Cheater(s) in AB2 Arena?

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  • wrw01

    Wonder if Carl works for Rovio and they are letting him have his way?


    What is going on here…


    I’m drawing an opponent with 5 spell cards and a low star ranking about 80% of the time. These players are painfully obvious cheaters. It’s still hard for me to believe that the cheaters and their recorded game data cannot be removed from this game. This Carl guy is just one of many. His name shows up over and over in various AB Nest threads. Like I said last night: I have more faith in politicians than I do the legitimacy of my opponents in this game. I’ve just decided to practice acceptance. We’ve raised 50 shades of Hell about it for months and nothing ever changes. Go to the App Store and read the reviews. It’s one complaint after another. The positive reviews are blatantly obvious Rovio employees. Last night my opponent had 5 cards left and 4 of them were Bomb. I just happened to look up and see it cause it was a close match. The end wasn’t close- beat the brakes off of me by a million points. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound……. Serenity now!!!!



    Wow, this is a sad situation that Carl has been permitted to play for months. I just re-read @bankler response on the previous page and what is interesting is that the game was updated this past week with the new daily challenges and Carl is still being permitted to play.

    It really puts the end users in “their place” of low importance when Rovio permits a hacker to violate their game for months and does nothing about it.

    I do not mind spending money for extra items in Rovio’s games but it is a real physical “slap in the face” to the end users to let a known cheater play the game for months and do nothing to stop this particular individual, and then provide updates that just about require a lot of the end users to spend money to complete like the last update of the Daily Challenge.

    Last week, on Facebook trending, it was published in about 3 news sources that Rovio lost 15 million dollars last year, has had dramatic decreasing revenues for the past three years and laid off a lot of their workforce last year. It was also stated that Rovio’s survival depends on the success of their upcoming movie.

    As a result, it appears that quality control and its personnel have taken a back seat which directly effects the end users who are in total control as to how much money they want to spend on items in Rovio’s games. It is funny how that works when the end users feel they are cheated by a known hack for months, they leave the game and/or do not spend any more money on them…does anyone wonder why revenues have been decreasing for the past three years. The honest players are the only ones who will spend money to play the game.

    I guess the folks who were fortunate to keep their jobs do not have the time to get the hacks who have been around for months because their time has been spent on the new Daily Challenge update or the previous updates in the last couple of months, a depressing situation for the employees and the end users who enjoy these games.

    Now to be fair, a good number of the hacks have been neutralized in the past two months and I greatly appreciate the time, money and personnel for doing this service to keep the integrity of the game honest.

    We can only hope that Carl gets his “just” reward, hopefully soon.


    Thanks for the reports. I’ll try to put some effort into improving the filter this week. I’m sorry you’re getting matched up against him over and over. It sucks.

    “Carl the hack has the arrogance to post a picture and even be proud of it that he hacks the game… “come on” man go get this guy…he is laughing at all of us.”

    Where did he post that? Can you direct me to it?



    Thank you kindly for the response. Sorry if I sound harsh, just depressed with the over all state of the Rovio situation after reading about the financial woes the company is incurring.

    He has posted his and her picture in his icon (correct name escapes me) for the game. In my post on the previous page of this forum, I pasted a picture (my first one) of the screen shot I took in the game showing his impossible score. The pic is also in my album.


    Ok, yes I saw that. I’m with you. Thought you meant you had found a facebook post or something. My bad.


    I should have been clear as to where his/her pic was located in my initial post.


    Having this a few days ago just made me laugh.


    Strange, two level 8 birds and Terence is still level 3..
    When I see such clowns I close the game and restart it for a new opponent.


    Can someone explain this one? This week’s round I’ve been the first one all along with a difference of 4-5 stars from the player below. And today I’ve opened the Arena and saw this. I mean he couldn’t do that in a fair way, or is he even a real player, I am really pissed of.


    @marinicm, @bankler

    I think I can top this.:/

    I was in lead for this week’s tournament in Diamond League by about 40-50 starts, having ca. 270 stars; the 2nd had about 220 stars, the rest much less.

    Logging in in the afternoon, I was put into a totally different group with different players, with the leading player having more than 1400 stars, I was 2nd with my 270 stars, and many of the following players had above 200 stars.

    Logging in now I am again in another group as it seems (this time I do not remember the competitors name of the last group), the first player having 2020 stars, the next 538 stars and so on. I am now only #7.

