Bomb's Finisher Set w/ Cannoneer

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Bomb's Finisher Set w/ Cannoneer

  • The finisher set says that you have a 65% chance to deliver 5500+ damage, so I thought I would start using the Cannoneer class in the arena since he delivers 3 hits per turn. According to all other bonuses, usually the extra damage is based on a per hit basis and not a per attack basis. By simple math you should basically deliver 5500+ damage for every attack if the enemy is below 50% health. EXCEPT, I’ve never once observed the finisher set work completely with the Cannoneer. Every now and again, I’ll see a ~2000 damage, but clearly the description is wrong.

    Note – that is the description with Cannonner and finisher set selected – my attack total changes in the finisher description as I change classes.

    Anyone else notice this?

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  • RedYoshi45

    You see, if that was true everybody would be using Cannoneer in Arena. XD
    To me it seems that, rather than delivering 300% damage, it provides a 65% chance to deliver 100% damage instead, and it does that three times. Probably a tweak so it isn’t all that OP. They just don’t tell you that.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Bomb's Finisher Set w/ Cannoneer

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