Bird Arena will pass away on 26 August

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Bird Arena will pass away on 26 August

  • Dear ABF Fighters, all the good things must come to an end. Someone announced that arena will end on 26 August. Almost all the possible things were released in Arena: Trophies, Plates, Rainbow Weapons, Rainbow Hats, Rainbow Accesorries. So be ready ’cause comes the end.

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  • TomT


    Quick questions, who is “Someone”? and are you saying that, they are ending the arena AND also taking away all PREVIOUSLY-GIVEN-OUT arena items?


    @tomt Why do you think they are taking away the obtained items? Pretty sure he just meant that all the special sets of items will be released and there’s nothing else to put up as a reward.


    @partshade Because he said “all the good things must come to an end”, then he listed all the previous arena items, and then said “So be ready ’cause comes the end”

    I don’t know, to me, it’s kind of confusing.


    I guess I should start using the 100 tickets I have sitting in my gift box.


    Oh yeah, the tickets. I wonder if Rovio will give some sort of compensation for the leftover tickets?

    Also wondering if we’re just going to have consecutive monster events after, or some kind of new event in between?


    @partshade Or maybe, just like I have been saying, it’s not only the arena is coming to an end, but, the whole game is ending. Next monster event will be, the four apocalyptic pig monster family.

    Rapture is coming!


    @partshade and who is “someone”? how’s everybody keep getting inside news? how come Rovio never announces anything officially? what the F is going on?


    @tomt OH NO! Grab all the Curry Pots and Poker Cards and RUN!

    Wouldn’t surprise me if the game was actually ending though. There’s no way Rovio can handle all their current games + the ones in soft launch. As you said, not enough manpower. :P

    I’d love to know who this “someone” is, as well as wether or not he’s actually legit or not. But apparently Donewithpigs and Redbird-justin have special sources…


    @partshade One thing I know is that, if a company, or a game, is going out of business, they won’t let people know until the last minute, just to avoid panic and confusion.

    Can you imagine if Rovio actually announces the shutting down of the game? Can you imagine how many people will go berserk? All those people who just paid real cash recently, they are going to burn down Rovio.


    @partshade and funny, now I have 3877 points, and I’m ranking 1802

    Wow…… this never happened before. Did most players jump ship, or did Rovio eliminated a lot of hackers?


    @tomt Probably why Rovio never announced that the Slingshot Stella game I told you about was going to be discontinued. It was only until someone asked them through a support ticket that they actually let anybody know. Will most likely be the same with Fight.

    Woah! Maybe I should start putting some major effort into the event then.


    @partshade I’m just under 5000 points, and I’m ranked in the 1400’s!!!

    So, I guess Fight! is finally going to be put down, is euthanasia legal in the states?


    This someone is my friend who searched through ABF data and found that this will happen.


    Why they should let it die?

    – there still around 200.000+ active players (just tried it out on my second device while tree pig event, with only killing on tree pig. Was ranked above 200k)
    – The game do not need much afford from Rovio. Creating some new items and monster pigs and everything else is already there at the moment
    – that people are playing less at the moment is also nothing special as it is summer

    ABF will be back after summer with a bang!


    @veggie I don’t think so. The updates will come until August, as Justin said to my friend’s group chat. And also there are signs that the game will stop: No more new islands since 5-6 months ago, arena dies, with each update that comes to ABF, it becomes more useless.
    So I don’t think ABF will stay alive.


    Maybe someone should send mail to Rovio about it, at least to convince them to keep servers alive… Before they’ll finish another game :(


    I honestly don’t trust this “someone” source… I want it personally from Rovio or it didn’t happen…


    @partshade I just saw the in-game news, Rovio’s got this special 4th-of-July gem package. If Rovio is shutting down the game soon, then this sale is extremely unethical, and the people who buy this package are extremely suckers


    @tomt Really? My game doesn’t say that yet. :P

    It’s probably working though. Just because there’s a good majority of people who don’t know that the game is ending. Rovio is probably going to try and hide it for as long as they can.


    @partshade IF that’s the case. IF Rovio is indeed shutting down the game, then it would be unethical to trick people into buy gems. IF that’s the case.


    @tomt Why would it be unethical though? IF that is the case, it’s just Rovio trying to milk as much money as they can from the game before they shut it down.

    Obviously not good for the player base, but how is it a bad move on Rovio’s end?


    @partshade @tomt Stop saying that ABF ends!!! It’s not real, how can it shut down if the game gives a profit that Rovio really needs. Also, it has online servers’ so it can’t be shut down. They have quite a milion ideas to put ABF, that officially they don’t use them. These reasons (especially the profit) is the reason why ABF will never ever end. They will keep it forever. It’s undiscontinuable.


    Rovio posted to squash this rumor! Look the another topic.


    @corporaldaesn It’s not my fault. People speculated on both FB and this forum that the arena and game ends. Curse them who lied to me.


    @donewithpigs Speculation is nowhere near lying…

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Bird Arena will pass away on 26 August

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