best use for Lucky Coins?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum best use for Lucky Coins?

  • I would like your opinions on what the most cost-effective use for Lucky Coins is these days.

    I had been saving up to buy the most expensive three classes – Skulkers, Sea Dog, and Thunderbird. Are they worth it?

    However, I’m almost level 37, and the set items I have are from around level 28 (I splurged on a Rainbow Riot back when that feature was introduced), so I’m tempted to throw everything I have at the GPM during my next Rainbow Riot to get some up-leveled set items. (I completely missed out on the friend’s Pig Machine exploit because I hadn’t been reading this forum for the past few months.) Would that be a better use of my LC right now?

    Or maybe I should take the Mighty Eagle up on his Mastery Points offers, just to speed things up over paying in Snoutlings.

    What does everyone else think?

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  • RedKnight

    I think the best way to spend them is: missing classes>surefire GPM>discounted pots/consumables. I don’t know about leveling but if you have coins to spare, I advice just the 75 LC all birds combo.


    Regarding the last 3 classes, I’ll go for the seadog, I like his mechanics, and I heard that seadog with Rock, Paper, Scissors is the strongest bird ATM. Skullkers work very well with Druid, and I’d put a knight on that team for AoE taunt.


    I would go for Skulkers first because I find them great not just with Druid but with any birds that puts effects on the pigs. Also Sea Dog is good too but after the Scissors sets damage got reduced it lost some potential. I don’t find Thunderbird to be very useful because it has low damage and Rage Of Thunder doesn’t do much damage. So if I were you I would go for Skulkers first then after that you can either go for Sea Dog or the Lucky Coin classes on Mastery.


    I love SeaDog, but the Rock/Paper/Scissors set seems to have been seriously downgraded in the latest update (Into the Void Event).
    I’m saving LC to buy mastery points from Dojo, but haven’t figured out what I will do about set items. I did use the set item exploit, so do have a few sets, but many duplicates.


    Spending LC on the 3 LC spin during the Rainbow Riot once you are level 37 is best. You’ll get about one set item for every 20-25 LC and every set item you get will be a major improvement for you. Saving for a new headset is also good. It isn’t worth spending LC on anything else except the golden chili which you should buy before any headset since it speeds up all your battles.

    Mastery is probably the worst thing to spend LC on unless you have nothing else to spend it on since you can buy mastery with snoutlings. I wouldn’t waste any LC on the golden cauldron or anvil because you don’t need them. It isn’t very hard to get as many snoutlings as you like by playing Star Reef Castle on auto play so you can buy all the potions and veggie cakes you need, but I do see some value in the cauldron. I personally don’t like to waste my time gathering ingredients and creating potions or veggie cakes.


    I got the free Golden Chili for playing the beta, and I bought the Golden Cauldron a couple months ago, so I’m good on nest upgrades. Think I might invest a bit of real money into the game to purchase Skulkers immediately, since they’re highly recommended, but I’ll pass on Sea Dog for now.

    As I was typing this, I witnessed my birds successfully auto-clear Star Reef Castle for the first time – a team of Druid, Pirate, and Tricksters, all rank 5 – so I’ll be rolling in Snoutlings soon. Then I’ll just wait for my Rainbow Riot to hit on Wednesday for some set item upgrades.

    Thanks for all the advice!


    For me the upgraded set items are best. I like to end battles quick and set items can work for any class. My favorite attack birds are Pirate level 8 with Rock Paper Scizors, Paladin level 7 with Dragon Tooth, and Wizard level 7 with Twin Lightning. Paladin heals well on each strike, Pirate heals himself and adds +25 damage to all and i almost always use rage chilli with Wizard. The RPS was fantastic before it was downgraded. Would loved to have seen it with level 8 and so on.


    Can I suggest that if you have friends who have the expensive classes you try out some of them. Everyone is going to have a different opinion about what to buy. I have thunderbird and I find him especially useful when battling enemies who attack multiple birds. He is also great when facing an army of annoying little pigs.

    I don’t have sea dog but wish I had.

    Set items are useful no doubt but whatever level you are if more caves are rolled out you will want to upgrade them. Especially if Rovio continue with the current trend.

    My apologies to anyone who has already suggested this. I admit I have not read all of the posts.


    Upgraded set items are the best option for the short term. In the long run, you will get opportunities to increase mastery for all classes, but these only work on the classes you own. So if you do plan on buying new classes, with the new mastery system I would buy them as soon as possible, so you can start getting mastery for them. Otherwise when you eventually get them, they will already be much weaker than your upgraded existing classes, and you will need to spend a long time catching up.


    See my separate post elsewhere regarding set items. I spent a lot of time rolling the golden pig with it full as well as rolling the golden pig and it’s riot mode ( after you complete a weekly card). I got a lot of duplicate items – and a lot of items that were not set items. Bottom line – if you spend a lot of lucky coins rolling the golden pig trying to get set items, you may find that you end up with a lot less side items and a lot more things that you scrap (for the duplicates) that are worthless.


    buying the Diamond Anvil, Golden Cauldron, Golden Chili, upgrading classes.