    Having played the league only casullay the recent weeks, it was fun to having a real chance of winning this week’s round. What just happened is not just frustrating, but it also is taking all motivation and addiction (which it had just achieved again) away. There is no reason for me anymore to take part in serious competition if at all.

    Good luck everyone, ABC



    Looks like you have a low scoring player who has hacked the game. I have Carl in my game on the previous page of this forum who scores high from day one.

    Maybe @bankler will investigate Bomb #63289 to see if he/she is legit?

    It is my understanding that once they hack the game there is nothing that can be done until the game ends. Rovio has been addressing the hacks for the past two months and they are getting less. It use to be the hackers would occupy the first three to four positions in a game.


    Not sure if this individual is a low scoring hack but it appears that he always wins or is at the top of each tournament and his metal count is very high compared to the rest of us flingers.
    His name is Hal.

    AB2 Hal-2 4/14/16.jpg


    WRW, I don’t understand how the medal count works. I have one medal for every time I come in 1st or 2nd, but the first time I cam in 3rd I suddenly had around 37 bronze medals. Since then I only get one bronze if I come in 3rd.

    Still wondering if anybody has found the owner’s manual for this game?


    I also wish I new how it works. I do know there was a programming bug with the metal count that when flingers would do a certain action after the game ended they would obtain more metals than what they had previously. You can read the previous posts in this forum to find out the details but Rovio said they were going to fix that on the next update.

    The Arena is AB2 is a moving target with all the hacks and cheats. It gets real demotivating to play after a while.

    If you find the owner’s manual publish it for all to read…ha, ha. Have a great day


    Am I the only one who is seeing a number of players with the following characteristics:

    – 25-29 stars rating
    – 2-3 birds @ 5, rest @ 4
    – brings an extra bird
    – has the crown on his / her icon

    I can guarantee playing this guy I lose by half a mil to a mil points. If I play a similar player with 35-37 stars and 2-3 5 birds, and 7 birds, I usually win…



    Maybe have another hack in case you have the time, resources and are permitted to look into this person.

    In a period of a few hours over night this individual went from the bottom of the list to the number four position with 533 stars. A very quick rise, almost too quick.

    Also, all bird levels are level 8 in the pic but Azure League what he is classified to be. Very strange to say the least.

    Hopefully some day it will be great to play in the Arena when the hacks/cheats are eliminated. I often wonder how far that will be in the future…for the present it is real demotivating to play.

    AB2 Faisal 4/15/16.jpg



    Do you have a picture of this individual and have you alerted @bankler?

    I am playing flingers at level 44 and there appears to be hacks all through the Arena part of the game at every level.

    Strange that Rovio has not made this a top priority because these folks are ruining it for the honest players and as a result the honest players will not spend any more money on the game and will leave the game on the “shelf to find dust”. I am just about there. There are just too many other games out there to play that the hacks are somehow prevented to enter.

    Why can’t Rovio do that with AB2?

    Preventing hacks/cheats must not be one of their core values because when one thinks about this situation they are cheating the honest players from having a positive experience in playing their games. In short, the honest players are just not high on their priority list of things to do to “really” address this situation. It is really a sad and demotivating situation of circumstances.


    I really must be in the Apathy league. I have 200 points (Diamond) and everyone else in my league has 60 or less :)



    In a few more hours Faisal mentioned above went from 533 to 800 which seems a lot of points in a short time.


    Come on Rovio, it can’t be that difficult to encrypt temp files on the mobile device and/or traffic between mobile device and Rovio…


    @marinicm, @bankler

    as an update to my post above: I was returned to the original league group. Bye for now, ABC



    Well another week ruined by the hack Carl with 1688 points in the first few hours of the first day…wow what a downer…

    Any estimation on when the hacks will be dealt with so we can enjoy the game again?


    @bankler and others

    It happened again. Most of the week I was competing in the same group with chances of gaining a Top 5 spot. Yesterday I was moved around into various groups about six or seven times (for game re-entries). Now it went stable and I ended up in a rather competitive group being placed on rank 8. My wish would be a fix, so that it makes sense and motivation is kept up. Have a nice weekend, ABC



    With 21 hours remaining looks like Carl has increased his score to 1696. Hope you have been permitted or the programmers at Rovio have taken the step to stop this hacker.

    Another week of him taking the fun out of the game is really to much for the honest players who play the game as it was designed.

    There is a pic of Carl in my album for you review if needed.

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