Changing the world map avatar

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Changing the world map avatar

  • Back in the old days you were able to choose which bird was your avatar on the world map and marks your current level. Standard is Red, at some point I changed it to Bomb. I thought I’d like to change it again but I cannot find an option for that. Does anyone know where I find that option or was it removed?

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  • Angry Beaver

    In the main menu you see your name in upper edge. Tap on it and you see avatar pictures. And you can change them as often you like :)


    This was removed as far as I know, so you are stuck as Bomb. You can now change your arena avatar, but not your map avatar.


    Nah, that’s not what I meant. I try again with a picture.

    My world map bird is Bomb, so it was definitely possible to change it at some point. But I cannot find an option for that anymore.

    €: Alright thanks. Too bad, but there are worse things in life.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Changing the world map avatar

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