Cheaters thread disappeared

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Cheaters thread disappeared

  • Hi all, after updating the first post, suddenly the entire thread disappeared on me.

    , any idea how to get this back? I thought the moderation was disabled again…

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  • E-Star

    @larry It was indeed back in moderation, I have put it back again, but I have to leave it up to @birdleader to sort this out. I assume it has something to do with the amount of html used, but I am not sure.

    @e-star, Ok, thanks a lot. This thread can go in the trash again I guess. I just wanted to leave a message for anyone looking for the cheaters thread. I’ll be doing some more to the first post, do you think it’s ok to do so now or should I wait until this is solved?


    @larry No problem, sorry for the inconvience, but this mornings hacker showed the Nest is still a loved target. But I don’t think the extra moderation is back on, I think this is the standard restriction of html you have reached.

    Anyway, You could edit your post, but it would land itself in moderation again. Which in itself isn’t a problem, I can toss it back again. But you would have to leave an @mention to me somewhere (here is fine for now, but a PM will do as well) and have to wait for me (or another admin if I am unavailable). I personally would wait with editing till @birdleader has a solution, but I am not up to speed how important the edits you are doing are and how long or what it will take for @birdleader to find the solution.

    @e-star, no worries. Since I am on the limit of HTML and this thread is at this point in time the most active one for Epic, is there another way of doing this?

    The problem is that there is so much info in there that I wanted to reshuffle some stuff and try out with some bookmarks/links or other ways to organise the info in that post. That is impossible to do if it disappears each time I save it to see the results.

    Would there be another way to experiment with the formatting and organising without working directly in the main thread?


    @Larry @E-star @BirdLeader — Larry’s main post can’t possibly have as much HTML as the Self-Destroying Levels forum. Does that mean that the HTML limit is something new? Is that why the Self-Destroying forum goes to Rio every time I edit the main post?

    Bird Leader

    @larry Let me know if this happens again next time you update it? I think I might have found and fixed the issue.

    cc. @admins @mvnla2

    @birdleader, Okay, I’ll be working on an update in the coming few days whenever I can clear some time in my calendar. I will let you know as soon as I push it through. Thanks a lot for checking in on this.

    @e-star, @birdleader, it happened again… I loaded a fully edited new post and after submitting I got to see it. Sadly it became clear that a lot of the formatting should be tweaked and tuned further, but as soon as I wanted to look at the code, I could not get it anymore. It had completely disappeared.

    Any chance you guys can retrieve it for me again? I’d really like to finish up the editing. Does anyone mind if I just create a thread for posting this a couple of times (in all things nest) so I can see the effect of the code adjustments?


    @larry It’s been restored.

    I’m not sure what you are asking — but it sounds like you want to duplicate the thread while you work on formatting? That doesn’t really sound like a good idea to me.

    Bird Leader

    Yeah, @larry, let’s keep it to one. I will continue trying to figure out what’s up.

    @ birdleader, I’ll be able to do some edits later today (about 4 hours from now) if it helps. Maybe you want to see what happens while I post. Is there anywhere I can send you a document with the html I’ve assembled? It might contain some clues to why it got directed to moderation…

    @birdleader, it is back in moderation again but i am finished with modding for now. There’ll be some additions in the form of some images from different hacked scoreboards, but that will come later. Everything else in the post is working now.

    I guess you can check the source code for the post yourself, otherwise I’ll be happy to send it to you somehow.

    Can you let me know when you think I can test again?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Cheaters thread disappeared

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