Cannot advance beyond level 2620 – purple mist with “More Levels To Come…”

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Cannot advance beyond level 2620 – purple mist with “More Levels To Come…”

  • Attempting to figure out why I cannot play any levels beyond 2620 at the moment…

    Completed said level with 3 stars and there is a purple “mist” blocking all of the future levels with the message “More Levels To Come…” over said mist.

    Curious as to what could be the issue that will not allow me to advance further in the game – money, achievements, or some other factor?

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  • Twisted Lemon

    It’s like that for every one because it’s intentional and not an issue. They add new levels over time so it’s just a case of waiting for the next update where they also decide add more levels. When new levels are added you should get a popup message when you launch the game saying that more levels have been added.


    Makes complete sense. Thank you!


    In the past they were in two weeks intervals.  This is going on four weeks.  I have been wondering about this as well.  I guess it is good to hear others were having the same issues.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Cannot advance beyond level 2620 – purple mist with “More Levels To Come…”

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