Best place/method to grind for snoutlings.. looking for best snoutlings per hour

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Best place/method to grind for snoutlings.. looking for best snoutlings per hour

  • I’ve read thru the sticky and looks like snoutlings from SRC has been nerfed to approx 20-25 per run. I tried a different castle and the results were similar. Wave battles net me approx 15-20 unless that bandit pig shows up. Besides dungeons what/where is the best
    method/place to maximize snoutlings per hour? Been only playing for a month or so.

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  • burbman

    If you have made it as far as mouth pool, and all you desire is snoutlings, use the approach laid out by @maxxmatt, utilizing rainbird, piggy McCool, and skulkers. The snouts/hr is unmatched.

    Mouth Pool dissected, for high level / medium mastery snoutlings' farming


    im only level 51. birds around low 30s mastery. cant beat magic sheild-2 level yet. dont have skullkers either. im a free2play player.


    Not sure you need to defeat magic shield to get to Mouth Pool, it is behind the friendship gate just before you get to the shield levels.


    Well call me cynical but I wouldn’t bother grinding for anything if I were you. Just play normally and you will be awash with resources in no time.


    I need them snoutlings to buy mastery from the dojo..


    @dooziexx – OK, if you are looking for mastery, and you are a newer player with high level island pigs, I would recommend autoplaying the most challenging castle that you can complete with your lineup. You should be able to gain enough snouts to keep up with dojo needs, and will gain significant additional mastery through actual game play. These levels are probably better than cave levels, as you gain mastery for three of your birds vs. only two.


    Mouth Pool and Chronicle Caves 4-5. And if it’s mastery you are after, the latter is one of the best levels to grind for that as well.


    After some experimentation, here is my new answer. I posted this in the thread linked to above, but will paste it here as well…

    If you are looking only to maximize Snoutlings per hour, I would offer the following strategy.

    Use Team: Bard, Skulkers, Piggy McCool. Rainbird is good if no Bard.

    Go to Mouth Pool and fight your way through the first 7 levels as quickly as possible. On level 8, do the following: (1) Use Skulkers on McCool (2) Tap McCool (3) Tap Bard/Rainbird. Repeat Forever.


    1. On turn #3 the Spirit Caller will run away. You could prevent him from doing so by attacking with McCool and Bard instead of tapping them. But that vastly increases the attention you need to pay to the game and the only upside is 10 extra snoutlings you get if/when you decide to finally defeat the level and move on. I personally never move on; once I am done grinding I just exit the level.

    2. Definitely let the Banshee summon as many ghosts as possible. Without the Spirit Caller, the number of enemies will top out at 9. One will always be dead when McCool attacks (after Skulkers is used on him) so you will get a consistent 16 snoutlings per turn (8 enemies x 2 snoutlings apiece). The most you could get on a turn is 20 (if all ghosts and Spirit Caller were alive). The ghosts all come back alive in two turns, not three.

    3. There are only two adverse things that can happen to you: (1) The Banshee could attack and poison you (2) One of the two Kobolds very infrequently stuns one of your birds. Neither is cause for alarm. Bard/Rainbird is constantly healing to counteract #1 and if #2 does happen and it is not Bard/Rainbird that is stunned, use the Rage Chili on the Bard or use Rainbird’s ability to un-stun either Skulkers or McCool.

    I have not found a faster or more mindless method (and I mean that in a good way) of making Snoutlings than this.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Best place/method to grind for snoutlings.. looking for best snoutlings per hour

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