Buddy DYING!!!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Buddy DYING!!!

  • There is a problem with buddys in Pig City. When I’m running up a hill (in Pig City) I call down my buddy and he lands in his usual spot ahead of me-except it isn’t his usual spot because he’s way up in the air!! He still sends out his usual shockwave of destruction,just after he’s done looking at me and actually starts running,the Astrotrain picks him up as if he dies. Which really sucks because he left after one second-right before I ran into a batch of shotgun pigs AND flying laser pigs.

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  • Angrycrab

    I’ve noticed the same thing when I drop my buddy off a hole in the road, but of course, I expected that :)


    @angrycrab You need to flip the red switch in pig city before you drop him. This way the road will catch him.


    “When I’m running up a hill (in Pig City)”

    There are hills in Pig City??

    Mad Kat

    I cannot manage to drop a buddy down the hole in the road in Pig City. If the buddy is running ahead of me he always shoots the red light even if I intentionally don’t. (Evil me…but since reading this I can’t help thinking it will be fun to watch buddy plummet down).

    Perhaps it has to be timed just right….summon buddy when a red light is approaching so that he does not have time to react and goes….whoosh…down the abyss. But then, how to time it so that I hit the red light in time and don’t go hurtling down too after buddy?

    It is totally not how Rovio intended the game to be played, but anyone else interested in creating a buddy death in Pig City?

    For that matter, I have never had a buddy die on me …even when he gets fire-balled by the walking tower.

    Mad Kat

    Good question @optimuspig! I have encountered neither hill nor even a road that is ascending.

    Matt Rohde

    I have a video posted of this bug on youtube, and I’ve sent the video to Rovio and they’re looking into it.


    Ok so I know this bug must be frustrating but it’s pretty wild looking. Nice video!



    Thanks for posting the video, although it would have helped if you’d given us timestamps for what you’re trying to point out. So ….

    1. Your first attempt to summon your buddy is at 0:28, and 1:30 is one of the times that buddy deploys in mid-air?

    2. You can replicate this bug every time you try it?

    3. Is this on Android? I’m playing on iOS, and I’ve never seen that white finger pointing at the red button.

    4. Interesting that you’re playing with a stylus. How is that working out for you? I play with two fingers (index of each hand).

    I’ll give it a try on my iPad later and see what happens.

    Matt Rohde

    It’s on Android. Yes, I can replicate it. but I have to time it right. Stylus works well, it is integrated on NVidia Shield tablet. with stylus I obstruct screen less, and put less fingerprints on screen, keeping it cleaner-looking.


    @vrinda-rajkumar your post buddy made me CTFUL

    I play with a stylus too and I am so glad to see someone else making it work for them. Mine is a Samsung Bluetooth HM5100 (<- edit, adult dyslexia – ooops). Very fat for me as I have tendonitis. Thin stylus like in my Note 2 and Note tablet are too thin to hold for long periods of time. Anyhow, your video in The Dome is awesome. I just got very afraid to go in there. Hahaha. No, it looks fast yet fun. I’m an android user too. ABT friend on FB??

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Buddy DYING!!!

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