BUG!!! Missing token

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum BUG!!! Missing token

  • I was the 1st place but received 100 tokens only. In addition, I shot 234 red pockets but only received 20 tokens. How should I scream to the support team?

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  • PBJ

    When did you start? If you started late, then you don’t get the full prize. Here’s the info we got during C Minor. It was discussed extensively in that thread, so you might want to take a look at it.

    “There was a growing trend during the holiday event of players deliberately joining a challenge leaderboard as late as possible in an attempt to end up in first place with minimal effort. This has a number of undesirable consequences – it leads to higher strain on our servers as many new leaderboards are created at once, it exacerbates the existing issues of players relying on out-of-date leaderboard information in the last few minutes of the challenge, and it trivialises the effort put in by players who join earlier in the challenge.

    As such, we have added some scaling to the rewards dependent on how much time is left in the challenge when a player joins, and we will continue to refine this for future events.”

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum BUG!!! Missing token

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