Beware of Jenga mode potholes!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Beware of Jenga mode potholes!

  • The cutest thing happened.

    Ultra Magnus was the second one out from Astrotrain in Jenga mode after Goldbite failed to make the jump. I have no idea how it happened, but he fell through a hole in the pathway. He was stuck in the hole, vainly running in place. I could make him shoot, but I couldn’t figure out how to get him out so I exited Jenga.

    Has this happened to anyone? Is there any way to escape from the pothole trap?

    Is there any way to recreate this? I can’t figure out what I did that made it happen.

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  • PhoenixTM



    I had it happen, did not create a screen shot because I thought it was my old eyes. I just rebooted the tablet.


    I had it happen to me with Optimus Prime on a regular level. I managed to get out by transforming.


    I had this once in a normal level. I simply escaped by turning into car mode.


    This happened to me once and I completely forgot about the screen shot until I saw this post. I laughed out loud because Starscream looks like he’s expecting help.

    It only happened once and don’t know how to recreate. Next time I will transform for sure.


    Mad Kat

    @bostonma1971, great to see you back!

    In Jenga mode you cannot transform character 2. :) Unless we can think of another way, your Starscream cannot be helped.


    I had a Soundwave make a wicked jump on the last ramp and when he landed a stone block hit him in the head and killed him while he was waving Starscream to come on.. happened so quick – so funny to “win” the jumps and die.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Beware of Jenga mode potholes!

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