    Diamond Anvil!?! LOL

    This post is for the best way not the worst way to spend LC. Someone posted that it costs 1525 LC to upgrade to a Diamond Anvil. For that much money you’d be able to get over 60 set items during the Rainbow Riot and every set item is better than any weapon or off hand item you can make with the anvil.


    @killerkea 1525?!?! I have the gold anvil and it says I need 700 to upgrade.


    I didn’t know how much the Diamond Anvil costs so I searched this site for “diamond anvil” and found a 3 month old post from seggy below that said the following. I misunderstood what she meant. From what you said I can deduce that the diamond cauldron and diamond anvil upgrades are each 700 LC and to upgrade to gold is 125 LC. 700 LC is still a huge waste of coin.

    “Co-signed. Rovio seems to be doing everything they can to force you to shell out dollars for this game. I have no problem with them recouping the money they’re spending on the game, but this game takes it to levels I’ve never seen before. I’ve put a decent chunk of time into the game already, and I could spend $180 for 6000 Lucky Coins, and that still will only pay for 20 of the 25 Master classes, plus I’d still be without Sea Dog, Thunderbird, or Skulkers (another 700 LC), a Golden Chili (another 125 LC), a Diamond Cauldron, or a Golden + Diamond Anvil (another 1525 LC).”


    The Anvil, is, by far, the worst place to spend coins. There is literally NOTHING you can craft which compares to a Set Item, particularly in a paired Set. If I could get back my Golden Anvil coins, I would be quite happy with that.

    The Cauldron is a bad place to spend coins, once farming becomes trivial. If you can farm efficiently, the occasional NO-star roll on potions just isn’t a big deal.

    The Golden Chili is a good use of coins. First battles are over in seconds, so you can farm potions very quickly.

    If you are Level 35+, 3x GPM rolls are pretty good. At that point, they are probably good enough to stay decent up to the final Level 45 cap.

    Nothing wrong with banking coins. They’re hard to get, so no reason to spend them badly.


    @graugeist Actually I’m glad I have the Golden Anvil because the items in cave 11 is stronger than my level 29 Set Items. So I’m going to need to upgrade sometime.


    At <Level 30, I can see that, but that just means you need to spend more time grinding levels! :D

    If I were you, I’d just stockpile coins for when you’re level 35+. Heck, I’m stockpiling because I’m expecting the cap to bump to 41 in a week or two.

    OTOH, if it’s working for you, great!


    Yeah I collected about 1000 of each ingredient so I’m pretty stocked!


    Bringing this post back to life…

    I have ~150LC and just can’t decide what headgear to invest in next. The only one I have at the moment is Paladin. Thanks for any advice!


    Paladin is a top priority – the auto-heal makes so many battles go a lot smoother.

    Sea Dog is obviously good – getting extra attacks is definitely worth playing, and I am currently saving for this set.

    Skulkers would be my next choice after Sea Dog and Paladin.


    Thanks @graugeist for the input! I already have Paladin.. with ~160LC’s I was leaning toward either Bard or Skulkers.. Sea Dog is just so damn expensive! Hmm


    I recommend against bard, unless you like using lots of potions. Damage is good, stun looks attractive, but matilde’s job is healing and bard just doesn’t provide enough. I wish I could have my LC back for bard — I never use it.

    I’d go with skulkers, if for no other reason that — alongside druid — it really helps with ninja levels.


    @nytmair I would go for Bard, because she provides another very useful healing option – one with a good direct attack. Someone asked the same question in another forum topic on maximum damage teams. This is the response I posted there.

    Most players pick up Paladin and then Bard before they start saving for Skulkers and Sea Dog. Go for Bard before the latter two. She is my favourite Matilda class and can be very valuable as you start the Chronicle Caves. Early on, players tend to favour the Druid class, and then move to either Bard or Princess, particularly when fighting opponents where you must do more damage than the Ironclad value.

    Bard causes more direct damage than the other Matilda classes and has a reasonable chance to stun an opponent. She works well with Paladin.

    Princess dispels effects and does a lot of healing to a single bird, which can be important with some battles. But she can be difficult to use.


    The reason the Sea Dog is so expensive is because it does the most damage of all the birds unless you are talking large groups. In that case Spies does the most damage. The Sea Dog really makes it easy to take out enemies with several thousand health.

    If you have the Nightmare set, then the Bard is by far the best choice to get. If you don’t have any set for Matilda, then Skulkers is better especially if you have a good set like BEEP. Your equipment should strongly influence which birds to get first. If you have the Scissors set, then I’d suggest saving up and getting the Sea Dog.


    @nytmair I would go for Skulkers first. Don’t let everyone tell you to get Bard first because they think she’s great though. I mean she is good to use but Bard may not be your style. Some people favor Druid over Bard and vice-versa. Just go by who’s power you think is the best.

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