emblem :)


    Have u started new week in arena like this?

    I think there are hidden scores. When I earn first points, all scores will be revealed. Ok, I go to find out :)

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